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Melbu Frahma

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Everything posted by Melbu Frahma

  1. Definitely getting the aforementioned James Bond vibe off of this track, and I'm diggin' it. Gorgeous vocal work by Claire, combined with djmistix's usual level of quality, equals pure awesomeness - and that's from a noted disliker of vocal Remixes. Great stuff, good way to kick off the year.
  2. If your secret is that you don't actually have a secret, I think we all know what your secret is.
  3. My wife gave me a preordered Game of Thrones season two, so I'll be getting (and re-watching) that as soon as it comes out. And a warm new jacket, to replace my only other serviceable jacket (a hoodie from my college days). Add that to a $30 Barnes and Noble gift card, and I'm pretty happy.
  4. This x2 for me.
  5. Pretty much my first thought.
  6. I know others have already gushed about the atmosphere, but I have to gush more: dat atmosphere. DAT ATMOSPHERE. It's just... it's perfect. And the piano work is gorgeous, simply gorgeous, and fits perfectly with the rest of the track. Intellectually, I know it's a 5+ minute piece, but every time I listen to it when it's over I find myself going, "There's no way that was five minutes, I want more!" ...and that can only be a good thing. Definitely looking forward to more music from the artist.
  7. More Theophany music in my ears can only be a good thing. I am excite.
  8. I noticed your were doing this about four days ago. Really enjoyed the Terraria one!
  9. So I've noticed there's a lot less mixes added to the TBJ list in the judging thread - only two for this month, and none last month! Have people been submitting THAT many less mixes? Or have you been moving less over? Just curious - I'd been wondering if albums have been keeping people too busy, or something. On a related but separate note, I noticed the list of judges here is different from the one here. Just thought I'd point that out, on the really, really unlikely chance you guys weren't aware.
  10. Fixed it for you. Happy birthday to one hell of an amazing site.
  11. Undoubtedly; as I said, there's really only enough character themes to allow for maybe two compos of that, for that very reason. Although I suppose you could open it up to tracks that remixers can make convincing arguments are associated strongly enough with the characters being used as their theme (similar to how Mirby's allowing tracks strongly associated with the Cid of each game in the Cid project, even if there's not necessarily an explicit theme for every Cid). I like the idea of a Pokemon challenge too (heck, anything main series Pokemon music-wise is pretty okay with me), and had thought of suggesting it... but the only thing I could come up with that might work for it would be for each remixer to choose a gym leader for a "Gym Leader Tourney" and then to use the music for their town as their theme. (I.E. Whoever chose Misty would be using one of the four variations of Cerulean City's music, and if they went up against "Brock" would remix with one of the four versions of Pewter City's music, similar to the Grand Master compo.) EDIT: Had a stray thought for another compo format, one that would deviate from the "A v B" format. You could have a compo run in "Episodes," (similar to the way MindWanderer is running RWTS) and at the beginning of each episode the participating remixers would be given three sources, and asked to choose two of them to remix into one cohesive, fully working track. You'd still get plenty of variety - one round with sources A, B, and C might end up with submissions of CA, CA, AB, AC, BA, BC, and CB, for instance - and if you wanted to get really challenging, you might give the the participants a style, mood, or sound restriction that's different each episode. For instance, you could give the participants a fanfare source, a quirky happy source, and an ambient source, and ask that the finalized remix be done to achieve the mood of "gloomy," or contain at least two sections with a flute. Of course, you could just provide the sources and let the participants do with them as they pleased, and see what comes of it. But it'd be an interesting way to see how sources from various OSTs could work together, or not - you could provide a source from Halo 3, a source from Super Mario Brothers 2, and a source from Final Fantasy Tactics, and see what people can make out of them.
  12. Always thought an FF character theme mashup in the style of the Mega Man compos would be cool. You'd only be able to do it once or twice until you started running out of unused character themes though (unless you limited it to eight/side/competition). I'd also considered suggesting (in the past) an "Environment Battle" style mashup compo, where instead of competing based on characters, you compete based on the music of the environments. For example, if you had one based on FF9, you could have matchups like Treno vs. Fossil Roo, Lindblum vs. Alexandria, Evil Forest vs. Black Mage Village. And this style would work for lots of games; most Mario titles, Final Fantasies, Zeldas, you name it, a lot of (particularly older) games have a lot of amazing environment music.
  13. I am 100% okay with this getting a nomination.
  14. ^ My favorite ice/snow track ever. There's always and its attendant Remix from VotL, too.There's a short but decent ones from LoD, too.Ice Cavern out of FF9 is good, although probably not to what you're wanting. There's one in FFT's OST that's also good, but I'm drawing a mental blank as to its name atm.
  15. Quoted, and seconded for truth - there are some other songs off it that come close, and some that have been growing on me with each listen, but this is definitely my favorite off of it. The interplay between the various instruments was amazing, and I thought there was just the right amount of vocal sfx used to take it up a notch.
  16. Suicide Mission, from Mass Effect 2's OST. Hands down, my favorite off of it.
  17. Darn. I was really, really hoping to get some Bittersweet Romance. Still, I definitely understand not wanting to hold up the rest of the (I'm sure) magnificent music any longer. And yay for Christmas presents.
  18. Huh. Gotta admit, I was halfway expecting to see this out when I logged in today.
  19. Racking my brain, but personally the only thing I can think of with female vocals and that in the lyrics is that one Evanescence song. "Good Enough," ironically, I believe is the title. Probably not it, though - and I'm assuming it's a video game-related song anyway. (And granted, I'm far from the best person to be trying to think of vocal songs.) Can you at least remember what kind of genre it was, or was close to? Piano solo? Country? Electronica? If you can give us an idea of that, it'd help. LOL. Valid point.
  20. Seconded. Even my wife - who's generally "meh" toward video game stuff - looked at this and said she thought it'd be cool to have as a table top for a little coffee table/outdoor table.
  21. Ooh. That's actually a pretty clever way of doing it, MW - nice idea!
  22. That was actually my first thought too. I dunno; I don't really see enough advantage to the Mini vs the original to make me consider buying it instead of a Wii.
  23. Huh. Could've sworn I voted late last week. I'll go revote. EDIT: Done. And I gotta say, I really agonized over who to vote for this episode. If I get free time, I'll write up some reviews for the artists, too, although I don't know how much I can really contribute.
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