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Everything posted by SoulinEther

  1. lulzz. ah, no wonder i fail.
  2. Well, considering what I have seen in compos at OCR, and I guess from people in general, procrastination will always be a major factor. I can't speak for Kaleb on this one but I agree, four months would not necessarily result in better/more entries... but I think announcing it early will help attract more people, many of whom will express intent and not follow through, but surely we'll see new talent this time. At least this will dispel some of the "wait, when did this happen and how did I miss out on it?" confusion.
  3. When it comes to making something relatively long and challenging as a hobby that may require time coordination between multiple participants, all of whom are managing other (more important and immediate) obligations, four months is not as long as it sounds. You cite the music video for Thriller, but you are ignoring the monetary incentive behind its production for all parties involved... surely I'll make space for something if it sustains my livelihood. And we're not including editing.... lol. I'll see what I can do for this one - hopefully I can start shooting on the weekends. And if I move as I plan, shooting this video will require a 70+ mile commute each day of filming (hurray for 4 months).
  4. threads about Apple products are always a great way to start (and end) the day... sigh, and I'm doing neither.
  5. I HAZ INTENT. seriously this time i'll do it.
  6. It has an air of sturdiness to it which I am definitely digging - probably comes from the fact that it actually has depth/another side/ice cream in the middle damn it now i'm hungry.
  7. Well, I'm still in the middle of the microcritiquing, but I was pretty saddened to see that you tied for last place with me (I wasn't saddened that I came in last though). I thought the story was well-contained and the "walk and talk" (more like walk and backstory, lol) approach worked for me - leading well into the main event of the plot. Something about that conflict and the climax didn't sit well with me. Things didn't seem to be happening at an even pace, I think, and the fairly long remarks by Jason coupled with the fast and brief action in the surroundings didn't help on that front. Plus, it seemed a little unrealistic, too perfect that the protagonist evaded all harm? --- Maybe I should try to qualify my story before the microcritiques pour in, so that maybe I could get more constructive criticism on what I feel I'm weak on (though I might be weak in more ways than I think). I was aiming for something short with fairly open-ended characters in a situation that people could relate to on an issue. Am I mistaken in not giving my characters more depth? Should I be putting in more narrative and past events so that the characters and the emotions seem more... real? Or, as Jam Stunna put it, was the emotion just not strong enough on its own?
  8. we should have one here too. .....except it's far and expensive. lol.
  9. check the thread in the WIP forum to make sure but this was the inspiration for his remix, and I believe he sampled the vox here for his mix.
  10. birthday happy!
  11. i read this as "may he enjoy a dull fake call of birthday tide cleaning!" but i might very well be crazy. happy birthday.
  12. i predicted i would come in last woo! congrats to you both and all who participated. I'm working on short critiques.
  13. snappy clappy birthday. i hope the good birthday vibe things get all cooped up in your life for the day.
  14. regardless of the winner, I just wanted to say that I was impressed by the range of genres and styles this round saw, and reading all the entries was as highly enjoyable as voting for only a few was difficult.
  15. oy i am disorganized. 4 days and I'm pretty busy in every one of em.
  16. and it's not even midnight for me lol... crap. ok.
  17. last year I donated as a reverse birthday gift, but I don't know if I'll be able to this year. whatever the case, I'll continue to randomly promote you guys in my videos (by use of music) as I see fit. I may even make a few references to April being support OCR month in my next few videos.
  18. It's moderately satisfying. Per workout, maybe I'd be more satisfied if I could work myself a little harder (hard for me to do with free weights, especially without a spotter), but on the whole I definitely think it is worth my time, and every time I get the feeling to just quit, I remember that I wasn't in this shape just a few months back. to meteo, there is no such thing as spot reduction. if you want to lose fat in one area, you need to lose fat everywhere. ....or get liposuction.
  19. See my first post along with gibbo's response(s). things are going fairly smoothly for me, as long as i keep motivated. I can comfortably curl 35s now (up from ~22lbs about 2 months ago) and pushups aren't a thing of death anymore (I think the weight loss helped with this...though i won't say i'm not getting a stronger chest, I know I would get better results with a bench)
  20. I hear you on that one... aside from the use of my username lol.
  21. yeah but a capital a looks stupid. i don't really care at this point, lol.

  22. while neblix is insistent upon an alternation between capitals/lowercase, i am insistent upon a sort of palindrome where the caps are balanced across the name. obviously this needs the blind man himself to come and sort out for a conclusive answer. who else.. some of ffmusicdj.
  23. maybe bEaThEavEn is more appropriate for bLiNd.
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