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Everything posted by ad.mixx

  1. This should be getting reviews : O I remember hearing this as a WIP. It's gone through a lot of changes, but for the better of the song. The mid-genre switch IMO sold the mix. I really felt the intensity rise in that section, and it gets you super pumped - kind of like you're making that final stretch to get to the bottom floor. I don't agree with that that mix lost any energy either.. I mean, maybe it did, but I that the last section was perfect and I perfect by my book. This is an old song from you, you've definitely gotten better since, but this is still once of your most interesting mixes. I really dig this remix and I'd definitely recommend it to everyone!
  2. I usually just watch LP'ers I already know, and usually only games I've already played (or ones I never had a chance to play but wanted to). The commentator is important because if they're not funny or informative, then there really is no "point". There's a lot of pointless LP's like that out there, especially on youtube. The Something Awful forums has decent LP's, only because there is a sort of quality control there. You still run into a lot of bad LP's, though.
  3. Heck yeah! More rap on OCR! I love the drums on this instantly. They're well sequenced/played/whatever. Great beat in general. The piano is super sick. This a jazz-tastic piece, and I'm loving every bit of it. Great performances all around here. And they're very well produced on top of that, so that only makes it 10x better : D Good job on this both of you!
  4. Why doesn't this have more comments? This is an awesome remix! Exciting, fun, and a bit uplifting to. This is the kind of music I'd like to hear in an RPG when you first set out on your journey, or something like that. The DnB works very well here. I especially really dig the bass that comes in at 1:45. Super thick. The transition at 2:20 maybe could have been handled a little better, but it does work. The fun lead synth slides after that section are fun to listen to. And it ends very well too, so awesome work on that! Overall a good song. I'd highly recommend this one.
  5. Hi. I'm just curious, is the Portrait of a Plumber project invite only?

