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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. thanks! ive spent it relaxing and vegging out on skyrim. i just bought it, i cant believe i waited so long.

  2. good idea! i never thought to look locally for a photography group. I live in a photographer inundated city, so it should be obvious to me. Thanks for the book recommendation too, i need as much photography advice as i can get. You should link your photography over on the art subforum!
  3. do you mean the vowely bass sound? im not sure which pad you mean, theres a pad there that starts in the intro that i need to bury a little more as its too upfront which does have a sidechain compressor on it that starts at some point, is that what you mean? I was aiming for that style of bass sound, but im not exactly sure how to acheive that style of bassline. currently im used a slightly tweaked bass preset that emulates that sort of sound.
  4. Strive to make your workflow more efficient. I find it helps you pick up your work easily and be less confused as the songs become more complex. What i mean by this is things like: 1. Have the right tools for the way your mind works. if youre a piano player, get a keyboard for not entry. if youre a synth-head and you find point and click automation to be tiresome, pick up a "block o knobs" type controller. This is arguably something you learn over time, but its worth investing some time into figuring out what works best. 2. make your studio a "no distractions " space. If you dont have a dedicated studio, find a quiet place like a library to work on your mixes in when your home space is too distracting. I often do tracking for my mixes at a coffeeshop. 3. Label all of your channels by what they are (Ex: Main lead, subbass etc...) 4. Put channels with Similar functions next to each other in the mixer/arrangement views of your Daw, and color code them the same. To me , this helps the mix feel less cluttered when i come back to an old mix that i want to update. I dont have to scroll back and forth between the melody and harmony if theyre not on opposing sides of my arrangement view or mixer. color coding helps you quickly identify parts that play similar roles as well 5. It depends on the daw and personal preference, but if you have the option to show all of your automation for a channel alongside of it, do it. having it just show when youre working on the automation works, but just having all your automations shown there when you open a channel helps keep you from forgetting to change automation as well when you move audio bits around. This may not be a deal for everyone though. i use ableton, so i gets annoying to switch automation views all the time. Lastly, Dont go nuts with plugins. if you have a titan of a computer, do whatever you want, but in tune with the organization theme of this post, i find its easier to keep track of sounds and how theyre being affected if i dont have 15 plugins on each channel that i have to keep track of. Its also likely, that youll be less crazy with unnecissary effects bottom line Whenever possible, keep your workflow well organized and labelled, and learn what tools and processes work for you. never settle on something if it doesnt work.
  5. Alright Hoboka, im in, this song is right up my alley.
  6. i knew that damned gunshot would be a problem. I spend a good bit trying to get it not to clip there. ill try messing with the EQ on it to get it to fit in. someone also brought up the point that the gunshot at the end of the mix needs to be fixed so that it doesnt go from a clean and crisp gun cocking sound to a muffled gun blast sound. i might try using a different sample if needbe, as this one peaks really loud. glad you like it!
  7. yea, it only lets you use non NI sample packs for 30 minutes or something before booting you off and telling you to buy the full version. I was so sad when i realized i couldnt use Cinematic drums or the Taiko pack i bought. TAL makes some alright VSTS that are free. if youre starting out, they should get you someplace. also, i highly recommend you pick up U-he's Zebralette synth, its got some quirky sounds to it, and its a bit confusing, but worth the download.
  8. I really like how this forum has helped me grow as a musician in ways that i didnt on my own. I was really stagnating before i came here. whenever im not musicianing, i spend the majority of my time taking photos, but i find that my photo skills too could use some feedback or just some direction. So with that said, does anyone know of some good photography forums, or competitions out there on the interwebs? I know national geographic has monthly competitions that i will check out
  9. this is a ridiculously helpful thread! Im sure plenty of other people around here were curious on this topic. Im still waiting to hear back from him currently. He told me he needed to get the OK from his game dev team before setting anything up official. Either way, sounds like solid advice here guys! i might be back later to discuss dreaded taxes... D:. Ive heard you have to record them if you make a certain amount from this sort of thing, which sounds like a pain in the ass.
  10. yea it kept clipping whenever the gunshot sound played, at least the first gunshot sound did. i dont think the second one clipped.
  11. You too! Itll be interesting to see how this one turns out!

  12. Will do! Thanks for the feedback. did you guys enjoy the usage of the shotgun sound? felt like a fun way to end a perfect dark remix.
  13. Im pretty excited to share this one with you guys! I spent alot of time really polishing this one into something worth bringing into the workshops. its a mashup of: Chicago - Perfect Dark Dark Forest - Magic Quest starring mickey mouse. Its a bit sparse on the Dark Forest source, but i think its noticeable in some places. Hope you enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/esperado-feat-shadow24-big
  14. do it! i think these two themes will play nicer together than Cait Sith and Laguna did.
  15. ask for 1, get 7! its your lucky day.
  16. i suppose i should have specified that it was from assassins creed 2. not to nitpick.
  17. actually there is a christmas album. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=44943
  18. I'll get you guys a source tonight! I've been busy
  19. oh my bob, that helps! i thought i was gonna have to cram work on this and the next round of the crystal clash into the same week, this realllly helps
  20. Im interested in finding out some good starting points for creating more ambient textures in music. I really enjoy the soundscapes that bands like Solar Feilds use in alot of mixes they have. everything has an aggressive but still very ambient texture. the song Random friday is a good example of an aggressive song with a good ambeince to it. From listening , it sounds like the aggressivness comes from the low end elements of the music and they use grainy sfx to contrast the subdued but textured pads and reverbed fx. I however cannot seem to accurately reproduce really any of the FX. from listening, do you guys have any pointers sound design-wise?
  21. poo, i missed the voting stage! i was just about to! but good round everyone!
  22. Native instruments has just about all of their software at 50% off. This include juicy favorites such as massive, fm8, even komplete 9 and komplete 9 ultimate. If i wasnt going to magfest i would finally spring for Komplete 9, if even just to have the paid version of kontakt. i think its something stupidly cheap, like 250$
  23. my roommate was telling me to get on a contract too. Ill ask him about that next time i speak with him. Aside from sounding professional, Im far more likely to really crack into something if its written in stone and i have a timeline. This isnt to say that i wouldnt devote to it if i wasnt under contract, but its just all the more incentive to do excellently. As for the youtube stuff, he didnt give me any youtube links when i asked, just some composers/remixers that were in a similar style to what he wanted, but told me i have a pretty wide margin of creative control to go with. Im just gonna write up a sketch for him and see what he thinks of it and go from there before i get in too deep on the style aspect of it. thanks for all the help so far by the way. This really is a great community!
  24. i was skeptical about the source at first, but once i started playing with it, it turned out to be alot of fun! nice entries everyone. im glad the extension helped
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