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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. The waterfall levels always had a surreal and cool sound to them, so I'm glad to hear that taken even further here. Halc's chiptune style and Mattias's style blend so well together in this track. Did I hear "halc" and "anso" in the background around the warped section around the 2:38 and 2:46 mark, or was that just my mind playing tricks on me? Either way, fantastic work on this beautiful source.
  2. This is badass walkin' music, let me tell you. The funky beatboxing intro was so good in setting up the tone of the ReMix. Yeah, really, the chiptune bits and pieces that followed the melody along with the beatboxing, just great arrangement ideas all around. Amazing ReMix, Flexstyle!
  3. Radiowar seems to always hits the mark when he gets a ReMix posted. Every time. And with the quality of this ReMix, you can easily see it. This has the trippy hip-hop the pipes needed and maintains that fuzzy, slightly hazy and chilling sound takes me back to playing in slow motion or backwards controls. So much fun times, both in level and song. Lots of atmosphere in here. Love the use of those few notes at the very end. I thought that was a sweet way to end the song.
  4. It's been a real long time since I've heard anything I would consider to be real classic country on OCR, which is one of the many reasons why I was looking forward to this track. Just like most of the album's tracks, this ReMix seems to take the feeling of the original and take it up several notches, which I am truly thankful for. Love the piano and violin work by Diotrans and Diggi Dis. Fantastic take on Rockface Rumble.
  5. Really does capture the feel of the original and expand upon it, especially when the guitars hit. Rock and world music/mountain sound with a little Latin thrown in is a pretty unique idea. I caught that little bit of Temple Tempest you snuck in there midway through the second minute. Probably should have that listed in the songs used section. Very interesting ReMix indeed. Damn good work.
  6. Hands down, one of my favorite ReMixes off of this album. And with Tefnek and Zircon mixing it up, especially in the factory, you knew that this was going to kick so much ass. So gritty, dirty, dark and powerful. And when that main riff hit, it was like a punch in the brain. It just has that menacing mechanical sound that you would expect, but so much more. Yeah, it just further proves that when you need intense and evil levels pushed to the max, you call Tefnek and Zircon.
  7. Words can almost not express the beauty of this ReMix. Just paint the picture of a sandy pier under a dark blue sky, with a full moon providing enough light to see the ocean's waves come in and out while listening to this. So gorgeous. I always thought the original had a tad bit of Spanish flair, and I'm glad to hear it here as well. The solo was a pretty cool way to capitalize on the giant build of this song. Worth the wait and certainly a magical track.
  8. I remember requesting this way back before the DKC 3 project began and that's where I heard rumblings of this track. I can say that I am so glad that this came from the album after looking forward to it for so long. The sinister tone of the original got amped up in this ReMix and it does sound more epic. Moody, energy-filled, and definitely brings me back to that damn Ripsaw Rage level. *Shudders* Awesome job with this song, Sole Signal.
  9. Okay, the name gives me a chuckle whenever I see it. So, we have a world music ReMix complete with Lion King-like vocals at the beginning, all while being light, bouncy and happy. Very relaxing and fun to listen to for sure. Stevo's voice is a perfect fit for this kind of ReMix, and the guitar and marimba work done sounded great. I think this would fit in nicely while roaming around Pride Rock. Very nice take on the bonus theme.
  10. Mazedude and Mill Fever (GBA) is a perfect marriage in my eyes (and ears). It does indeed have that groovy funk that reminds me of Alexander Brandon, among others. 2:35 to 3:40 in particular gave me chills, since it was my favorite part of the source and hearing as a bit of break was awesome. Mazedude never fails to bring a tune to life, and he's certainly giving us the fever now. Good stuff, man.
  11. Damn, man, I was not expecting that at all after the Disco Train ReMix and Link to the Piano, but boy, looks like Zylance gets the award for biggest spectrum jump in genres. Grand, adventurous, and emotionally epic, this screams like something that would be in a Donkey Kong Country 3 movie. And that guitar was amazing. Giving something so wondrous a bit of an edge with the electric guitar was a sweet touch. A good example of a more liberal ReMix being great.
  12. Eleven artists on one song!? *Pulls lever* Jesus! I'm not sure, but this may be the most star-studded ReMix on OCR, both in sheer number of ReMixers and how they are all basically OCR mainers. As for the ReMix itself, holy shit what a way to start off the DKC 3 flood. Everything sounds amazing and melted together cohesively, which must have been tough. The Sax, trumpet, Spanish guitar work, the 80's sounding section, everything, I just love it! I think the only way I can sum this all up is that my mind is blown. Excellent work everyone!
  13. Man, two Pendulum-like ReMixes in one day, I'm finding all sorts of treats here. The level of hard-hitting beats is high with this one. The vocals are insane, and goes perfectly well with the chaotic nature of this ReMix. PR just brings it and never stops until the song ends, and all around, I just can't find any fault with this one. Recommended.
  14. Wholeheartedly agree with this. Such a wonderful and gorgeous arrangement for a great song. Acoustic guitars are like the pianos of stringed instruments to me, so hearing something like this and hearing the beauty of it is awesome. Some parts actually make me think of the village in Zelda: LttP. So warm and comfortable. Love this ReMix for sure.
  15. Nice chiptune-electronica take on the Kirby/Gourmet Race theme. I do like the way this follows the edgier feel of the other Life and Death styled ReMixes. Cool use of Kirby's SFX too. Another win for Insert Rupee and a very nice track from the Heros and Villains album.
  16. Oh man, that grand opening leading into the Pendulum DnB riff was pretty sweet. I've been in a "final battle" mood for a while, and this is perfect for it. The vocaded vocal idea was the cherry on top, because it just fits so damn well with this style. I just love that "you're not alone" hook. This is going down as one of my favorite Nutritious songs.
  17. The opening with the soft, almost pleasant guitar was a cool lead in, cause you just knew that it was the beginning of a musical ass-kicking, and you had to wait for the moment it would hit. And as soon as 1:05 hit, you were in for an adrenaline rush. This is probably one of the most focused rock songs I've heard in a long time, with every drum hit sounding sharp and the guitar-work hitting that rough groove that a song like this needs to. It brings back those memories of trying to catch up to the Deathegg ship in the asteroid field after going super, for me at least. Awesome ReMix, man.
  18. Good god, a combination of two of the most evil themes from FF villains in a dark metalistic show of rock talent, while taking jabs at Snappleman with lyrics that you can barely hear, making it safe for when you need it to be? What doesn't this ReMix have!? What I love about this ReMix besides the obvious is how it transitions between different sounding sections, like how the area around 4:40 sounds much different in arrangement than towards the end around 7:00, keeping it fresh all the way to the eleventh minute and ending. This screams epic final boss, filling all with dread. Nice work PoD.
  19. You guys have all gone crazy. It's like you're suffering Tangerine Fever or something. Maybe you all have a touch of the Spanish Jitters? Or showing a bad case of Archinophobia? Why don't we head down to Funky's Joint and chill out with Joe Elm?
  20. Happy Birthday to Jakesnke (not Roberts ) and the rest of the birthday people of today!
  21. Hey man, happy birthday!

  22. Well, I'll certainly miss listening to you fellas every week (even if I end up always having to catch the posted replay because I'm never around for the live show). Maybe OCAD will one day rise again V.2 style since it's just a hiatus, but even if this is the end, it's been fun to listen to. Thanks guys (and girls) for the good times for the past several years.
  23. Oh hell, how did I miss Mirby's birthday? Well, happy belated birthday, Mirby!
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