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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. im still really unsatisfied with the intro sounds. right at 45 is when i think the song really gets groovy. i also managed to break the lead sound at 22. its being gated , but for some odd reason, it only plays properly 50% of the time, so i might have to tweak some things. ill keep you posted whenever i get on fixing this up!
  2. sweet deal, i thought this was due today! i mean, i know the WCRG just started, but this means i can do both!
  3. i just started legend of mana. any tips?

  4. i think some people just like to be punished. i have a friend who always tries to do runs in games where he arbitrarily sets a limitation to himself (no energy tanks in metroid, pistol only in resident evil... etc) to add replay value to a game he enjoyed. I once heard of him trying to play through fire emblem on the hardest mode. I imagine thats similar to this. i love FFT but i couldnt play it on hard. i havent even beaten it on normal.
  5. feel free to submit any sigs you guys make to the unofficial OCR deviantart group http://overclockeddeviants.deviantart.com/ totally optional though.
  6. Most definitively unfinished, but right up to the end i think it keeps things interesting, so its mostly a matter of finishing it. the intro feels weak but im not sure what to change to keep the sound design smooth. any mixing gripes? https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/groove-dimension-chrono-cross
  7. voted. you guys did nicely this week! interesting spread of genres.
  8. interesting route to go! the intro was a tad too quiet for me.
  9. I use ableton and I could use practice collabing.
  10. a small edit, if you pixelated the clouds that would add to it. imo.
  11. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/groove-dimension-chrono-cross theres the bonus mix. i wasnt sure if i should just upload it here or to thasauce. its definitely unfinished. i got more done but really screwed the pooch on the mixing at the last minute so i went back to my most pleasant sounding backup of it. hope you guys enjoy !
  12. I have an unfinished bonus track for you guys. but it'll probably be a bit late.
  13. I think they see it as it being some form of objectification. somehow we are magically supposed to see that hot girl in Starbucks as the sum of all of her qualities , instead of the only one you currently understand, which is her looks. I don't think cat calling or staring are ok but I think a little head turning is perfectly fine if not normal. if humanity was made of sexless nevernudes we would have stopped reproducing and died out thousands of years ago. so its kindof part of our wiring to find each other attractive. there's a fine line though.
  14. what's wrong with cubase? but I would say fl has slightly better midi import capabilities than live. its also much cheaper for the full version . I think its 199 ?
  15. i suppose this means i should probably stop slacking on the art :/ sorry mirbs!
  16. the bass notes is a pad, maybe its too loud or mixed improperly? unless its something else. ill check. definitely will change out the the lead. the pitch dropping is abletons built in beat repeater on a stock marimba sound that has the pitch decay turned most of the way up. so it makes nice sparkly sounds when it hits. anyways thanks as always! ill get on those changes and get back to you guys
  17. Just to clarify, the The Average Joes is made up of: Garpocalypse Esperado (me) Shadow24 rock on.
  18. then go for it! it has some nice built in options ( i think it has built in swing and flam) and the pads light up :D

    I might get one of those eventually. i just havent decided it pad mashing was my thing. I got a bunch of old records and i think it might be fun to make pad controlled sampled beats , there just arent many good tuts on practice techniques for pad drumming that ive found.

  19. thanks guys! dony worry drumj8, as you get more experience you just notice things that could maybe use improvement. I feel guilty giving advice sometimes too, because i feel like i made the same mistakes as the ones im pointing out, or i just cant think of anything. thanks for those links evktalo, i didnt know timaeus had a sample pack! aaaand i hope to see xsquader in the next few rounds! stick around, its fun! ill get you guys a worthy track soon! i wont forget this time.
  20. whats your price range for pad controllers?

  21. it really depends on if you KNOW youll need a pad controller or not. if youre just starting out you could probably get an akai lpd8 used for like 30$ and that would get you started until you really needed to upgrade, if you decided that pad mashing was for you. otherwise if you know you want to do it for sure i would say get the midrange akai pad controller (mpd 26?) and order a pad replacement kit online. The kit just makes the pads thicker which i believe is supposed to help with sensitivity. Memorecks on Youtube uses the replacement kit on some of his vids. You could theoretically get an mpk25 used on craigslist for like 150 and replace the pads, which might be more cost effective if you dont have a midi controller yet, and the feel would be the same. korg also makes a pad controller that if im not mistaken, skrillex uses somewhat frequently thats called the "Padkontrol". if i think of any others ill let you know! Edit: You can sometimes find used Maschine mikros ( the mk 1 not mk2) used online for pretty cheap, like 125-150. you dont get the software with it, but its not a bad controller.
  22. https://soundcloud.com/jesse-mitchell-3/soul-tracks-loz-spirit-tracks It definitely needs some work. it should probably be longer, and change up some of the mixing ( the organ sound is a violator here) I will update it with a better mixed version soon. leave any other advice you might have though. Please
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