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Everything posted by PROTO·DOME

  1. itrs a birthdaty
  2. Right. So I've done a lot of audio stuff now and I've never bothered to give my mono, combined image much thought. Listening to ANYTHING I've done in mono is a terrible, terrible experience. Phase cancellation, odd reverb tails and distant sounding leads. Trying to work around this problem results in bland soundscapes where complex textures and synths are avoided because they just sound too weak in mono. So the question is, what do you do and should I really be mixing to cater for all sound systems?
  3. (The guy's a nutcase, skip the intro.)
  4. Yeah I fucking hate him.
  5. Everything Virt has done over the past five years. Or ever.
  6. prettymuch
  7. Where are you based?
  8. Shame you couldn't break away from the default RPG Maker graphics/UI. That'll be a turn off for some.
  9. Ha. Awesome. Love the spriteart.
  10. Rock of Ages. Best multiplayer fun I've had in a long time.
  11. I think we should make a new subforum, just for threads like this.
  12. I've done this in every game ever; Pokémon is incredibly broken.All you need to do is grind a bit before the first Gym, then you're always at least ten (if not twenty) levels higher than anything else in the game. Easy mode engaged.
  13. Is it terrible that I miss the spriteart already?
  14. You have Nando's over in the USA?If I ever have to visit I'll be a happy man.
  15. The boldest of tales. A fine read.
  16. Anyone contacted Soundcloud regarding this charming gentleman?
  17. Hate to unnecessarily bump this, but I just gotta say thanks guys. Super glad you're diggin' it.
  18. Hey gang! New album! With vocals! And chiptunes! Free 'till tomorrow! The text is a pyramid! Here's some links! (Ruined it.) http://protodome.bandcamp.com/album/blueshift http://ubiktune.com/releases/ubi056-protodome-blueshift PS- Amusingly, my bracketed commentary on how I ruined the text pyramid actually helped to fix it. However, as the little commentary is now longer applicable, I am forced to remove it. Now the pyramid is broken I am encouraged to comment on this again, thus entering an eternal, ceaseless loop.
  19. If the world had ended then perhaps Brandon would have only gotten to post once in this thread.
  20. Are you kidding? Do I even need to remind you of Nintendo's current, irritating mantra?
  21. Being honest, most eight to ten year olds seem to like CoD over Nintendo franchises and such. If anything, Black Ops is a kid's game.
  22. Perhaps this year's resolution should be to not make jokes that don't age well.
  23. Hope you guys are having fun without TLS Pocket Limiter.
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