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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Yea that was a bit anticlimactic wasn't it? The Man's gotta make a show of power from time to time to keep things in line. I had a lot of fun, and a little stress, with Punchfest. I thought Rexy was going to take it though if it went to a vote. I was really surprised at how much work everyone did in such a short time. I mean, i know i'm slow when it comes to these kinds of things but I was pretty happy to have squeezed two minutes out of the source then i see the others around 5 minutes... Gotta love POD's sense of humor, sorry humour, doing 99% Alice in Chains for a remix. Gives me some ideas for the next punchfest
  2. That opening 30 seconds was more than i could take. He seemed to be trying to communicate something by bouncing his bald spot around but i don't think she was getting it. I know i didn't. Experimentation is great. In small doses. and not paying for it.
  3. Loving The Witcher games. I picked up Deus Ex:HR too which is loads of fun. Just wish they would have not gone with Keeanu Reeves style "acting".
  4. Awesome Punchfest to those who were there. I had no idea i could complete anything within 6 hours. Still a long ways from a one hour compo. For those that couldn't make it here was what i did. Fixes to come and it may or may not go up on youtube. http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/magicknightrayearth-bossremix Looking forward to the next one.
  5. I accidentally found OCR back around 2005 when searching for sources for game music. OCR was a significant drive for me to develop my home studio but I didn't actually do my first remix until Summer 2010. Before then I started playing Trombone in 4th grade, went to alto sax a few years later and almost quit the music program since i was bored with it and i didn't feel any connection to what i was playing. My last year playing alto sax i picked up a bass guitar and instantly fell in love with it. The next year i switched schools and on the first day i was planning on walking into the band room and telling them i quit. I walked into the orchestra room by mistake and agreed to start playing Contrabass for the orchestra instead. Played it through highschool and auditioned to be a music major. My first year was crap but i worked at it and on my senior jury (staff evaluation done once a year) my college orchestra director said i had just raised the bar for bass playing at that school. For the digital home studio I bought a copy of Sonar 6 about two years before I really got something completed. Before then, when i was in college, i was using Orion a crappy step sequencer and I did not understand anything about Sonar 6. The worst part was that I didn't have any of the resources i needed to tell me how to use the software other than the tutorials. I made some music but had no clue what to do with it and constantly got frusterated that my stuff wasn't sounding good. Things really didn't start clicking for me until around january when I started watching recording revolution.
  6. I loved my genesis right to the end but man that game was hard! I love a challenge to! Back when I picked up Sonic's Genesis collection i tried to play it again thinking there is no way this is going to be as hard as i remembered it being. It was.
  7. Sounds like fun. Love the title too. Turns out 1995 was an awesome year for videogames, though to be honest i don't remember it too well since the Genesis was nearing the end of its life and i didn't have a psx yet. I think i have something i want to do, i'll try my hardest not to think about it tommarow.
  8. What the heck is this? Wish i saw it earlier. I'm really tempted to give it a try. So once I find a song to work on i'm on the honor(sorry, honour) system not to do anything with it until Sunday? Or is there something on IRC that will guarantee no one cheats?
  9. My first time mixing on speakers after spending time mixing with headphones felt great. Nothing covering my ears, I could walk around the room to hear things a little differently, and that stupid cord wasn't getting in my way anymore. Unless you have paper thin walls in an apartment with incredibly sensitive neighbors that are all nightshift workers i really don't see going for any set of headphones over a set of speakers. Cans covering my ears sap my mixing endurance. with speakers i can go for an hour or longer (though i tend to take a 5-10 minute break every hour) with headphones i can go about half of that before i stop trusting my decisions.
