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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Upbeat and yet relaxing. Perfect ReMix for this is all I can say. Things like the percussion and the calm energy flowing through this like a big wave makes this a nice ReMix to listen to quite a few times.
  2. Happy BD for DJP! Make it a good one!
  3. Oh, damn, that was cool! Taking such a whimsical tune that we've all heard ReMixed before and turning it into a cinematic, grand, epic ReMix that could come straight from a movie set is awesome. This is definitely going into my list of my top three Ice Cap ReMixes. Very cool.
  4. I don't think the synth lead sounds bad, maybe just a bit out of the ordinary. I mean, I liked it, because it was a bit different and unique and gave a bit of an electroniRock thing going, but I can see why some wouldn't like it. Still, the arrangement is solid, and the melody and beat seems to tie most of it together. I guess if one can get past the synth, it'd be great, but otherwise, a decent ReMix at least. Good stuff.
  5. Smooth and clean, that's really what comes to mind on this one for me. The guitar work is fantastic and the melody really flows with the drum beat. It's hard to describe, but it feels right and it's pretty good at keeping attention.
  6. The intro is like you're being chased by video game bees or something. Just really frantic and crazy, and then to dive right in to a nice beat-filled high energy funk, pretty sweet. The whole thing gets really crazy at points and never sticks on one direction, which was pretty fun. Interesting and zany ReMix for sure.
  7. Synthy speed metal! Yes, now this is what the doctor ordered. I just can't get enough of these breakneck energy ReMixes. Caffeine for the ears, baby. This mix kicks a lot of ass in only three minutes and I would love to hear more Touhou like this. Damn good stuff, Kidd.
  8. You know, for someone who put herself out there and tried to do a song in both English and Japanese, nicely done. It's not easy to sing and sound incredible at the same time. I actually think that for some reason the Japanese bit sounded better than the English parts. I'll admit that I had a hard time making the lyrics out without straining (and without a lyrics tab on this ReMix) because of the highness of some lines, but you have a wonderful voice and I can't really fault anyone for trying their best here. The instrumentation was great and I enjoyed the acoustic guitar and easy feeling of it all. Again, I liked your voice, but it just went too high or nasally sometimes which made it hard to make things out. Nice work.
  9. Man, I really dig the soft but beat-filled intro, and that cello is wonderful. I gotta say it, that cello was my favorite part of this one. It's like a beautiful package made straight for Symphonia. Starla has an amazing voice, of course, and it was a great addition here. Star-studded ReMix and an incredible debut. Very cool.
  10. The intro reminds me of something out of Sonic GBA or Kirby, but that's par for the course with chip-tunes. I loved hearing the Dark World get a little shine time with this ReMix. Very fun to listen to.
  11. Probably my favorite Morse ReMix so far. Just love the piano intro that dives right into a nice jazzy little beat. When it comes to funky groovy ReMixes, who better than Morse? The breakdown and outro were done terrifically and the whole ReMix just ties itself up nicely.
  12. Well damn! Wow.....I can't believe I missed something like this. Beautiful solo-piano piece just suckered me in again. Lot of emotion in this one, and it sounds sweet. Liking the human touches like the slight pauses at points as well. Very cool ReMix.
  13. Sometimes it's hard for me to get into ambient mixes because my mind tends to wander, but this is very well done. Creepy, dark, ominous, it just fits the scene it came from. The build-up works best for ReMixes like this one. Very nice take on Bomb Ring.
  14. I should have known better, but I still wasn't quite expecting that. I like these nice surprises. Very cool mixing Mt. DeDeDe and Wicked Child together in a cool little chip tune package. Good beat, great arrangement, very good ReMix indeed.
  15. Again, I kinda have to echo the others here, this is great music to have on when you are doing something else and what to keep your ears busy. It's very entertaining and while I don't think I could sit still and just listen to it for as long as it is, it's perfect for working or studying and such.
  16. Alright, so this was a pretty nice take on the source and I did enjoy it as a good song to listen to in the background (that's about how I feel about a lot of easy-going acoustic tracks. Nice to chill to). The vocals sound good to me, don't get me wrong, but at some points it was hard to hear. Other than that, really nice ReMix with great instrumentation choices.
  17. I would love to know what it is about Castlevania songs that lend themselves so well to these kinds of funky, groovy ReMixes. But forget the details, as DJP pointed out, this does remind me a bit of Morse's work with the 'Vania stuff, but this sounds amazing. Smooth, with a bit of a dark creeping vibe to it, and throw in the spanish sounding guitar for good measure. A great days work for the symphony of the night.
  18. First things first, the vocals sounded heavenly. The vibrato kind of makes it hard to hear at some points, that's minor to me. This has an easy, haunting and "elegance in darkness" kind of feels to it, and it really did the trick. Nice work.
  19. Badass! This is the kind of rocking ReMix that I can listen to all day long and never get the least bit tired of. I keep wanting to say that 1:30 to 2:00 reminds me of another ReMix I really like, but as usual my memory fails me at the moment. The guitars playing is superb, the drums are good enough for me, and all around, it just kicks a lot of ass. This is the kind of mix that demands to be played loud, and it's better that way. Best mix I've heard in a while.
  20. This one took me a little while to get into because of the repetition, but there isn't a whole hell of a lot you can do all things considering and without the subtle variations, I think it could have been a lot worse. Taking a source like this one and making a ReMix out of it that is decent like this one is a nice little feat. This particular one isn't the kind of thing I'll have on repeat, but it was good and it was nice first showing. Keep it going.
  21. Ah, latin piano! The first slower half was nice and easy to listen to, making it a top tapper for sure, but then when it picked up, I could feel the energy just take off! Going from classy to party in one fell swoop, that's genius for a guy like me. Perfect for groovin' with that latin vibe.
  22. I think the best thing here for me is that there is enough variation over the course of the ReMix while keeping the melody going. I really enjoyed the piano-over-the-trance parts and while this is not mind blowing, it has a solid base and really shines as a debut. Good work, man, looking forward to more.
  23. Added a last minute like for ya! Awesome pieces of work.
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