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Everything posted by nrich

  1. I'm a little disappointed man. the cover art and title itself had me in hopes for some weird spastic electro. it's pretty good but yknow, basic stuff. density, subtlety and compression are your best friends in dance music. record your next one to be bigger than you think you would ever make it and success will roll in.
  2. wtf are you smoking and why do you continue to smoke it
  3. soe's queens? what an awful and obvious choice
  4. hi, i've just been really terrible about this and consequently every other oc remix in the past. i mean, i haven't even listened to the dkc2 album yet either. if i finally get something going bahamut, i'll most likely send it to you when it's finished rather than a wip... i work in bursts and i work until i'm done, so even if it's last minute it'll get finished regardless. i've just been a real a-hole with the process which is probably why friends don't like working with me lol
  5. imo
  6. guitars felt too digital and washed out, they could've benefit from more tape saturation (maybe more variance, too? open string chugs are almost too obvious). at least the drums didn't sound TOO programmed like most people have them, but again, also could've benefit from some compression and saturation to bring out the "crack" in the snare. the cymbals bothered me a little as well. the arrangement is all right, i wasn't that impressed and all the dissonant riffs in the breakdowns were cheap (bands like korn abuse them, it's been done) but yknow, it's metalcore. loule
  7. :\ why must every ocremix album have a cheesy comedy/hip hop track?
  8. chill the FUCK out dude, it really pisses me off to see people like you get so far up their ass that they can get away with being pricks to new and lesser known users. yeah, it's 2010, i think a lot of people understand the use of google and what it's there for. doesn't mean you need to berate a guy for posting a thread for some insight from actual people who might know what he's talking about and even possibly discuss the content itself. if you have no decency to be polite, like fuck if i'm gonna comply myself. take it to IRC and dick around with your butt buddies there if you feel so inclined to be ridiculous. what a disappointment
  9. sixto and heatnix is a match made in heaven
  10. lol wow, this fuckin guy. begone
  11. i haven't even had an interest for final fantasy soundtracks i've never played the games for. if there isn't an "emotional" or nostalgic connection, it's very uninteresting to me. same goes for games that i haven't played period. secret of mana, super metroid, earthbound...never fully played, can't appreciate what most people see in them. o whale
  12. hey dude i think it looks great. everyone else just seems to be a picky whiner!
  13. brand spankin new samson C01U podcasting package and a copy of hawnay troof's daggers at the moon. balla
  14. love my way by the psychedelic furs... . there once was a time where i enjoyed this until i learned to appreciate 80s pop rock over nu metal
  15. i felt justified in this thread to be finally bitching about the time i got the hilda garde in ffix for the first time after slaving hours and hours into the game only to have my entire memory card /quit on me. sure i lost a ton of other game files but it was ffix that mattered the most. i still haven't beaten the game to this day even after that incident years ago :\ ...then i read the biznut's post and felt like a puss. your friend was such a blowhard
  16. reg'd, hook a padre up. i might actually be able to contribute geetars for once nice to see the deadlines aren't too bad. get it onnnnn
  17. djp of course chop chop mr pretzels
  18. cmonnnnn, didn't you see how long it took for the ffiv project to finally come into fruition? development vs release are two different things, and with a release i can agree that another ff album so shortly right after the last would be on the ricockulous side. however, it's fair game otherwise
  19. wtf @ the guy recommending napolean dynamite. obscure my fuzzy ass i'll echo oldboy primarily because it's the best damn foreign film i've seen next to the non-dubbed police story. sweet and lowdown is a great and lesser known flick with sean penn; he does a pretty great job with the egotistical, misunderstood rockstar role. primer is a time travel mindfuck that boasts an insane replay value (to me anyway). nic cage's acting in adaptation rivals his older classic movies, and who can forget david lynch's blue velvet and lost highway? most of these i realize are pseudo-obscure since a lot of film outlets regard them as timeless gems, but they're put plainly some of my personal favorites that i think any movie buff should watch if you want a decent cheatsheet to refer to, check out empire's top 500. goes great with a netflix subscription
  20. sounds like an over compressed sailor moon soundtrack...louleville i don't know man, reasons why i liked shit like the ff7 too much fighting remix was the production values, and there quite doesn't seem to be any on this. it's rushed and almost too dainty to enjoy (hence sailor moon) not trying to be a buzzkill, well maybe i am, but i was expecting some top notch electronica and was severely let down :\
  21. dibs on chill penguin, hopefully it won't be too popular with the bros around here. this sounds like a wickedly substantial project regardless
  22. it's all right, not a fan of how dry the mix is, and the lifeless drum samples clash with the guitar element in an awkward manner. it would've benefited greatly from even a little more reverb to fill the background
  23. i'm feeling good about coming out of ocr hiatus for this. i'll shoot a wip your way soon, mephy
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