  10. I used to be all for headphones but once i got familiar with mixing with speakers I could not recommend just a pair of headphones for working with audio. The biggest problem is that the low end on a pair of headphones isn't represented well due to small bass drivers. Everyone i have talked to who has ever mixed just with headphones says that they overcompensated on the lower freqs and because of that their mixes were muddy. Which includes myself as well. I have a decent pair of Sennheiser's that cost me $100 and i would strongly recommend them as something to get a different perspective with while you are mixing. For the budget you are working with, you are far better off with a $600 pair of speakers than a $600 set of (overpriced) headphones. Currently i am using these: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&biw=1024&bih=566&sclient=psy-ab&q=m+audio+av+40&oq=m+audio+av+40&gs_l=hp.3..0i10l4.2297.8218.0.8359.;..0.0...1c.4zMXih3xvNY&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=b7d2718a67a769fa&tch=3&ech=1ψ=Px8lUIrLDcXm0QHq4IDgCw.1344610100171.1&wrapid=tlif134461010017110&cid=6125306379783906742&sa=X&ei=SB8lUIOmBcfF0AHUtYGIBQ&ved=0CEkQrQQ and I am looking to upgrade to something like these: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&ds=sh&pq=mixing+speakers&cp=9&gs_id=2k&xhr=t&q=m+audio+bx5a&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&biw=1024&bih=566&wrapid=tljp1344610190578214&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=3427703012406256576&sa=X&ei=qR8lULniAqSu0AH5joEw&sqi=2&ved=0CGEQ8wIwAA which seem to have greatly come down in price. Think i might pick them up now ^^
  11. Studying traditional Japanese music was a passion of mine when i was younger. Or rather, wanting to study traditional japanese music was a passion of mine. If you are looking to pick up an actual instrument like the shakuhachi or koto you are going to fall back alot on what you already know about music and that's not a bad thing. Most of the differences you will encounter are pretty superficial. You already know it's a Dminor pentatonic scale but it's just called something different. (Ro, Tsu, Re, Chi, Ri, and Ro again being the octave. Differences in the octave are labeled Otsu or Kan. So to make this vg related: Western Music Theory can do what Traditionaldon't. Though learning things the traditional way can be thrilling if you are a nihon nut like myself. Unless you are planning on just sticking with a sample library and a keyboard, in which case this reply is missing the point entirely. Now if you are asking about the differences in writing technique, performance, styles, or possible interpretations of written Japanese music then i can't really say anything more as i'm still trying to figure that part out. Never having played a pipe instrument before i have been struggling to learn the shakuhachi for the last 5 months. I strongly recommend listening as much as possible. This is a good place to start which is a fantastic album combining traditional japanese music with western music.Then working your way to the really traditional stuff which is a little more of an aquired taste. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=--z1NwoloSw Somewhere in between that you'll eventually be able to add authentic Japanese flavor to your mixes. So that someone else who is listening to it will be able to say "Hey this sounds Chinese!" *slap*
  12. I like what you have here. Really nice for a first remix but there are some production issues. The compressor is coming down really hard on all parts of the mix. It almost sounds like some side chaining was attempted but set up poorly or the mix is too loud and you have some serious limiting clamping down on the master. Listening to this on my headphones the pumping (an effect from hard use of the compressor)isn't there with the rest of the mix making it very fatiguing to listen to. When you mix, mix very quiet. Turn up your monitors to get to a comfortable volume level and keep peaks low. When I start mixing I usually peak around -15db at first. This gives me tons of room to make small adjustments if needed later. Part of what makes or breaks production is that you need to compliment your mix with the right techniques to make it sound like it's more of what it already is. make sense? kinda? You can't force a dance track on something that's not written from the beginning with that in mind. Just as compressing an orchestral piece to a solid rectangle doesn't turn it into death metal. There is a ton of stuff to learn and it feels like it's going to take forever. Keep writing, take crits as well as you can and watch this guy http://www.youtube.com/user/recordingrevolution?feature=results_main
  13. It's exciting. i think it has alot to do with getting out of our safe zone for a bit to make the day a little brighter. very similar of a feeling when performing. I liked to perform, probably more so than many of my colleagues did when i was a student. Though i always had my doubts beforehand, especially right before the performance, the moments right after it all were the sweetest part of the experience.
