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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. I think I speak for us all when I say that, as much as we wantz the musicz, we also enjoy seeing you out in the community. And that's one of the better posts I've seen on the internet in recent months.
  2. Seconded. I could never take that guy seriously. Something in the way he walked, and his affect... Also, seriously, no one mentioned yet? Guy's HI-larious.
  3. I've been waiting for urdailywater to get a much-deserved mixpost for many, many months now (so it seems), and this song's definitely a great way to start off being an OCRemixer. Great, laid-back piece, creating a good ambiance to set the melody amid; I'd love to see more songs in a similar subtle, almost delicate vein making it onto OCR. Congratulations on getting posted at last!
  4. I've taken to watching TotalBiscuit's video game news series, the Content Patch, on an irregular basis. For those unfamiliar with it, he takes 1-5 topics of note in the video game world every other day or so, and does a short, 15-25 minute video discussing what happened and their impact on game culture and game business. Anyway, , apparently, he's started featuring OCRemixes on there, too. Kind of cool, you ask me.
  5. Took the survey. Good luck on your project!
  6. Muchos congratulations.
  7. Blah, I totally missed this thread up til now. Stoked to see what comes out of it though!
  8. Pffft. We totally didn't get to Memoria quick enough to get Excal II. On the bright side, we're way over-leveled now.
  9. I'll be expecting a comtemporary Christian mariachi song to come out of this. *points finger at everyone*
  10. Brandon, one of these days I want to make a thread that's just the collected .gif postings by you, or the greatest hits if nothing else, because you always manage to pull one out of nowhere that makes me chuckle. For every one you've ever posted, thank you, sir.
  11. To be honest, if I hadn't already read the books 7x apiece, I would probably be tempted... but since I know ~75-85% of what will happen as a result (no way to know what the showrunners will change), I'm decently content to wait. Although I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to see how well the actors they picked for Meera/Jojen do, ASAP. And of course, ALL the scenes between Jon Snow and Ygritte. And between Jon Snow and Mance Rayder. Hell, just ALL of the Jon Snow scenes would tide me over until the DVDs. And the Tyrion ones too, while we're at it. (That probably didn't need spoiler whiteout, but better safe than sorry.)
  12. Oh shit. I totally forgot that was coming down the pipeline. Maaan, Disney better figure out a way to see to it that still gets released, or I will be really upset. And yeah, the X-Wing/Tie Fighter games were way ahead of their time. I kept hoping for a "reboot" of them, or a remake.
  13. I can't myself. We don't have HBO and the friend who had the HBO we were watching with moved five states away for a job. Although if I get this job full-time, I might treat myself to an HBO subscription...
  14. I actually caught the reference on my first listen. Got a well-deserved "Nice. Niice." from me.
  15. Great performance and arrangement. Add that to the fact that there's some Legend of Dragoon involved, and you can automatically multiply the level of awesome by 10. Great stuff.
  16. Froggy went a-courtin', he did court, uh-huh. Still think it's gonna be Poker Night 2.
  17. I think this entire album has taught me one thing: Fishy needs to release an epic album of 300 tracks, all less than five seconds in length.
  18. Agreeing with these. Although I have to admit, a Smash Bros-style brawler featuring these characters would also be pretty interesting. But no. Poker Night 2.
  19. I would've changed the third gen Pokemon games by making them be on the Gameboy/Gameboy Color system, so I could've played them as a child. My heart was broken when I found out they were coming out on a system I had no way of procuring - my folks were very, very strict on the "we gave you a gameboy, there's to be no other game systems in the house beyond that" rule when I was younger.
  20. This. I can forgive any of the design flaws I may (or may not) see in the game for the stoning lottery at the beginning alone. It's good to see a game stepping up to the plate to help foster discussion regarding social issues.
  21. That was a good read. I have to admit, I was kind of hoping to see some Yoko Kanno/GitS:SAC in his influences... but if the OST is anywhere near as good as Bastion's was, I'll be happy.
  22. Totally the source I'd pick for a Red Mage, too.
  23. This puts a smile on my face. And makes me want to watch Interstella 5555 again.
  24. ...and it looks decently badass. EDIT:
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