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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. I've been running up on a lot of ReMixes where ReMixers seem to be mixing in a different way than they usually do, and it's pretty refreshing every now and then. Fishy rocks this FF8 track even without his guitar and that organ was great. Good production on the sounds, especially in the drumming. It's pretty impressive to me when a Final Fantasy 8 track is mixed like this, so well done, Fishy.
  2. Loving the use of choral sound along with the driving beat and melody. Very danceable and I'm glad to see another good Pokemon ReMix get hit with a good ReMix. I love how this blends atmosphere and electronica in such a way that they complement each other than fight with each other. Fantastic arrangement here, man.
  3. So the wind and waves sound effects were something I don't think I've heard play through most of ReMix before, and it was a nice setting setter. The acoustic guitar made this very relaxing combined with the wind and tides, so this is totally something that would do for those moments when you just need some peace. These are some dark shores I'd love to visit for sure.
  4. I'll be honest, opera was never my cup of tea, but I have to admit that this is not a bad ReMix at all and I think I like this song more than the usual overblown opera songs. The intro was slow in build, but once it got the ball rolling, this was a great listen. The music was real cool in the way that it fit with the voices, especially around the climax, and for a song like this, all I can say is that I appreciate the skill and talent behind this piece.
  5. Not "Fresh Prince" specifically, but the music made think of that era and style for sure. Plus I got reminded of Will Smith on the "bounce" bit. Funky and badass at the same time. I just enjoy the hip hop style this has, and the vocals are interesting to say the least. They totally fit in right into this song. This album has turned out so many awesome songs, that I have NiGHTS into dreams on my gaming list. So nice going, fellas!
  6. Wow. Holy damn, this is impressive as all hell! Loving this cool disco ReMix and this has got to be one of my favorite takes on the Dreams Dreams theme. The vocals are really well done and I'm glad that I can hear the words without them being drowned out by the music. Such a good beat and rhythm, and I have to echo myself on how much the vocals tie this together. Purple pants have never been better.....
  7. Beautiful piano piece right here. I've started to notice how good the Seiken Densetsu music is, but the ReMixes that have come from it have been even more enjoyable, and this is a great arrangement for sure. The piano playing shows some emotion and personality, which is something I love more than just good playing. Need more fast pieces like this.
  8. Solid beat-filled trance, now this is a treat! I love the break about a minute and a half in where the trance just vanishes and that sorta ambiant melody takes over. Such a fantastic conrast to the rest of the song and perfect for a break before going back to the beat. Glad to hear some great ReMixes for MM8. Nice work Jewbei!
  9. I really don't think anything else needs to be said, cause that kinda describes this ReMix perfectly. Wonderful sax and light melody. A little short, but I think that's part of the charm. Also, great track title. Pokemon themes are fun to mess with for titles.
  10. Whooo, sweet! Love how groovy this ReMix is, and especially the dirty bits in the middle before the "chikachickawah" breakdown. The energy is consistent and very danceable, and it's nice how you keep adding bits and pieces in as the song goes on. Never seems to get out of hand or boring. Very nice, indeed.
  11. One of, if not, the best Willrock song on the site. That synth is flat out terrific and I have to say that I'm in love with this arrangement. Near-perfect production, by my ear. Funny how I just now realized that I knew the melody to this for a while without realizing it was a Streets of Rage song. Hate to state the obvious, but this some pretty sweet work, that's really all I can say.
  12. So, a Daft Punk-ish take on Under her Control? Freaking sold on this one! Anti-Syne does some damn good work, and this was the one that started it off. I have to laugh at the robo-vocal after seeing Brandon's post, but this is really well put together. Night City Funk indeed, this is my kind of song and I'll be replaying this for quite a while.
  13. Ah yes, some metal! I can hear what you were going for, but I think the loudness did kinda hold this back a bit. A bit of cleaning would fix that right up, so small deal. I actually like some of the switches you tried towards the middle of the song, and overall this has the "heavy" all covered and I have to say that the latter part of the mix and ending is more my speed. Not bad at all, just one or two nitpicks from me.
  14. Well, it does sound like something you would hear on the ascent up, so the title was fitting. As short and concise as the prelude theme is, just getting to the point of expanding on the theme and making it sound great is a feat. The low-buzzing electronica gives this the punch it needed, and I like the way you emphasize it or pull back on it when needed. A good example of how a great ReMix on a short tune is done.
  15. Now this is a freakin' megamix! The intro was paced very nicely, beforing bringing in the energy and some good electronic arrangement. The guitar was pretty sweet, and I do like how you switched things up one right after another. Quite a lot of variation and direction changed, and it still sounds amazing, so aces to you, man. The flow and the amount of sources put into this with the level of production shown, this is a hell of a debut. Yeah, all I can really say was that this was awesome.
  16. Oh, yeah, I'm getting a Disney or at least animated ballad feeling out of this, which is a totally good thing for a song like this. Damn, those vocals are incredible. I had no idea Dale North could sing that that! Seriously, one of the best male vocals I've heard on OCR. I really don't care if it's just a little short, it's kinda perfect for this type of song and this thing will be replayed for sure. The piano arrangement makes this a very beautiful, heartfelt ReMix. Love this to death!
  17. Cop siren and helicopter at the beginning with the piano was a fantastic intro. Too bad I was brought up with a SNES and not a genesis, because maybe I'd be more framilier with Streets of Rage music rather than Final Fight. I'll be fixing that problem some day. Still, this mellow track has a nice hip hop beat to it and this sounds like something I'd except from a concept album based on the OST. Yeah, I love the SFX, and the way you spaced them out so that it wasn't overdone.
  18. I feel sort of Pokemon at Sea-ish with this ReMix, if that makes any sense. It seems to me that light, watery tunes lend themselves really well to chiptunes, and who better than Halc to bring that out? Speakers don't seem to do this justice without headphones and the pulsing feeling. Cool stuff, man.
  19. Even though I haven't played this game, I loved the soundtrack to it and I'm glad to see a ReMix like this one. The piano later on was a great addition along with the synth and the beats that go with it. Really enjoyed the strings and the arrangment of this one. Yeah, a synth change might have taken this ReMix to the next level, for what is here, I think you did a nice job all in all. Not much to nitpick here.
  20. That cake looks a-Maze-ing. Happy birthday Mazedude!
  21. Holy crap this is one dirty ReMix.....Yep, there's a good example of dubstep that doesn't overdo it like most dubstep songs do. Evil and tough as nails. No seriously, there are many ReMixes that I point out as to why I love listening to PrototypeRaptor's work, and this is one of them. Impressive work man.
  22. Whoo! Jazzy piano, well played Squint. Sounds like something you can just listen to while reading with a cold glass of something tasty. Upbeat and wonderfully played. That piano is beautiful, and I expect nothing less from Squint. Damn good work, man.
  23. Loving the bass and beat of this one. Lots of hard hitting power and throwing in some chippyness to this grab bag of win was great. Masterful mixing of three awesome themes and having each one clearly represented. Very nice ReMix from start to finish.
  24. Marimbas and Xylophones! Yay!!! I don't know exactly why, but I really do enjoy hearing Marimbas go to work, and Mario's music, no matter what the game, just goes so damn well with it. SMW's athletic stage was a perfect way to make this point as well as open the mix. The sheer amount of skill by those involved, the ability to weave in and out of multiple tracks and keep a steady pace was impressive. I do have to echo the nitpicks of being conservative (just a tad more liberal with the sources would have been golden), but the pros just outweigh the cons on this, I think. A perfect ReMix, no, but it was a fairly fresh idea for OCR, and I certainly wouldn't mind seeing more of this kind of ReMix on the site.
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