  14. Watch the videos from pewdiepie. dumb name i know, but the swedish accent makes it funny. I like videos where the speaker, if he/she really feel they need to speak while playing games, doesn't sound ticked off for no reason. I think the whole let's play thing is a joke anyway. With many games so easily obtainable, why do people feel they need to watch someone else play them? The economy?
  15. Try Slender. I watched part of the video on IGN for it and thought it looked kinda fun. Might be good for a cheap scare. I played it for maybe 4 minutes the first time then slammed the escape button. Slenderman wasn't anywhere near me either, but i thought he was at the time. The game didn't leave me all day after that. I really think this is one of those games that succeeded thanks to the audio. Hearing the drums at first, not a big deal, but that heaviness the sub sonics will put on you wears you down quick, and it only gets more intense when you start picking up the pages. I only gush about this game because it has been a very long time since i was genuinely scared from playing a game. A game that's not fun at all and is closer to torture to play. That's something very special! As far as fake reactions, if you watch this guy he doesn't seem too into the game either. At least not until 4:30 I like watching the slender videos but watching the gameplay doesnt even give you a fraction of the terror. Play it.
  16. Best Part: Bathroom Worst Part: Bathroom The four way brick wall out in the middle of nowhere is pretty stupid too but when you are playing it you just hope he's not on the other side of it. Don't walk around the tree landmark in a circle. I got caught there once and it hit me so bad I almost whacked my studio monitors across the room.
  17. I appreciate that WR but I can think of a better way. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=33937 You've completed the path to being a judge now complete this! please?
  18. As long as the study is over. 27/M/NY Reading this thread made me feel old! Guess my life is over afterall. As you can see from the stats, I grew up during that small gap where playing games did not make you popular with the ladies. Any of them! One thing i've always wanted to ask the OCR community is at what point do playing games become detrimental to your music making? Good to see some good people playing games for a good chunk of their day. It's Bad for society but it's Good for you! For me it might be an hour a day on the weekdays if nothing else is going on a little more on weekends. Though when Sonic Generations came out i sat in front of my 360 for a solid 7 hours in one shot.
  19. Time Dilation Like when you: And then you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxdK-_-rwug To maximize the effect, choke yourself in between videos. What? isn't that what the kids are doing these days?
  20. What school are you going to? I majored in music and life has been really tough. I took some computer music classes that were supposed to teach stuff like this but honestly i didn't actually start learning anything about it until after I graduated. let me put it this way, i learned more about music production watching a month's worth of material from Graham at Recording Revolution than i did in my four years at school. Also when I was sending scores out looking to become a composition major I got told by several teachers that Atonal and Minimalist music was what was being taught. Lots of Schoenberg, Philip Glass, Tone Rows and the like. Which wasn't what I wanted to do. Today, since music doesn't pay easily i wouldn't pay to earn a degree in music when there is so much out there on Youtube, OCR, Gear Slutz etc. If you were going into Music Education that's a little bit different of a story, but job placement has been really tough. Some schools down south have cut out anything not examinated by the state which means all art and art related classes. Good luck to you if you choose to pursue this but make sure you do some research before getting too far into it. You may end up back where you started but in a ton of debt.
  21. I had the same problem. Couldn't find the link. I sent a pm to DJ Mokram and got this http://vgmdb.net/forums/showpost.php?p=8915&postcount=1 The link is toward the bottom. It's sort of an old album and really it wasn't that impressive. Most of the mixes are a minute or less which i don't think quite do justice to the OST but it was a good effort.
  22. Thanks Roz, I've been on the fence about this one for too long. This is the second remix i ever attempted and it got close to what I wanted over time but never quite got there. I've attempted a few rewrites of it but i felt none of them really worked. I think i played with the source a little too much when i tried to fit it into a different groove. The notes are there, plus several extra. Time to put this one down. Until next time i feel i can improve on it
  23. At least half of all the freaking videos on youtube. This is what's usually in the comment section. I've seen something like this at least 100 times. 1. Wear Headphones 2. Turn Up Volume 3. Enjoy (you're about to go deaf) While those videos get thousands of views this one sits on the shelf : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGaLulrvxs4
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