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Elex Synn

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Everything posted by Elex Synn

  1. I'm not quite sure what I was expecting when I first heard this but I am pleasantly surprised. This song makes me bouncy.
  2. Gawd DAYM! Holy phuck, dood! I have just be completely floored! Now only did Sephiroth arrived at that join. He rocked it until it closed then shoved a meteor up it's ass!
  3. This is pretty much my exact same sentiments. Sonic Adventure 1 was my last 'modern' sonic, with Sonic Rush being my last side-scroller. I am absolutely loving this game. The chance to play a new rendition of Chemical Plant made my day. My only gripe is that the physics/controls for the 2D levels feels. Off. I can't really explain it.
  4. I am personally drawn to rhythm games and RPGs more then anything. Though I'll try anything that looks interesting. Steam name: Elex Synn (Hit me up) -Favorites- Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes SEGA Genesis & Mega Drive Classics Space Channel 5: Part 2 -Games- A.R.E.S BIT.TRIP RUNNER Borderlands Dungeon Defenders Demo - 52% Gyromancer Demo Left 4 Dead Mount & Blade Demo Super Laser Racer Unreal Tournament 3: Black Edition World in Conflict World in Conflict: Soviet Assault
  5. Borderlands, which I was playing on Steam, has been the only FPS I've really played and genuinely enjoyed. From the opening music to the overall feel of the game, I got really into it. I should really see about completing the game...
  6. Just wanted to say I absolutely love the 'Smooth Steel' remix. Hit me with that 90s Boys 2 Men feel.

    Is there an extended version of this song by chance?

  7. Man do I enjoy this song. Reminds me of something I'd hear from mid-90s R&B groups. The male vocals in this community are great indeed. My only gripe about it is, it feels TOO SHORT.
  8. the lyrics of this song are fun as hell. Thanks to the summary by DJP, all I could hear was Nathan Explosion doing this song.
  9. Crap! I kept seeing the commercials and telling myself to look into it... I missed the Detroit, Mi showing today.
  10. ... Bad box art Mega Man... So... Is this some mega conglomerate of baddies or something? I thought I saw Wood Man's stage (Or at least some MM2 bots) and the quick boomerangs.
  11. As soon as I read the review of this song, and listened to it, I was pretty amazed how accurately I pegged how this thread would go. Anyways, I finally have something to follow up 'Rhymes with Elixir' on my winamp list.
  12. Damn man. Lets go clubb'n sometimes! This is sick.
  13. I will admit, I don't laugh at these as much as I use to. I still find it fairly entertaining though.
  14. All kinds of coolness.
  15. ... did I really read the term "fuckbeans" in there? :lol: For better or worse I'm geeked to try Sonic 4!
  16. Unfortunately I had class all day so I missed the Tiger's opener I'm still annoyed as hell over them chocking down the stretch last year and losing the division.
  17. I personally think the chocobo theme fits perfectly in this song. I love it! ... How on earth did you think of doing this with the theme?
  18. Okay now that was freaky o_o
  19. I'd guess they would be making more cameo appearances like in 3D blast for the Saturn... Which by the way had the best half-pipe bonus stages ever.
  20. I don't normally get motion sickness from anything, but that really messed me up.
  21. I remember playing Warsong 2 on the genesis long ago. Was an interesting Shining force 2ish type of game. Any who not a bad mix.
  22. Lets see. I auto-looted: -A Detroit Tiger's hoodie (secret Santa) -A Detroit Tiger's snuggie (from mom ) -A little "Dad is a winner" plaque from my 5 year old shopping at school. -A $25 Mc Donald gift card (from my boss) -A nice looking long sleeve shirt (grand parents) -A gift box with a new wallet and some grooming items (from GF parents) Not bad as far as I go. I prefer practical gifts as it is.
  23. Sorry for the late reply. No I don't know know any of the mixers in any way or form. :(

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