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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. I tried to do something for this, but i might have to bail because i need to get my overclocked christmas entry done, and i dont have a single day off until the 6th, and its due on the 10th. I just cant manage to get a good soundscape.
  2. the guy was very upfront that they didnt have ALOT to pay me upfront, but i will make a percentage of sales after the game is released. Im just waiting on him consulting his development team before making the final decision to hire someone for the soundtrack. I do understand the need to not sell yourself short, but given that ive never scored anything before, i dont even feel it would be fair to charge all kinds of money. Its also an educational game that theyre hoping to have used in schools. so without even taking pay into account, the fact that kids all over the place might be playing a game with my music in it sounds really rewarding in itself. If i inspired even one kid with my music, thats way cool.
  3. Thanks so much! I feel dumb since I had an extension but I swear that thasauce just doesn't like my browser or something. On an unrelated note , I'm curious, does thasauce have a download counter for songs in each round?I just noticed that you can download the entries
  4. the nice thing is we dont have to do a lick of arranging, since its the mnp, we can just change out the sound palette
  5. what did you guys end up doing with this? im suprised there isnt more interest in this sort of thing.
  6. So i think you should totally finish that zeldas lullaby remix! my roommate was playing the new zelda game and for some reason i got me humming zeldas lullaby, and in turn got me singing the lyrics from that remix. I would say the catchiness of it is a sign that you should finish it!

  7. because its a "midi rip" which isnt allowed as an entry, as stated per the rules. I cant speak for him, but i assume he just wanted to partake in the fun of the round but didnt have time for rearranging the mix
  8. I hadn't heard nyancat. If I hadn't heard kahunas theme I wouldn't have been able to do it last minute haha. I love ff8s ost
  9. I don't think I've even heard that song. I wanted a name that conveyed the theme which is cait sith and Laguna lazing around on a nice sunny morning in japan when they should be fighting each other. I think fl mobile runs on android too, which from experience, is much easier to use. It's just a midi sequencer though.
  10. just to clarify, is there any sense in the two mix teams voting since theres only two entries? Obviously team anorax could (and should) vote, given that theyre technically participants, but it doesnt make much sense to me for the mixers to vote.
  11. subbed! I dont think ive ever made a remix so last minute before.
  12. if you have an ios device like an itouch you could always try out nanostudio! it lets you import midis! a bit harder workflow and you have to know how to program a synth, but its better than nothing. android has some music options too i think. either way, hope you can get something figured out!
  13. Idunno man! Your song is longer than a minute and a half haha. I can try! That 3/4 time signature might have me beat.

  14. I wanted to wait until after the darkness bracket of the FFCC before throwing this into the workshop. i have a bad habit of not getting back to remixes ( though i usually screencap the feedback i get) for wayyy too long. Ill probably upgrade my soundcloud for christmas, so youll be seeing more updated wips from me hopefully! https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/happy-smash-wrecking-crew-main i already know i wanna change out that intro piano. it just sounds so boring.
  15. thats fine, im sure you will eventually. i forgot to throw a limiter on it, so it ended up being stupidly quiet. ugh. good luck this round though! i think we are pretty evenly matched.

  16. nice job on your remix this week! the arrangement was a little wonky though, but i dont blame you, our sources have such awkward scales to transpose. next time theres a mashup compo, im picking something with an easier scale.

  17. I've never done anything of this sort before, so i figured it couldnt hurt to quick ask for some pointers. I figure its always best to double check before you just jump into an obligation. The only two questions i had thought of prior to asking were, what he is looking for soundwise and what kind of compensation there was. so im glad i asked!
  18. sweet! if i can pull it, im gonna get up at 8 and see if i can have something submittable done by the deadline! i have a sound sketch done, but no arrangement.
  19. 9 entries, only 3 actual matchups and 3 default wins. luckily that makes an even number for the next darkness bracket.
  20. im glad that everyone is pulling through on this! its a good week for music! im excited to hear all these entries.
  21. Ok so i was just offered to help score what looks to be an educational game that may be used in schools, but i have pretty much no clue how to go about this opportunity. So im curious what advice people who have worked on soundtracks might have.since Its for an educational game, im not sure what kind of compensation there might be. I havent responded to the person yet so id like to sort out what things i should be asking.
  22. Yea, it takes longer but you can. I wouldn't recommend it if you have weak internet. Luckily my roommate works for a cable company so we get nice high speed.
  23. Timaeus ! Do you know any free eq plugins with built in spectrum analyzer? Live 9 has one but I can't upgrade yet haha

  24. subbed! i didnt think id make it, much less make anything worth listening to but this remix turned out to be loads of fun! pentatonic scales are waaaaay too much fun.
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