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Everything posted by TheKrow

  1. Well hey, it's gotta take a lot of skill to keep putting out similarly arranged material and still make it sound amazing. I've played many games with his music and haven't noticed until it was actually pointed out to me. Nevertheless, no one here is complaining, so let's wait and hope for the best.
  2. I have a feeling some VG composers think it's cool when they add their own "easter eggs" if you will to the video games they work on. I mean I doubt it could hardly be called that, but hey the designers do it so why can't the musicians? I'd like to have my own trademark
  3. Well, at least they kept consistent with Link and his left hand. For some reason I seem to remember Nintendo trying to specifically point out Link used his left hand...
  4. Well the lighting from his axe is most likely just an Unleash. It's only around his weapon and nothing else. Plus GS ALWAYS stays true to the hair color matching the character's psynergy, with the main cast anyway. But since they are descendants like you say, it will be interesting to see who they are...
  5. I agree with pretty much everything this intelligent person is saying. I wonder if Nintendo is going to take a Chrono Trigger-like plot to Metroid. It's extremely unlikely, but would make for an interesting game.
  6. They definitely look like descendants of Issac/Mia/Garet, but I'm going to guess only the blond-haired kid is actually Issac's son. The other two are probably just characters designed to look similar to Mia and Garet, or they might even be Issac/Mia/Garet, just a bit older. The reason I say this is because the Garet-looking guy does in fact look like Garet, and he even has the same clothes. It would be weird to make a supposed "younger" character look much older than the others, no? Ah well, I guess it all depends on the story, there could always be some twisted-ass plot no one forsees.
  7. Haha, you just wanted to use that soundfont I gave you, again. Anyway, it's pretty awesome Lemon, I'm glad you showed up with something fresh; hopefully we can cover all the genres because it's beginning to come relatively close. I'm not so much in a critiquey mood right now, so my words of wisdom may be few, but I suggest coming up with a killer solo between multiple instruments like with a marimba, steel drum, or whatever you choose to use.
  8. Wow, I'm totally having one of biggest nerdgasms of my life right now. For years I have waited for this, hoping it would be out at last years E3, but alas to no avail. Finally, it has appeared in front of me and I shall be expecting great things from this masterpiece. The "world" graphics style seems like it may be quirky, but the summons definitely look bad-ass to me. And for the sake of being a nerd the summons are: Eclipse, Nereid, Ramses, and Atalanta, in that order.
  9. Well yeah, I meant to say modern American / British rock. However on an off topic side note, British dance and house are starting to become some good shit.
  10. You must have become too used to OCR. And thanks, some of these songs sound pretty kick-ass, but I prefer I singer not a screamer, sorry. I sorta like Gordian Knot and Cynic, but it's uh... I guess I'm expecting more instrumental awesomeness like the bright piano or mute trumpet in Mad Tea Party. The extreme uniqueness is one reason I tend to favor Japanese music over American / British.
  11. Well, recently I was able to purchase a single from a favorite Japanese band of mine, and I found an interesting little B-side. Hell, I actually think B-sides almost always tend to sound better than the single they're on. This song is no exception. An awesome combination of some metal and jazz with many instrumental elements, including whistling. It won my heart right away, and I was wondering if anyone else perhaps knows of anything similar? Here's the song: D - Mad Tea Party
  12. Epic rock as always from Sixto. Every strum of his guitar makes me cry tears of joy. Also, this song kinda reminded me of Mega Man X games with that prominent lead synth.
  13. Man I really enjoyed this mix. It reminded me a little bit of a favorite band of mine, Groove Armada. I'm a big fan of house/dance/electronica, so this gets my full approval. The only thing I would change is perhaps reduce the amount of lyrical occurances in a song and leave more room for groove. Instrument layer progression would have been a good idea too, but I suppose i shouldn't be critiquing eh? Good stuff all around.
  14. I'll hit you up on that when I can find time to get to a recording studio, or somehow buy my own equipment. I've been thinking about just getting an electric drumkit to save some hassle, but it's never the same
  15. Hey, Harmony, just curious, but can you play that epically on a real drum set? I can, but I don't think I ever could play like that on a piano. All the little finger controls would drive me nuts.
  16. I promise I'll buy Groove Bias once I finally get Logic Pro 8. It may take a while, but stuff will happen, no worries. I've been looking for some phat drumz recently, as a matter-of-fact. And for some reason it seems like OCR is a bad place to advertise, which seems totally ridciulous.
  17. Rofl, I think I have the same shitty horn sample from "Corridors of Time" laying around my hard drive somewhere...
  18. Just curious, but how is everything else coming along for the project like artwork and the release site? Is everything almost complete, or not even?
  19. Simply amazing percussion work, it gets an A from me. Although I am a bit curious to how the name developed; it's freaking epic.
  20. Ah yes, sorry, I did mean "what". And as far as sounds go, I can definitely picture the song with a "boing-boing" sound of some sort.
  21. Dare I ask what this song was originally for?
  22. Thanks for the suggestions guys. I should have some time later this month to give these a more in-depth test.
  23. Well apparently, I shit a brick, so it must be pretty darn good. Props for Taucer singing in Swahili.
  24. Well while we're on the subject of ReMixer availability, I already started a WIP of the Overworld theme and it's coming along nicely, as in I haven't hit a road block just yet. I believe though, I'll either finish it myself, or ask someone who I've had in mind for a while. Not that I wouldn't want to collab with the amazing Hylian Lemon, it's just that I know he's busy, busy guy.
  25. Is it possible to get a genuine female voice tone from a male tone in FL studio? If so I have no idea how to do it, and just changing the pitch won't work. If anyone has any suggestions, please post.
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