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Everything posted by Yami

  1. This afternoon I heard this for the first time... I smiled a lot but dismissed it because it didn't fit into my playlist. But I honestly couldn't get it out of my head... So, I'm drunk now, and I desperatly needed to listen to it again
  2. What??? I just read all the good things about it and just wanted to buy it for my 3ds... Damn, so my drunken plan to buy games is yet foiled again..
  3. Ok, the Dark Mountain theme is one of my favorites fron LttP, and this is a remix this theme deserves. Awesome!
  4. Demons Next Door: Interesting use of the sources, really cohesive, too bad it's so short, and it's a bit loud. Pokey the Poker: First I thought it was a purely orchestrated piece, until it really started. Great execution and I think this has the possibility to become an OCRemix. It's really groovy! My Doom is Bigger: When I first listened to the remixes I didn't want to focus on the sources, but on the remix itself, so I didn't look up the sources. Well, I needed to break this rule, because I instantly recognized Gades, but I didn't know where from, and I needed to look it up. Ok, long story short. This really captures the villain vs villain aspect, and you can really feel them wanting to one-up each other. Great mix, with a better production I could also see it end up on the front page. Chaos and Destruction: Pretty good remix, the execution is great, and rocks big time, but unfortunately the bad recording quality takes a lot out of it. If you have a better microphone, you could really enter DoD with this piece. A Stormy Sniffle: Uh, this is something you should never listen to at night, it's a pretty scary and villainous piece. Great source usage, and interesting execution. Wandering eyes: I really liked this one and it was a close decision. Great sounds and great source usage, but unfortunately a bit short. Soul Rape: Wow, dubstep with a hint of orchestra. Nice. The sources were discoverable, but not too easy (or my ears tire), but it was possible. Too bad it was a bit short.
  5. Ok, first I was really frustrated, because nothing seemed to fit, but somehow today was different. If I can manage to make a reasonably mastered version it might be my best work yet (and I rarely say that, unless I have really improved)
  6. I have some, but what really stuck was Star Ocean 2, even with 12 years between, I got stuck again in the same dungeon...
  7. I'm currently in Berlin, so I only had time for some basic electro groundwork, but after friday when I'm back, I'll do my best to get something out of it
  8. Oh Final Fantasy V, awesome! Edit: Aw man, Expel was possible draw too? Too bad
  9. I nearly forgot posting my reviews: A Taste of Ivalice: Great idea, I really liked the mood, and it worked with Hometown Domina, which is one of the happiest songs I know. Could use some more development, but was a great start Dustin Time: Chippy, funky and the themes go really well together, unfortunately a bit short Avon Tie: At least someone had something lasting more than 3 minutes. Interesting blend of the themes. Could use some mastering. And I probably would have lost against that one
  10. I just listened in to my fellow heroes entries. Not bad, not bad at all, all of you. I will post detailed reviews tomorrow when I sobered up (well, you know, Germany had it's first world cup match, so I'm pretty inebriated)
  11. Oh, I like that one. Perhaps I'll enter. And should I enter and win, I will definitely pick Touch Fuzzy, Get Dizzy as next source, because it would fit like a glove
  12. Oh, I need to do something similar, when I have time. I love this scary stuff
  13. I know. But it wasn't always like that. I'm pretty sure, the default encryption started with Windows 7
  14. Just wanted to post the same, was too slow
  15. But be sure it's encypted or otherwise someone could listen
  16. I'm almost done, if you can call it that... Just doing little tweaks. I'l send mine in the next 2-2.5 hours
  17. Ok... I somehow patched something together, still working on details. It will probably not be a winning entry, but it's in a way I've never done a remix before, and probably never will again
  18. Yeah... That's true... Even if it doesn't quite fit to my theme... And the transcribing is currently driving me nuts, it really takes a lot, a goddamn lot of time...
  19. Damn, lossless remixes Wow, thats a great announcement!
  20. Hey cool. Good luck to you man. At least I know "Land of Beginnings" since I played the hell out of BD And it makes it easier for me when I need to transpose it by ear... Let's see if I can Edit: Ahh, man, Hometown Domina would have been great, I love that theme...
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