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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. In this piece I imagine ecstasy-laden, alcohol-bloated 15-year-old virgin ladies desperately attempting to rhythmically move their tired, heavy and large-feeling limbs while holding back the vomit rising up their gorge with laughter in an ancient haunted mansion while their ghost host lurks about waiting for his moment to penetrate their defenses and end their pitiful existences! I likey.
  2. I suppose the point of reviewing this song would be somewhat moot given how old it is as I'm sure the artist has progressed since having made this. But! For mostly a cover of the original song (I really did play both Chi no Rondo and Dracula X), however, it's catchy, and if you jack up the volume it's not that bad of a listen.
  3. I played Castlevania Adventure maybe twice, and I think they poorly adapted the Castlevania franchise to the small, black and white (green-gray pre-Pocket i guess) screen. And the music wasn't all that great IMO. That is, until McVaffe got his hands on it. The rain? Awesome. Even if it still sounds Gameboy-ish, there's more than enough going on to sate you.
  4. This doesn't so much capture the creepiness of the original but it does have an ominous, brooding feel to it. The maniacal laughing is a plus, too
  5. My gripes are that it's short and sticks too much to the source. Would have been better if it had been a little longer and uniquer (I think McVaffe himself made a note in that OCR interview about... like.. not expanding upon the great ideas he had?). Makes me feel like I'm in spice. I mean space. Why did I right spice? Write. It's solid, unlike my writing at the momento. ...Moment...
  6. It seems like nobody is listening to these pieces that I listen to. And if they do, much like me up until this second, they aren't reviewing them :/ Anywho, this is a fun take on a straightforward song and makes it... chaotically... interesting. well, not so chaotic, but it certainly breaks down the melody into a few pieces. I didn't really hear the second half of the melody (the part that doesn't repeat itself 1632 times) but that's alright, maybe if there was another section devoted to the second half of the song it would be more interesting, but it's still interesting. Good driving music for me.
  7. I agree with the notion that it can't hold your attention easily. Unless you're paying attention to it. But on the whole I think the song is interesting, especially if you're trying to just chill, relax, slip away somewhere, hear a pretty slow scale go up and down... a few times, etc.
  8. This song actually inspired me to write a poem about the bitter shortness of life: how long it takes for us to grow our wings and take flight, and how soon it must be that we land (hopefully peacefully and by our own will) and ... end. You can hear it in the distance - a glimmer of hope - with the ringing around :20, and you can hear it scream at 1:00, and you can hear a contentment only achievable after having experienced and tasted all that this life has to offer at 1:38-1:55... and again, at 1:56, hope comes back.. hope that, however short this life has been, that what's left to come - indeed the rest - will be just as pleasant, and all the while... life hovers on. Well, I guess i made up my own ideas of this piece but hey! that's what you gotta do. keeps things interesting. I think this piece would have gotten boring if it had been any longer.
  9. I enjoyed (enjoy? since I still do?) this remix. It's a little slow at first, but... it's like a sort of climax (here I go with the sexual innuendo), when you finally get somewhere and things happen.
  10. I fully expect the great WIP-forum kings to dominate this thread and give you the most useful constructive criticism on your growing a capella ouevre. In fact, no I don't. There's nothing that can be done to make this any more perfect. And let's face it, it's not like you're going to rerecord these anyway. Good sir, I will be looking for your name in the papers in a few months, headlines including your name and "makes millions off latest a capella tour", of course, that headline just covering one of the many tours you will be doing monthly. Er, uhm, what was your name again? (good, funny stuff you've made lol)
  11. Just listened to this song because... well, I don't remember why I decided to listen to it; never seriously played FF:X or anything. This song, along with AP's Terra remix, are two examples of awesome tracks that help explain why the 6/4 // 6/8 time signatures are my favorite. edit: alright. this is cruel - it's hardly a review. so here goes. There's a lingering sense of adventure in the back pocket of a girl who is deep down equally afraid of the world, but slowly and deliberately she realizes her thrill-seeking esprit will have its time to thrive in what feels like the coldest winter .... with the help of her flame. maybe. something like that. whatever it is, i really enjoy this. Beautiful vocals (not surprising, but pleasant through and through) - as much as I like the vibe of this mix, adding them kinda made this remix. The lyrics are great. hand percussion is intricate and engaging and are a real standout for me, though i question some of the mixing. some things sound so... distant in a tube far far away.
