Well, now you get to experience Ruby/Sapphire in X/Y glory. Though to be honest all the games have the same feel, not sure why X/Y would change your mind to begin with. If anything Ruby/Sapphire was the point in the series that felt really fresh with a bit of a different design approach. But it's all still pretty samey.
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knowing their last two remakes it doesn't really seem like they'll go for changing the plot up too much imo. i personally hope they do, seeing as ruby/sapphire had one of the best plots for the series (seriously, two teams, god pokemon showdown, what's not to love). I'm hoping they at least expand on the plot though, make it feel a little bit more fresh. Some of the locales have a chance to be extremely epic feeling (Mt. Chimney, that place you find Rayquaza). They could do so much more with the 3DS engine (especially now that they something to work off of with XY) so here's hoping they do it.