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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. nope, i wiped the master of everything but the extremely small bit of console saturation i had when mixing it.

  2. Hey happy birthday! I'll get you the remix unmastered sometime today.


  3. That one I pushed about as loud as I could take it before it started clipping and I still had alot further to go. I don't get what's going on but I still love SSD. I think the only thing to try is going with session drummer instead.
  4. I loaded Sanctu into Audacity just to show you what I mean. You can see the problem that gives me in getting the right volume. The intro which has no drums is smooth but as soon as the drums kick in around 0:20 that's when everything gets weird. This problem has been dogging all of my metal remixes for the past two years and I haven't found any solutions yet. The transients aren't even audible yet they set the meter off like crazy and it happens with every single SSD kit.
  5. Do we have to submit our questions in advance or can we enter them into the chat box during the stream?
  6. Perfect Fighting game music and then there's everything else.
  7. I think the problem is with Steven Slate Drums. Shadedog II, which used session drummer 2, ended up being alot louder than both Shadedog I and III. One thing I noticed is that i'm getting these really sharp transients in the final waveform that are probably giving me the wrong idea where the peaks are. The thing is once I encode it the transients are gone and the piece is 3+db too quiet. Haven't figured out how to fix it yet, probably won't ever be able to, but thanks for the review!
  8. If you'll be there this year I am hunting you down to sign my book. Still missing loads of sigs from OCR.
  9. Ditto. Making it onto the Mass Effect team? I would have called that a career right there. Though i am sure there are business aspects to writing music that I have never considered and probably would not care for. To be on topic, I get kind of giddy when I see posts from guys like Mcvaffe, BGC, Morse, Gecko, Another Soundscape (where did he go anyway?) and others who were a huge part of OCR back in the day. It's great that you all have moved on but realize that in most cases we don't want to let you go. Speaking only for myself of course though I am sure others feel the way I do.
  10. Hey, if you are still in Syracuse i'll probably see you on the road going down. You are quite literally within spitting distance of me. Well Syracuse is an hour away but if there's a good tail wind i'm sure i could make it.
  11. Thank the big man that they allowed us to switch the tracks out for any stage we wanted to in TTT2. That was the first one to go. I have nothing against hip hop but so far there are no good hip hop songs in any fighting games. That are any fun to play. Obviously Shaq-Fu isn't. DOA5's in particular drives me nuts when playing online and waiting for a match. yea well... and
  12. Any chance a $10 backing could include a personal recommendation written by you and hand delivered to every professional contact you've made in the last 5 or so years? No? How about for the $5000 one then? I'll be backing it for sure next paycheck.
  13. I remember I used to do this alot in my pre-remixing phase. Staying up all night and seeing what comes to mind is loads of fun and usually I would end up with something decent to listen to for driving at night. SPEAKING OF THAT! if you have the time on a weekend or something. After you write something load it up on your mp3 player and go for a midnight drive. It's awesome. Nice groove. Definitely sounds like it was written with some night time influences.
  14. Games involve music but games aren't music. We shouldn't be comparing them to other forms of entertainment anyway. If something is so linear that everyone is going to perceive it in the same way, and people can't make it to the end, then chances are it sucked for a good chunk of the people listening to it. I don't think very highly of Rockstar or the GTA franchise but you have to give them credit for keeping things open and allowing the player to go off of whatever impulses they have at that moment. It's really the only thing that seperates games from other forms of art and it should never be thrown away. I like being able to use my imagination at times. I don't need everything dictated to me and judging from some of the hate that recent games like ffxiii or call of duty have received i'm not alone. I probably wouldn't be interested in a 20 minute dream theater song either. Now EQUILIBRIUM on the other hand... they can go all day for all I care. most days they do.
  15. After reading the article I really don't see what the problem is. This is what games should be about, everyone having their own seperate experiences. We should be glad developers are still putting enough into their games to account for so many different people playing through their game in different ways. Instead of limiting the player to only play the way the developers intended them to. For a book not making it to the end is bad. Same for Argo, i guess, if anyone saw that. But for games it's fine. Some play for the story, some play for the experience. Comparing games to the other entertainment industries is what got us in trouble in the first place remember? You pays your money you gets what you want out of it. Which should be a unique experience.
  16. Not really a huge fan of 90%+- of Tekken's music ( ) but...DO IT!
  17. Some free post processors http://varietyofsound.wordpress.com/vst-effects/ http://www.tseaudio.com/ Only free synth I know of http://www.tone2.com/html/firebird_vsti_vst_synthesizer_1.html $50 range http://www.korguser.net/shop/software/ I love the hell out of all of these in their legacy collection though for what you are looking for I'd go with either the M1 or Wavestation. Wavestation demo M1 demo Hope that helps!
  18. I thought people would be more into the ending rounds of this compo. Kinda sad the spirit seems to be dying off. I'll get some reviews up for Round 9 later tonight.
  19. think i almost missed it but eh whatever. Edit: awesome. Thanks Level! ... and Shariq ...and LT.
  20. Back in the day many of my friends had NESs. Which made me want to one-up them and go for the Sega Genesis. Can't deny that the Sega/Nintendo days were the best. RIP
  21. Not really but I have noticed there are a few things that have changed about my attitude towards violence as I get older. When I was a kid I couldn't get enough of Mortal Kombat I & II. If one of my friends knew how to do someone's fatality that I didn't know we'd play and do it over and over again. I picked up the reboot of the game back in 2011 and was hoping for a similar experience. Seeing the fatalities wasn't quite as awesome as it used to be but the one thing that got to me was the X-ray specials. Something about actually seeing the bones crack in the chest and back got me a little weird-ed out.
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