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    djpretzel got a reaction from Ivaer in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    Aight I got like a minute of something that resembles retrowave, and I'm gonna stick with it, cheese guitar solo & all ::)
  2. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Jorito in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    Aight I got like a minute of something that resembles retrowave, and I'm gonna stick with it, cheese guitar solo & all ::)
  3. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Rest1 in OCR03916 - SaGa Frontier "Abomination"   
    my God, I do not believe, 12 years waiting for a new remix of @about:blank and finally it resurfaces with its solitude in something new, and incredibly 'alone'. an incredible remix that deserves all the artist's worth, okay let's just say I have not gotten over 'Acrophobia' yet in my opinion it's in my top 3 favorite remixes of the site. the whole situation of loneliness and fall, that really moved me for 12 years, and finally waiting so long it resurfaces with another magical composition, thanks for the return and please do not forget us and post more, thanks
  4. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Ivaer in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    Hey I opened Ableton and... thought about the arrangement, for at least ten minutes It's something! The easiest, fastest, and most fun approach is to turn my relatively sad/somber source into, well.... something funky, and even a little disco.
  5. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Black_Doom in OCR03913 - Jet Grind Radio "Butterfly Spy"   
    Ohhh, so dope! I've been playing a LOT of JSR/JGR lately, and this is just what I needed. "Sneakman" is one of my personal favorites form the soundtrack because of how energetic and juicy it is, and Caleb did it a wonderful job arranging this song. He managed to maintain the crazy vibes of the original, while bringing a new dose of freshness and funk to the table. The instrumentation is also very reminiscent of the original - same insane chunks of slap bass, wah-wah, breakneck percussion, and yet there were some new details like the brilliant synth and organ solos! The abused vocal sampling may throw some people off, but I really like it - that is actually one of the features of the original composition that made it so attractive for me! The incorporation of bits of "Fly Like a Butterfly" was also very cool here - they shuffled the things a bit, while keeping everything quite cohesive, which is obviously always nice! Very good job, thanks for making this. Gonna put this one on repeat for sure
  6. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Jivemaster in OCR03913 - *YES* Jet Grind Radio "Butterfly Spy" *RESUB*   
    Well done. While the main melody is quite repetitive, the creative use of samples and dropping layers in/out gives this a similar style and feel to the original soundtrack. This would likely be my main criticism as well, in that your mix takes a lot of cues/inspiration from the original soundtrack, and while not necessarily a bad thing on its own, it would have been nice to hear some further creative exploration of the piece. That criticism aside, mixing is good, arrangement progression is good and mix duration frames the content appropriately.
  7. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Souperion in OCR03912 - Final Fantasy IV "Tales of Courage and Sorrow"   
    Exquisite. You really captured a story-telling vibe in this piece, which is more than appropriate for the source. From the woodwinds to the percussion, it's wondrous and enthralling. Always good to have more Tripp music!
  8. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Abadoss in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    Hey I opened Ableton and... thought about the arrangement, for at least ten minutes It's something! The easiest, fastest, and most fun approach is to turn my relatively sad/somber source into, well.... something funky, and even a little disco.
  9. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Jorito in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    Hey I opened Ableton and... thought about the arrangement, for at least ten minutes It's something! The easiest, fastest, and most fun approach is to turn my relatively sad/somber source into, well.... something funky, and even a little disco.
  10. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Gario in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    Alright, I admit I've been distracted for the past few weeks working on other OCR staff projects behind the scenes, so I've neglected to properly follow up on the last WIP update. I see the next one has passed, so because this was on the head of the directors I'm pushing the last two dates back by three weeks. It won't happen again, folks, so be thankful for the breathing room. I am literally not allowed to delay this project again (it will likely simply be cancelled if it's on delay again), so please take these dates seriously even if I'm slow on updating the thread.
    @Moseph and @Ivan Hakštok need to get in touch with me - I would like to coordinate with you two about your tracks, since they're quite important. I also gotta bug DjP 'bout his track in a bit, but that's just project tradition. I also have to get my tracks finished, because... well, yeah.  
  11. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Lemonectric in New album: Expedition to PL21-13   
    A couple years ago, I released Zest Quest, an original album about fruit planets. Since then, I’ve decided to make more music set in the same universe, and I just released number 2!
    Expedition to PL21-13
    It contains a mishmash of retro sounds with an emphasis on things that sounded purple to me, paired with a story about unpaid interns searching a swampy alien planet for a robot sent by their ancestors hundreds of years ago. If you’re into flavor text, there's a full description on Bandcamp, and the album download comes with a 5-page PDF of log entries.
    The original concept for the album had no narrative context...but it turned out that giving it a story and connecting it to Zest Quest unleashed a rush of motivation. Now I’m looking forward to all the possibilities for fleshing out this universe. Hope you enjoy!

  12. Like
    djpretzel reacted to LamanKnight in OCR03907 - Chrono Trigger "As Blew the Winds, So Forward Marched Time"   
    I'm not really a student of music, so I can't comment on what composers this remix reminds me of. But I am a brass player, and I can say that I will never complain about a remix using so many horns! (Seriously, can we get some more of those, anybody? I would love that, if anybody is looking to try it out.)
