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Everything posted by Esperado

  1. im totally confused by this thread. its like, anime, but yet monitors
  2. i JUST got one of those too. i think it must be a recent thing and not related to the pro account. its nice that you get to try it for free. does it reset the plays when you update a song? i might actually do it for a month if it doesnt reset it. once i get enough updated wips that is.
  3. you use live? have you made any "live" sets yet ?

  4. good to know. ill put the crunch on it. I had someone offer to trade deviant point for cids. i can link you to her page if you want her to just fill in the missing cids that don't get don't by the deadline. i would provide the deviant points
  5. first visitor message! woooo!

  6. sorry to eavesdrop sortof, but i think xenoseme would also be pretty hard to read, so as far as an artist name, ectogemia kinda rolls a little better when saying it. Personally, i think thats a good choice :) im still not even sure im going to stick with mine.

  7. Im really glad this thread exists. I would agree with compos. I didnt even think i had the skill to finish a whole song when i first started them and ive learned quite alot even in the short span since i first started! You could also join some of the various gaming servers hosted by different members. you could also share your gamertags and such with others.no better way to bond than shooting at each other... virtually of course. I also highly recommend the "stevos guide to newbies" thread, alot of good general advice and some good motivational stories. aaaand you can also post birthday threads, i think that helps. maybe?
  8. wheres that game you made ?

  9. not my studio but has anyone seen pics of Hans Zimmer's studio? its absolutely unreal. It looks like mission command for all things cool in the world. its like a time machine! if i could figure out how to make a coffeehouse using the concept of victorian furniture and old synths built into the walls, i would so do it. but im not sure where thats marketable.
  10. fiber aids in poopin does it not? nobody likes being bound up and bloated. not scientific at all though. so feel free to correct me
  11. be sure to check out the contests newlings! its always a good time.
  12. do you still have a picture of your old netbook "studio" i know it was like 4-5 years ago, but i found the studio cribs thread to be fascinating so i looked at the whole thing. sadly that photo isnt there anymore.i just think the concept of a netbook idea sketching studio is really cool

  13. all these awesome wood desks i keep seeing make me regret buying a glass one! it just doesnt look as nice, plus it always looks like someone smeared a sweaty hand all over it after a long day of mixing. I also regret tossing the box from my launchpad. i never thought to display it on a shelf, but thats a good idea!
  14. oh, my computer no likey games of that calibur
  15. 67HVKJn.jpg

    we all love you :) heres a picture of a turtle trying to eat a strawberry

  16. well i meant, which system is dhsu's copy.
  17. for which system is bioshock ?
  18. and so it begins! I doubt i can join the opening round due to RMWtS and time constraints, but you never know! next round for sure!
  19. boat chase theme is my fave next to this but it would be impossible to remix and still be recognizeable. so minimal yet so driving!
  20. noted. there's a reason I generally avoid heated debates like this on forums.
  21. I think watching others work is an excellent way to improve your own skillset. I missed this one, but hope you livestream more!
  22. whatever did happen to Kate? seems like its been a while. definitely improves on the original , which is a great quality in a ReMix.
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