  12. Although it's one of his somewhat-(relatively-not-even-ok-enough-with-the-hyphens-already-!-)-older pieces, it's one that makes me wish that Gray were still remixing on this site. It's one of those remixes you wish were longer, that it could be grander, epickier, and bigger, but not necessarily that it could be any BETTER, because it's already real slick.
  13. Hm, I think you addressed the bend at 2:53 that rozovian was talking about in this update. I'mma listen to it on headphones to see if you've addressed a few other things i was thinking about bringing up.
  14. I don't think the game really sucks, but I'm about to keep replaying Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia because I like the music so damn much. And I dislike the arrangement of An Empty Tome. Gr.. I kind of started playing Lineage 2 again because the Intro theme was spontaneously stuck in my head. Then I quit. So the music isn't everything obviously for me.
  15. I'm excited. Let me have a listen. (i'll edit this post) Wish I could give constructive feedback. Bah. In reality I'm afraid I'd be pulling a Charlie Gordon (if anybody catches my flowers for algernon allusion...) much like I had above. (Crap, I'm completely relating to Charlie Gordon at this point! maybe I'll become more musically inclined just to go along with the whole mental abilities flourishing analogy, only to have it all waste away...) Er, sorry. As far as critiquing the sound of your new parts, I feel like your melodies sound much more... optimistic, some parts even bordering on touchy-feely-goodness. Case in point: 2:55-3:11. It might have something to do with the production adjustments you've made, too. It's also notable in the harmony (which you've modified) at about 2:30-2:35. Maybe you'll win the judges over with your song touching and feeling up in their private places. Especially that Larry fellow.
  16. A 1.0 eh? Not bad. I've had Songbird installed for quite a while now in windows, and it works pretty good. I'll definitely give the 1.0 a try. Still. I <3 amarok.
  17. Personally I'm finding that I don't write well for competitions. lol. But as far as rules go, i think my only point of contention is whether or not you can resubmit a work for a later competition... Maybe you shouldn't be able to submit an old work again... But what if it was a really good piece? Hm.. I'm not sure really.
  18. I officially dislike my poem, after the 24 hour period from creating it has passed. Where's the rhythm :/
  19. Soon by Yousef Reda Why is life so bittersweet? A sustainment most duplicitous, an apple so ripe on the outside, so innocuous... But what say the worms within into which our mouths collide upon first innocent bite? Was it just yesterday? So blindly did I caress with my lips, adore with my tongue, penetrate with my teeth... So eagerly did I step forward and undertake an undertaking most overtaking. But on such a dreary winding path have I been for so long traveling. And in my mind a little voice begs: "Where will this end?" "Maybe the next one won't be as bad. Maybe it'll be deliciously crunchy." My voice resonates with... nothing. I am alone: a sole, unsoulless soul. Hello Bitter. Where is Sweet? Sooner or later I must surely find him. Just a few steps further, just a few minutes more... Soon minutes turn into hours, and hours into days, and days into decades. My soul shall so soon rot, turn stale and sour, as has my flesh on this straining, lonesome night. Soon dawn shall strike down upon the earth, the sun spattering rays of hope through the apple orchards, chaste and pristine, through the weeping willows, tired and withered, to vindicate my lying body with my honest soul, and I shall have found my way. Soon.
  20. As much as I feel like an ass for failing to provide proper feedback, I will be the horrible artist that I am and submit something regardless. I have been working on something and it's still needing work. So... I'll be working on it i guess in the next day.
  21. Is that legal?
  22. Does a remix such as this up the value of my Solar Jetman cartridge? (It'd better lol)
  23. made huge for emphasis because it's what really makes this all the better imo. Except when you're in your Toyota, then you really dig terrible vocal arrangements of Terra, no?
  24. Hilarious as it may be, how does it have anything to do with super mario RPG? edit: i mean the gameplay of super mario rpg.
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