    This is radically different from any other remix of this song that I've heard, and I love that. If someone were to have said to me, "OK, picture a song from Chrono Trigger, but in an old-time cinematic style that borders between symphonic and jazz," I would have never assumed I'd find that appealing. But, now that I hear it, I enjoy it! So thanks for making and sharing this, JohnStacy.
  13. Thanks
    djpretzel reacted to Black_Doom in OCR03900 - Secret of Mana "What the Ocean Taught the Forest"   
    Oh boy, yes! This is a true masterpiece. I've been listening to this track a lot since the album came out  This is certainly one of my personal highlights of RotPL and just one of the best jams of Mr. Pretzel! I love playing this track when I'm in a good mood, and vice versa - pretty much every time I'm frown I put this track on repeat until I feel better, because this track is just... Pure happiness in musical form, I guess. I also love how this track is structured - you've got a nice tropical sonic journey sandwiched between mellower piano-led intro and outro, and that journey itself is quite an experience on it own - there're some straight-up joyful bouncy bits mixed with somewhat calmer parts, which are no less fantastic! The divesre instrumentation is also what makes me appreciate this piece so much - especially dig that sunny flute and groovy bass, haha. Huge kudos for this work, David <3
  14. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Mr. Hu in OCR03900 - Secret of Mana "What the Ocean Taught the Forest"   
    This is quite a toe-tapper. Absolutely get a "Graceland" vibe. This kind of mixing of multiple hi-mid instruments is something I struggle with, so I'm impressed by that as well.
  15. Like
    djpretzel reacted to timaeus222 in OCR03903 - Mega Man X3 & X6 "Beetle Dopplerganger"   
    Finally, this sees the light of day! One of my favorites from this remix compo, and it exemplifies your jazz theory background (iirc).
  16. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Saunders in OCR Turns Ten Today! Celebrations?   
    Oh my god the site is going to be 20 this year. 
  17. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from timaeus222 in Ads on OC ReMix YouTube Channel   
    We're proceeding with this action for all videos and will see how it goes; we are equally concerned about diversifying support for the site AND also the promotion/marketing angle, since we believe YouTube highlights monetized content more aggressively (or, if you prefer, tends to de-emphasize non-monetized content)
  18. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from smartpoetic in Ads on OC ReMix YouTube Channel   
    We're proceeding with this action for all videos and will see how it goes; we are equally concerned about diversifying support for the site AND also the promotion/marketing angle, since we believe YouTube highlights monetized content more aggressively (or, if you prefer, tends to de-emphasize non-monetized content)
  19. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Tables in OCR03896 - Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun "Partons à l'Aventure"   
    Oh heck yes! I wasn't familiar with this game's soundtrack but I do love me some good AJG <3 still waiting for someone to remix The Smurfs' Nightmare hahaha
    This remix is really well done! Kind of gives me a vibe of a futuristic-vibed old school adventure, and the vocoder has a really interesting texture that compliments the rest of the smoother stabby synths. Great job!
  20. Like
    djpretzel got a reaction from Ivaer in Lufia II: Of Gods and Men   
    Excited to revive the momentum and glad to be on board! This album WILL be released in 2019!
  21. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Mr. Hu in OCR03893 - Skies of Arcadia "Undervalued"   
    This reeds and voices in this are very intimate, which juxtapose the industrial-ish drums so, so well. It also paints a very clear picture of the condition of Valua as an environment, even more so than the original. Man. I love this track. 
  22. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Darkflamewolf in OCR03893 - Skies of Arcadia "Undervalued"   
    This track got passed around to a few remixers until it landed onto Kylok's lap. He had a specific vision and he went with it. It was Modus who stepped in front and center to really deliver the hard feedback to make this a standout track. Where it was initially mixed soft, he wanted it pumped out louder and specific instrumentation to be more felt to invoke the mood and feel of our first time traversing Valua City ourselves in SOA and feeling the grime, grit and despair of that city. Kudos to Kylok for bringing it all into stark reality for us.
  23. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Modus in OCR03893 - Skies of Arcadia "Undervalued"   
    All credit goes to Kylok for really nailing his concept and execution. The remix is greatly enhanced by playing Skies, walking through Valua, experiencing the heavy poverty, and the NPCs telling stories of loss. It's such an iconic segment of the game.
  24. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Kylok in OCR03893 - Skies of Arcadia "Undervalued"   
    Thanks all, and especially to Modus and DFW! Proud to have inspired the one and only judging conflict.
  25. Like
    djpretzel reacted to Black_Doom in OCR03887 - Chrono Cross, Star Control II & Wonder Boy in Monster Land "Liskojytä"   
    Not familiar with the original as well, but yeah, this is some damn nice job! The groovy, crunchy drums is certainly my favorite thing about this track. I mean, the rest of instrumentation is very cool too (those chippy bits are super stellar), but the percussion just makes me tap my toes and bop my head quite a few times, haha. The drum writing at around 2-minute mark is especially tasty! And, man, that aggressive synth assault at 2:40! Extremely sweet earcandy from Eino, just as expected
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