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Everything posted by SuperiorX

  1. SPOILER ALERT INDEED! It is quite awesome
  2. Sure, no problem Bee Strader! I'm not worried about ya :-) I hope those source suggestions I gave you help, whenever you get around to starting the mix. Let me know if you need anything!

  3. Just about one year after you guys started the project. Well done sirs! I'm looking forward to hearing this!
  4. Just sent you a PM about hosting a compo! I forgot to mention, I think technically you're also supposed to run your idea by Doulifée, the Competitions forum mod, to make sure it is legit. I know I did beforehand and he didn't have any problems with it.

  5. Sounds good Dustin! I figured it'd be a bit longer on Chernabogue's mix since I know you're really busy with Gunstar Heroes. And cool, Sonic Boom was pretty much done other than some of the mixing crits we brought up, so I'll be looking forward to hearing the next version. Thanks!
  6. Next check-in date is this Saturday, June 1st! A lot of our tracks are making really good progress. Let's keep it up!
  7. Yeah very nice! You guys managed to take a very overdone theme and make it sound fresh. I really liked the arrangement and use of sfx too. Nice job!
  8. This was a fun little song, I quite enjoyed it! I like the playful atmosphere and instrumentation. The ending was a little anticlimactic, but very cool nonetheless!
  9. Hah! Yeah I bet! I can't wait to hear how your finish it up myself! :-)

  10. I like how every comment I've read online around the Temporal Duality trailer tends to involve "OMG I CAN'T WAIT TO HEAR THAT METALLIC MADNESS JP MIX". And it's a vocal track too! heh heh ;-)

  11. Yeah it's ok, not sure how I feel overall, but I'll need to listen to it a few more times once it's officially released. It is definitely a lot more laid back and chill than I was expecting, and definitely a lot different from some of the other Daft Punk albums. I think it's something that will grow on me when I'm in the mood for this style, but so far I wasn't blown away. There are a few songs I really enjoy though, particularly "Get Lucky" and "Give Life Back to Music". I honestly haven't heard much about it prior, so I can't really comment on it feeling "over-hyped" for me, because it wasn't.
  12. Oh yeeeeeeah, this is slick. Nice job guys! I love the beat Jordan, it does indeed have a nice funky "gangsta" feel to it. That solo section at 3:59 is awesome too, I absolutely love the instrument you have going on there! I like the concept for the track too, it's pretty cool, and the lyrics are pretty clever too. I'm not familiar with MC Final Sigma's work, but you've got a very particular delivery and voice that I think fits this style perfectly. I think a few of your words could be accentuated a little more clearly at the end of a line, but overall I was digging it. Jordan, I'm really liking your singing vocals too, they're a great complement to Sigma's raps. It might be cool to layer some of your vocals with your singing an octave higher, as sort of an echo call-back effect at the end of a line, like: [normal] I'm looking for something [octave higher] something! I don't really have a lot of other comments. I'm really enjoying the beat and vocals here, can't wait to hear some more!
  13. Wow, I don't know how I missed this. I love the old Tyrian games and music . This is an awesome mix Liam, great job! The low end does feel a little empty (maybe a slight boost) but everything sounds very crisp and clear otherwise, well done!
  14. Yes, yay for nice Sonic fans! This album is gonna rock. Let's stay on topic now pleeeeease! I've started working on a Metallic Madness JP Good Future mix! It's pretty neat and I'm going to collab with Phonetic Hero on it too. Yay!
  15. Yeah they definitely seem like a hard bunch to please, and I was taken aback by quite a few of the comments on that website. But ultimately I know we can't please everyone and there are always going to be haters in any aspect of life no matter what you do, so I'm not letting it bother me. The vast majority of comments I've read across the internet are very positive, and I know and we know, that we're making a kick-ass album that we should all be very proud of. I did, however, really enjoy that one guy, who so aptly replied to the other comments "what the f@$k is wrong with you guys?" Haters are always going to hate on vocal remixes no matter what. Plus it's really hard to tell the quality of a vocal remix by only listening to a 25 second clip. The vocal remixes we have on this album are honestly some of the best I've heard. Fine, it's one thing if you just don't like vocal mixes, but you have to at least acknowledge that it sounds well made. And yeah, for some people, anything that gets in the way of the "nostalgia" of the original source just doesn't sit well. There is a difference between just making a cover and making a remix/re-arrangement. OCR makes remixes/re-arrangements. It's not, nor will it ever be, for everyone.
  16. Are there any rules on collaborations in this compo? I'm assuming it's not allowed, but I didn't see anything specifically either way in the first post. Since I wasn't able to dedicate the time to sign up for the full thing, I wouldn't mind doing a solo or something small with someone (either team) during one of the rounds. If that is allowed of course. Just curious.
  17. Oh my! Yeah, no problem! I just wanted to make sure you got it and hoped it was helpful! Thanks!

  18. Hey Brandon, did my PM with Sonic CD ideas help at all?

  19. Awesome job man! This has got such a chill & relaxed vibe to it, I love it. I really like the percussion work too!
  20. We'll see... we don't have that many, and I don't really intend to add a lot more. As it is now I've just been adding people that truly have a unique idea for a remix that will add diversity to the project. Plus I really think I'd rather keep the tracks organized onto their respective discs, so that 3rd disc doesn't just feel tacked on. Everything is working out well though! Yeah exactly. They aren't bonus tracks, if anything 'alternate' is more appropriate, but even that makes them sound like they somehow aren't equal to the rest of the album, which isn't the intent. They are just more mixes with unique ideas that'll be on the album!
  21. Oh man, I'd love to do this, but I definitely can't make the time commitment right now. Good luck to everyone involved, I'll definitely be checking out the mixes!
  22. Jivemaster achievement unlocked EDIT: FYI - he's sent me a WIP that will be quite unique from anything else we have on the project currently, so that's cool!
  23. This is probably my favorite TGH Bubble Man mix to date. So smooth and sooo groovy. I love that lead solo towards the end too! I remember this being one of my favs from the WCRG. Nice job!
  24. Ha! This would be awesome! My two favorite game series! I'm going to have to check out those comics too...
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