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Everything posted by Swann

  1. Nah, that definitely is the D1/2 Pyro GX. Looks like it was ripped from an escape sequence from D2. reference: (around 8:10)Mercenaries: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/f2/D3_Merc_Box_Art.jpg
  2. WOAH WOAH WOAH! So Myst Online: URU Live, having died twice now, is finally back, and for good (it seems). Cyan Worlds, the guys behind the classic PC puzzlers Myst and Riven, have finally made MO:UL completely open-source and FREE. Read the statement on their official homepage: http://mystonline.com/en/ Check it out, but expect some sizable wait times, CW's servers are getting pretty hammered with traffic right now.
  3. Wow. How have I not heard this until now? NICE WORK.
  4. Yeah, I'm sure. Edit->Preferences: -General -Import Settings... -Then select mp3 from the drop-down. In iTunes, right click the song and hit "Create mp3 version."
  5. Maslanka is incredible. His Symphony no. 4 is great, as is "Give Us This Day" for something shorter.
  6. Glorious, indeed! This looks awesome, I'm looking forward to its release. Thanks for sharing!
  7. Most Zelda games, Pokemon (1/2 gen), Super Metroid all the time, Descent 1/2, Cave Story, Iji.
  8. There are literally TONS of WAV->mp3 converters. I mean even iTunes can convert to mp3 for you.
  9. Went ahead and made a recording of this; I removed the noise as best I could. Sam, if you want me to take it down, just say the word. http://sites.google.com/site/taylorswannmusic/FF1Improvisation.mp3
  10. Welcome to the boards! On WAVs and mp3s.... It literally takes 20 seconds to open a WAV in Audacity and convert it to mp3. Seriously. That said, I went ahead and did so, save the Tetris song whose link is broken. Made them a bit louder too. Super Mario Galaxy - Star Festival: http://sites.google.com/site/taylorswannmusic/StarFestival.mp3 Super Mario Galaxy - Otherworld and Final Battle Mini-Medley: http://sites.google.com/site/taylorswannmusic/FinalBowserSMGMedley.mp3 For you're "real name," just put nothing, or just your first name, rather than "Can't Say." Just a suggestion. I'm not all that familiar with Mario Paint, but one thing really stood out to me: The grace/pickup notes before a phrase in Star Festival (~0:08-0:09 for example in the trumpet) are really awkward. I mean it throws the meter off each time, just about. 0:54-1:16 in the medley is also really awkward. It feels like you're dropping beats in there somewhere. Arrangement-wise, pretty cool stuff, especially for having done everything in Mario Paint. Fix the rhythm issues if you can (like I said, I'm not familiar with MP, so it might be a program thing) but yeah, seems like a lot of time went into these.
  11. Right there with you, booting up the game through DOS 5. I had to re-buy the game through GOG.com so it plays on Vista/Win7, but for $6 it wasn't a bad deal. Anyway, maybe I'll see you in the mines someday.

  12. Don't worry about skill, most pilots around are conducive to ANYONE so long as they try. Not everyone's a beast like they were years past, though there are a few (more so on D3).

    While I can't suggest joysticks from experience, most CH sticks seem to work great with Descent. But as a last option, you'd rather keyboard than mouse? I guess that just seems strange to me considering I've always played with the mouse, haha.

  13. What's this?! Someone who plays/played Descent? Dude, hop on Kali sometime.

  14. Right there with ya. I'm excited to see whether innovation in the series will really happen... though at the same time I can't say I'm holding my breath.
  15. I actually had the time signature but erased it when I decided I couldn't have kirby playing the whole line (too little space) and forgot to add it back in with wispy's line. Twelve-eight. I think kirby holding a saxophone would look more natural, now that I look at it... Or a pocket trumpet. Those are awesome.
  16. Doodle. If this was an actual logo, I'd go for a silhouette kind of feel. As is, no colored pencils = no colors NAME THAT TUNE!
  17. I really like this. Really. Great, mellow stuff. Very relaxing. The piano at the end is just amazing. I wish I could think of a riff like that. The last 20 seconds are some of my favorite bars in any piece I've ever heard. Good Lord, I love music like this. Please finish it if you have the time.
  18. Armored Armadillo... heck yes. 'Course I need to record this first. Priorities!
  19. Sounds like a pretty swingin' idea to me.
  20. Alex Roman's incredible one-man-project. http://www.vimeo.com/7809605 This was created by ONE guy on his own computer. There are NO live shots. Everything was computer generated.
  21. D-Lux, that was CRAZY.
  22. Didn't see anything about A Ballad for You, but I will do it, if not for the album, for myself. It may be a bit since I'm doing everything by ear but I promise it will be as beautiful as I can possibly make it.
  23. Hey I made a piano arrangement of this over winter break! The WIP thread is probably buried in the workshop forum, but I still have the mp3 hosted. It incorporates the championship theme from G/S about halfway through. Let me know if you like it. "Rivalry!" : http://sites.google.com/site/taylorswannmusic/Rivalrytake7.mp3
  24. This game is amazing; the best indie game I've played in a long time. I'm definitely considering buying this, or at least the soundtrack.
  25. Oh man this is so full of win. Looking forward to playing it. Great work!
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