  6. I'm going to agree with the others that this is probably the best song off the album. One thing I really like about your music Joshua Morse is how professional the production usually is. You really know how to make jazz, and how to make it sound good, and this song right here is proof. Easily one of my favorites from you, and it really shines and sparkles when put up to your other pieces.
  7. I'll give you a quick story, I was playing this song during a long night drive with 4 friends, and as soon as the beat dropped everyone started freaking going crazy in the car making a fool of themselves. It was hilariously fun time. Great production and super sick beat. I remember hearing this when it first got posted, and I was addicted right when the beat dropped. Somehow, the beat never gets old at all even though it's pretty much the same throughout the song. I think it's because the stuff going on around it, but whatever it is, you did a really good job with this song. I could say it sounds pretty professional, actually. I could hear this in a slick car commercial or something similar. No real criticism here - this is a great song. Good job!
  8. This is one of the best remixes on the site. I freaking love it! I especially love Japanese music, and you pay homage to Okami very well with this piece. Seriously, I wish I could remix this game half as well as you did. This is just too good. I feel like this song takes you on a journey of sorts, overall. Each section kind of feels like it leads you somewhere different in the game, and that piano interlude - man, that was just epic! From beginning to end, this song just feels good all the way through. This is one of those songs that has really influenced me musically. Thank you for making this piece, McVaffe. If there's ever an opportunity, or maybe some kind of Okami project pops up, please make more Okami remixes! : D
  9. Great mix here - it sounds like it belongs right in the game. I know it's a small part of the song, but I especially like the small section around :56. It's super trippy and fun sounding. Nice harmonics going on throughout the piece. The second half also fits well, and I thought had a really nice dreamy feeling soundscape. The overall beat and bass is super good too. The vocals are a bit piercing, but it's not a problem for too long. Nice ending, by the way! I like it when songs end the way yours did.
  10. Very relaxing song with a sweet soundscape as OA mentioned. The repetition doesn't bother me as much, though, because it actually makes this easier to relax to IMO. I remember many times putting this song on repeat and falling asleep to it in the middle of the night - it's great for that kind of stuff! The guitar is probably my favorite part. It melds very well with the other instruments. I do also like how the song never feels like it gets to busy, which is good. It just kind of takes you on a relaxing ride. Nice job!
  11. This was the first song I heard on the site. It was disappointing to know this was one of the only Pokemon mixes at the time, but it was also better than anything you could find on Youtube, so I couldn't complain. Congratulations mister ProtoDome, with this song alone you had created another chiptune fanatic! The melody writing here is absolutely perfect. In fact, there's not really anything in this song that doesn't sound great IMO. It's catchy and cute - take my money! The fadeout didn't bother me that much either. It makes me laugh now because it seemed like your song wanted to go on longer, but it had to conform to the ProtoDome standards.
  12. Great time sig change. The layering here is what really gets me every time, each effect on its own doesn't sound too impressive, but together everything sounds absolutely beautiful. The arrangement is really good too. Out of all three prime mixes, I'd have to say this one was your best. You really show your love for the original song here. Also nice bass writing. It's very catchy.
  13. Really good remix here. I feel like the bass level may be a little strong on each pluck, at least on the low notes. It's doesn't bother me as the goes on, though. My favorite thing about this song is how every just melds together so well. The acoustic synth mixture just works so well, and is addicting to listen to. Again, really good mix. Thanks for making a Metroid Prime 2 mix, too. It needs more love!
  14. I love the arrangement. It definitely takes a simple is better approach IMO, and does well with keeping a calm mood, while still changing up throughout the song to keep things interesting. The harp coming in around 3:00 sounds beautiful. A great Phendrana remix. I would say that this song has had more influence over my style in music than most any other song on OCR, because it's just perfect by my book.
  15. I still love this song even after almost 2 years. I like to listen to music to help me relax and take a breather from life, and this song in particular really helped me get through some tough emotional times after moving away from my parents for college. Thank you so much for being persistent with this one and resubmitting it. This is easily one of my favorite songs on OCR.
  16. Just wanted to post to assure im still working on this. My charger crapped out, and a replacement shipment justcame in, but im going to be in louisiana until sunday, so wont be able to touch this until then. Sorry for updating this was such a crappy update. That reverb was a bad idea i see now. I think fatigue was the big issue, im trying really hard to get this sax to fit in with the song cause it just sounds so darn good, but im not as used to mixing live audio with alll electronic elements. Ill make sure to apply as much of yalls tips as possible (especially the bass issue which i now hear the issues) T hanks for all the posts by the way. Im going to make this sound as good as possible for OCR.
  17. I'll let other people comment on this since DnB isn't my thing, but I do want to say I really like the sound you've got going here. Touhou is <3 so plus cookie amount for that. Thanks for making this!
  18. Sorry for not updating this in a while both to XPRT and everyone who really likes this song. I've been pretty musicless for the past few weeks, which sucks. But I'm gonna get back on track now. I tried something new with the Sax. I did bring it up a little more (in terms of reverb and loudness), but I added delay to it. Maybe it's just me but I really like the wide sound it has, but I'll just let you guys comment a little bit before I finally submit this. I might even have to bring the sax up a little more...but it's getting close, though! Also, doing this has made me realize how much mastering sucks. It's hard to keep the dynamics of the track while still making it loud for some reason. Hopefully there isn't any clipping I'm not hearing. https://www.box.com/s/d9w1mdw6k7kd92uwtumj edit: and I completely forgot! I'll add some drum fills in the submitted version to keep that aspect more interesting.
  19. Thanks a whole bunch to Joseph for pulling this out. He seriously rocked out! I want to go ahead and put this out here so I could get some new ears on the song. The sax sounds awesome, but I feel like I'm so used to the old sax sample that I don't know what sounds good anymore. So yeah. I feel like the chorus' may need more filling out, though. Like another synth or an electric guitar or something. I messed with the mixing since the last version too, so there's that. It's not as loud right now, but that'll be fixed once I can properly master it. https://www.box.com/s/kiw2lco0viq3vg781ygm
  20. I added a youtube link to the first version for those curious to hear it.
  21. https://www.box.com/s/57xp66377r2k33tolrjh Right, right, right. So here's this song again. I just couldn't let it go by without trying it out once last time. I really want this arrangement to get passed onto OCR (it was already rejected by the panel), so I completely redid it up to my personal standards, and tried a few new things. It's a lot better, and honestly much, much better than I expected it. Maybe it could be a little louder or something, but right now I'm more focused on getting this saxophone right. I really want to get a saxophonist on this piece, and think I already have one lined up (but not entirely sure if they're still willing at the moment). Tell me what you guys think. I really like this song at the place it's at right now. There may be a few loudness or production issues atm, I haven't done a lot of EQ atm, but once that's done I feel like it'll be good to go (if I can get a good sax by then). Thanks for listening.
  22. i'm really going to push to get that song finished for the lime project. sorry i've been out of touch, it's just honestly been off my mind for a while now.

    i'm gonna push to get something finished this month, though. look forward to it.

  23. I'm pretty sure ours is pretty much finished. I want to see if everything's OK with Cash and Change before I send it over, but if he doesn't get on by three I'll send it out. He did awesome, btw. : D edit: submitted. can't wait to see the results of this thing.
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