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Everything posted by Yami

  1. Damn, I couldn't finish mine. I was aiming for a Malice Mizer - Beast of Blood like rendition (with a harpsichord as well), but it fell a bit short because of lack of time and of course that I can't do a convincing guitar part
  2. Will there be an extension or will FreakyT win by default? I haven't had quite the time yet, except for a few bars
  3. I have an idea, which would be something totally different from the things I mostly do, I only hope I have enough time to make it happen
  4. Damn, I gotta step up too next time But it was a hard round, so congrats to Jorito. Really? You never imagined it as a dance tune? That was my first idea as soon as I heard it
  5. Voted. It was an interesting round and the decision was as hard as ever.
  6. Well, honestly, except for Metal Gear, every MSX game I played was japanese, so translations weren't common for me... But still, I didn't know it..
  7. Oh nice, I gotta listen to these tracks. BTW, this PRC EP thing is a really great idea, perhaps there will be more of those in the future
  8. I don't think you would have. Your source is great, but as soon as I heard the Illusion City tune it instantly clicked. BTW, I'm nearly done, I only need to mix and master it, which I'll do tomorrow
  9. I loved this one... I laughed so hard when I first listened to it
  10. Ok, great, now I have two ideas... One which is more upbeat/trancy and one calmer pseudo-film music like...
  11. Well, I haven't had much time doing music lately, but perhaps I'll enter, just to have the chance for a scary source tune. Ok, if anyone else wins I'll be interested in the next one nonetheless
  12. I have currently Lost Paintings stuck in my head, so this was pretty fitting. Yet I'm not sure yet if I like the lyrics because I'm depressed and all and they fit too good. But the singing is great
  13. Hmm, I have the same problem as mike, I have an idea, but I'm not sure if it would be MnP
  14. Yeah, I'm on it, it really isn't that easy
  15. I only used Simon's Theme as an example, I didn't want to claim it or anything, sorry for the possible misunderstanding
  16. Well considering your long history here and your awesomeness, please go ahead, I ain't mad
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