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Everything posted by ftninja

  1. Congratulations, Kinslayer. You have with this single quote, singlehandedly swiped the "Douche of the Decade" title from none other than Kanye West. How does it feel to be a bigger fuckwadded asshole than Mr. Selfishness himself? Yo, I'm real happy for you, and i'mma letchu finish, but...oh, Kinslayer? Take the stage, bra. I'm out.
  2. *ganks* SEE YA! lol Edit: JIZZZ THIS IS AWESOME!
  3. how daaaaaaaaaaaaaare you
  4. Mmmmmm citrusy! Just what I need to kick this cold! Comes at just the right time, downloading as we speak! I mean...as I type!
  5. Just throwing in my two cents. DKC3 is said to be terrible, but I still had fun with it, as a gamer. Sure they let go of Diddy and threw in...Kiddy Kong? I liked the game, even though i was annoyed by Kiddy's heaviness. And aside from the Jib Jigs and jungle tracks from the first two games, I really enjoyed the waterfall track from DKC3. I mean, come on. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YP0qBEZosM I really got into that track. I'm surprised nobody's remixed it yet, but that's another beef for another time.
  6. Heh. I've started something, I think. anyway, Kefka Phoenix Wright (sure, why not) Red from Pokemon
  7. Why oh why is it that nobody's mentioning Kefka (Final Fantasy 6) or even Vaati (Minish Cap)? These characters were memorable and awesome...
  8. Yes. You must be my friend.

  9. Yay, my homepage doesn't rape my eyes anymore!
  10. Ah, 3D. Because everyone wants to have a headache if it's poorly rendered. Personally, I think 3D is a cool option for a tv/movie, but only if you can turn it off in the settings. I've gone to see Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, Clash of the Titans and How to Tame Your Dragon all in 3D. I had a headache a few days after each movie and felt kind of sick after walking out of the theater (no, it was nothing I ate). Yes, 3D is cool. But not all the time. Immersing yourself like that is more trouble than it's worth if you have bad eyes (more than likely, if you grew up a gamer) or have a head condition or something. I myself kind of scoff at the concept of the 3DS, but i'm still wondering if they'll pull it off well. The DSi is still recent,and the XL is still in the process of being released (correct me if I'm wrong, but i haven't seen any actual units for sale in my area, just displays). Do we really need another unit hot on its heels? Really? Just my opinion.
  11. Wasn't me, dad, it was Roy!

  12. Of the games that were listed, I'm looking forward to Portal 2. I'm also GREATLY anticipating Golden Sun. Oh yes. And one title I was intrigued by (but wouldn't play, not my style) was the return of Splatterhouse. For a game that was on a rather old console, this makes me curious. What other "dead" titles will they bring back? Is there still hope for Earthbound to eventually appear on the Wii?
  13. Let me guess, you prefer the atari originals over anything else? Why the hell are you on a video game remix forum when you hate remixes? GTFO. You don't be disrespecting people like that.
  14. LOLZ. :3 Also, i am so glad you guys aren't completely gone. It would have made me epically sad in my pants.
  15. This is great. I wonder when other sources will be added. I LOVE THE VOCALS!!! Great job!
  16. I demand this remix hit every single club in America. Another Soundscape invades the DJ booth - this is what i want to see. Because that guy belongs there.
  17. i find it hilarious that you've added your pestering of me for pics of daisy to that "Odd Thread" in Offtopic. That tickled me to death to read, no lie.

  18. Kadosho, you do realize this was just one person who did this remix album. Right?
  19. Happy Happy Birthday Birthday! *gives cookies to both*
  20. doing alright, doing alright. seen better days, but i've also seen worse.

  21. Oh MY GOD. I have hearted this song since I first played the game, and i love your treatment of it. I agree with Swann. I would say recording the guitar would certainly sound different, if not better, but it certainly depends on what you want to do. I still heart it. <3
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