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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. This ReMix really surprised me first time I heard it, cause I wasn't expecting it at all. It shows that Josh isn't just a funky Mixer, and he can still add funk to heavy-hitting sounds. I just have to say I love how dirty the beginning is. I really do. The "buzzing" part of Blast Hornet's stage always seems to get left out in favor of the main melody, so hearing a harsh, gritty take on it was great. I especially loved the plucking "flight of the bumblebee"-like area around 0:55 into it. Using the opening/password pieces to transistion into Neon Tiger was a good way to keep the energy and grit up before letting us off easy with a little bit of funky Tiger. Awesome ReMix.
  2. I got into vocaloid a few years ago after someone showed me that Miku and co. "live" light/projection/hologram thing, but I've stopped listening to them as much as I used to. I've still got my favorites like Cremation Melody, Levan Polkka and Electic Angel though.
  3. Okay, so I've had this theme stuck in my head for a couple of days, and since it doesn't have a ReMix, I thought I'd just go ahead and suggest it. The request I'm making this time is the Heavy Lobster theme, which has been used in Kirby Superstar Ultra and Return to Dreamland. Anyone who wants to take a crack at it or use it in some way, go for it, cause I'd love to hear it. Dreamland's version sounds better, so I'll post that source:
  4. Yeah, I can hear some of the Daft Punk in this, and that's not a bad thing at all. Solid electronica, good blending of themes, and naturally Willrock pulls an ace with the arrangement and production. Now, about that Aborig-Celtic Boog-Woog Rock idea......
  5. Love the piano used in this one, backed by that choir. I don't really remember much of the Halo's soundtrack, ironically, except Finish the Fight and Never Forget among a few others, so hearing them like this is complete justice. Loved how it starts out at a nice pace, gets a little harder around 2:45 and then drops back off into that beautiful spot at the end. Very nice.
  6. Just bumped OCR01394 - Revenge of Shinobi 'Corner of Sunset and Keys' The new oldness up for grabs is: OCR01139 Terminal Velocity 'Proxima Path'.
  7. If I didn't know that this ReMix was by Jose, I would have thought that it would've come from something along the lines of the Morse camp. So funky and tropical sounding, great for chilling and moving with the beat. So much love for the organ that pops in a bit into the mix. I like how this just reminds me so much of a jazzy little island party. Very cool.
  8. The vocals had a lot of emotion and this yet again shows how well Poolside work together on these pieces. I have to admit, even though I liked the lite panpipe/vocoded idea, something didn't click with me at first and it kinda bothered me, but as the song went on, it didn't seem like an issue to me. This is one of those ReMixes that seem to get better with each listen, and overall, I liked it. Very nice ReMix.
  9. The vocal intro was different, and reminds me off certain OST's that would have a line or two from whatever it was from before starting the song, so that was cool. Little funky beats with a bit of horror undertone (and blatant in some parts), now that is something I can really get into. DJP really put the bass and bells into overdrive with this ReMix, and it's pretty damn good.
  10. The doc here just knows what it takes to melt your face off with quality rather than loudness, and with a source like Castlevania, he pretty much has to. This ReMix has the classic gothic idea to it in the arrangement, but the guitars drive home the absolute feeling of power. The breakdown and higher return was the extra mile of variety that makes this one of those ReMixes I wouldn't hesitate to recommend to someone. Amazing ReMix, doc.
  11. The intro and outro with the bells....that was pretty damn cool. And the strings and dramatic feeling in between was pretty sweet as well. The crisp guitar, military drums and violin gave it a "purposeful march" kind of sound and I really enjoyed that. It really makes me want to go play Ninja Gaiden now. Another win for Vurez!
  12. Holy hell that's fast! And this ReMix is simply awesome considering how much is actually in it for how fast it was done. The quality of the sound, the arrangement and the general idea are all damn near flawless here. I love the use of some Japanese and Indian instruments for this one. Very nice blend there. Yeah, this is going up there in my top DarkeSword mixes.
  13. Happy Birthday Shnabubula and Sir NutS!!!!!
  14. Oooh, nice change of pace! The ghastly choir and piano that slides right into evil aggresive wubs and hard hitting beats....that was one of the best intros I've heard in a while. The ReMix is like a dancing chainsaw, that's how gritty it sounds. Yep, dancing chainsaw. That's how I describe it. Damn, I do love a dirty mix every now and then, and this is one dirty mix.
  15. Okay, so funny enough, the first time I heard this wasn't even on OCR, it was in my car when someone from my college's radio station thought it would be a nice segment tune. So imagine my surprise when I heard this about a week later on the site. Honestly, I love this track. I can't explain it, but it's just one of those damn catchy beats that makes you want to groove a little in your seat. This just gets in your brain and doesn't let go no matter what. So good and so catchy.
  16. The atmospheric feeling in this ReMix is incredible. Honestly, I don't think I could say anything that hasn't been said already. This just feels like a song fit for out of this world exploration and has a few quirks in it that reminds me of TRON in the second half. It just draws you in and that's a feat sometimes with pieces like this one. Those whisperings in the background sealed the deal with me here. Nicely done.
  17. So starting off with some western sounding strumming backed by slightly trippy beats, huh? Not bad at all. Gives a cowboy theme a bit of a different direction and it works here. I do like how it pulls itself together the longer the ReMix goes, and then picks up around two minutes in. From then on, it was an interesting blend of sounds and I thought it was cool myself. Certainly filled to the brim with things I wouldn't have expected from this game, which isn't a bad thing at all.
  18. This was my face upon hearing a track with JM-like funk and groove mixed with some vox: . I heard the beat of Cold Man's stage and then the vox came up, and my god, it was glorious. Zircon's music is almost always ace, but it's ReMixes like this one that remind those with short-term memory just how damn good he is. Love the groovy beat to this. Great work Zircon.
  19. Megaman and Bass is so underloved that it hurts sometimes, but Willrock brought some serious justice to the sources in this ReMix, with some excellent synth work and first-rate electronica. And the production is unbelievable. If this was the ReMix that lost, I have got to hear the ReMix that won, but honestly, you just can't really lose when you sound this good.
  20. That sax is freaking sweet. Sax with rough, hard guitar around it is an incredible idea that I never would have thought of. It's like badass and sexy put together and I liked those parts the most. Great mellow ReMix and while I wasn't crazy about the ending, that's one small nitpick on an amazing song. Damn good work.
  21. Rap with a tasty flavor, huh? Well, that's just delicious. I do hear some of RZA influence at some points with the flow of the lyrics and I have to agree that this is one of the most sound hip hop ReMixes I've heard on OCR so far. Punch, kick, it's all in the mind, and if you listen to this ReMix you'll see it's one of a kind!
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