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Everything posted by Crulex

  1. Cool album art. Everyday, I get more and more amped for this.
  2. Interesting to hear a dubstep ReMix where the dubstep isn't overpowering the entire song. It seems to be an addition to the aggressive electronica and piano sections rather than taking over the entire ReMix. That being said, terrific work on this one, Zircon. The last minute really dropped the hammer on this dark track and like I said before, switching between piano and electronica was cool.
  3. Slow, peaceful, and soft chiptune chill ReMix with a whispy whistling? Awesome. I actually enjoy how airy and far away the whistling sounds over the chippy goodness, and then all of a sudden it picks up out of nowhere! That part sound more like flying away like a bat outta hell rather than drifting, but I'll take it. Going back to a slower pace after all of that action, even if briefly, gave this ReMix much need change-up, which is great for a song about six minutes long. That whistling is infectious though, it's got me doing it.
  4. The production of this song is unbelievable! This drives in the feelings of cinematic ReMixing that Majora's soundtrack leads itself to. From haunting to dark to dramatic and so forth, and the way you managed to combine both themes in this way without losing any steam was pretty cool. The ending section was the best part of this one for me, for how well it was done.
  5. From a beautiful piano piece to an absurdly impressive debut piano piece, wow! The production of this particular piano ReMix is higher than most I've heard, and the melody is close to that line of being liberal and yet identifiable at the same time, which makes this a classic for me. I'm not a fan of the fading ending, which normally doesn't bother me, but this one I had to note. I heard what was intended, it just wasn't my favorite part of the mix. Other than that, great stuff indeed!
  6. Ah, man, solo-pianos always get to me when beautifully played, and this one is gorgeous as DJP said. The emotion carried through this song is pretty powerful, and if I was invested in anything Chrono, I might have felt it even more. Honestly, I really don't know what else I can possibly say other than that for an ReMix on the keys, this is exceptional.
  7. Pretty gritty and dirty, which was the high point of this ReMix. This just drives home a sinister feeling on my end, and interestingly enough, the underlying melody reminded me of the progression of some later MMX series tracks. For a short track, this has a unique sound that seems to move at least a little. Wasn't fond of the cut-off ending, but that wasn't an issue that really bothered me.
  8. Holy mother of god! Now that is what I consider some good rapping! And to throw in some great beats by DCT with LulzA's excellent guitar work, and you've got one of the best tracks on the Around The World Album. The little breakin' freakout bit at 1:56 made my jaw hit the floor, that's how much I loved it. This is one of those ReMixes that raises the bar and makes everyone else step it up, so damn good stuff everyone.
  9. I must dance? Very well, begin the dancing! And this is a very easy track to dance to. Good classic sounding electronica, and while I have to admit that the second section with the vox was more my speed, great stuff all around. The longer this song went, the more I ended up enjoying the style done at each section. The amount of variation was a great thing considering the ReMix is over five minutes long. Another amazing ReMix by DigiE.
  10. Very nice use of strings and violin. This was an elegant and brillant song that had a cool pace to it. Fun little jazzy synth bits to it as well, which makes for an even better listen with things like this. I really liked the fade out and return near the end. That was a pretty cool effect.
  11. Wha.....what the hell.....? Those vocals are awesome! Hahaha! Oh dear god how did I miss this song!? Oh, man, this is way too funny because I had no idea. I simply wasn't ready for it, and yet it sounds terrific! Smooth, funky, a bit of a surprise and it just gets you moving and grooving with its infectious beat! No, seriously, Sir Jordanius, this made my day! This is a track you play when you walk down the hall and want to feel like a badass. Break it down now, y'all
  12. I REALLY wasn't expecting this kind of ReMix when I saw that it was of the Gym theme (didn't read the write-up until it started playing. Title should have been a clue though), which is really cool because it's a nice example of the many ways a mix can take a source. It's almost what would be played if Team Rocket did more than hold one building in every town hostage and actually destroyed the place, Gym included. Good lord, the arrangement is so dark and empty and kinda sorrowful, that it pretty much blew me away. The production issues everyone else brought up was the only real negative here, and it doesn't even bother me that much honestly. Piano was great and I really dig the music box bit at the end as well. Damn good Pokemon Remix, fella.
  13. Sometimes just going old school electronica is the right move, and I think it was the right move with this song. Some of the bits of this ReMix reminded me of early N64 electronica-based soundttracks, and this seems to fit right in with vintage styles. Really, I do think the charm of this ReMix is the classic way that it's played, so well done on this Mario Golf mix. I'm would try and avoid ending this ReView with a golf pun, but that wouldn't be par for the course.......hehehe.
  14. Does anyone put more emotion into an acoustic ReMix with a airy beat behind it than Stevo? This does have a flying vibe to it, so mission accomplished, but I do want to say that the first part sounds more like a soaring, speedy, deliberate kind of flight and as the ReMix goes on, it becomes more light and drifting-like. I just love that little tick. I haven't had any flying dreams (my dreams are horrible and disconnected, sadly), but this would go great if I did. Love it.
  15. Rock with a jazzy bit entwined within it? Pretty interesting direction for a ReMix, and this was a great direction in my opinion. Adds quite a lot of style to the song with that kind of balance and the arrangement was catchy as hell. Not fond of the cut-off ending, but there isn't much that you can nitpick on a song that sounds as professional as this one does.
  16. I think my mind just broke. No, seriously, as someone who actually does like classical sounding music, especially ReMixes with piano and violin, this ReMix is unbelievably awesome! Lots of class and excellent production that sounds top-notch, this ReMix is worth every minute in my opinion. And with eight sources and a ton of variation shown (such as change of pace and direction, with amazing transitions), this ReMix should probably go down as one of those songs you put in an OCR classics or greatest hits realm. Not kidding.
  17. Nice, very nice! This is one of those smooth tunes that walk that fine line of being sneaky and lively. The production sounds good, and I greatly enjoyed the way the drums where used here. They just seem to move the ReMix along in a smooth, slick pace. Probably one of the better jazzy/latin sounding pieces I've heard in a good while.
  18. I have to say that I've never really been a Metroid guy, but the music is something you can't really deny. Nice to see this tune taken in such a cinematic direction where you can just feel the suspense build up. I'm a sucker for choirs as well, so I can dig those bits quite a lot. For something described as a dark waltz by some, this is my kind of tune. Damn good work with this ReMix.
  19. Whoa, this is chilling and perfect for the season. The atmosphere in this ReMix is almost indescribable and I would never have thought that a hip-hop beat could be so ethereal. The vocals are indeed haunting and the whole ambiance could be either creepy or darkly wondrous depending on how you look at it. Love that piano use as well.
  20. OCU! Sounds amazing to me, but really, with some of the best ReMixers on two of the best tracks from one of the best games, can you really sa otherwise? I guess you could, but I sure don't see it. The Aquatic bits were just as gorgeous as they should be, and I could hear the Pink Floyd influence (great choice on that, BTW). Going to just say it, I fell in love with the Life in the Mines part. I've always had a soft spot for it ever since I heard Echoes on the Kongs in Concert album. This is a great debut track for OCU. It's such a great mix of beauty and epicness, and I'll be replaying this for quite a long time.
  21. That intro is sick and hard-hitting as hell! Now this is the kind of thing I think of when I think of action, fighting, and maybe ninjas in the park. I've got to agree with the badass 80's feeling from this, especially in the purposeful guitar shredding. Sweet drumming near the second minute. The breakdown was a great break from the guitar and I didn't think it lasted too long, but I can see why some might. Freaking insane soloing and ending for this amazing ReMix.
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