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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Understandable. There were quite a few new faces on the Temporal Duality album, including myself hahaha I had been on OverClocked ReMix for 3 years prior to the release of that project but that was the first legit thing that my name was slapped on. Hahaha
  2. This was actually really cool when I watched it. A few parts vocally were a bit weird for my tastes but it was actually a really surprisingly awesome video and track.
  3. hnnnggg.... I really wanna go but I've got like no money at all... I need to start actually having money. that would be a swell idea.
  4. one week and it drove me insane. not just not doing any music, but hardly listening to any music. I was gone somewhere and I was painfully missing my Michael Jackson music.
  5. Basically what he said. This is actually a really cool mix but the synths are slightly too loud. That, or you bring everything else up a bit. I feel like the tuned percussion could be a little bit louder. This is actually a super cool mix though. I really like this.
  6. This was practically confirmed to be behind the composition of Ice Cap Zone: http://youtu.be/H2OWC5Hosv8 Hard Times - The Jetzons http://youtu.be/hYxlqTpZ-24 Ice Cap Zone I'm mean, that's so similar it's hard to accidentally make another song that's practically identical.
  7. The Punch-Out Remix I did for the special CEO 2014 pack with that special boxing ring stage and in the All-Star Mode trailer.
  8. One of my favorite Sonic tracks. AND WHAT'S THIS? THERE'S A REMIX? BY ME? FOR THE SONIC CD REMIX PROJECT? BOOM. http://youtu.be/_qJ2Turcf1o
  9. Anything's open. Black Doom is pretty up just having anyone claim any track they want so long as there's an agreement on it, I think.
  10. Well as an experienced person who constantly causes people to take what I said the wrong way, I'm not sure that came out the same way over text as it would in person, hahaha
  11. hahaha "bourne-whatever" Catching Fire ended up being more popular, didn't it? /completelyofftopicimsorrymyaddisoutofcontrolcanyoureadthis
  12. it's in a box somewhere again, we just moved and the one place that hasn't been unpacked is the bonus room and it's because there's a lot of crap in there that has to wait to be moved into other places so I'm stuck hahaha
  13. What he said. Also, there's so many things that people write and then suddenly someone's like "boy that sounds like dadada" and the writer is all like "what? I've never even heard that before." I've been in that situation countless times.
  14. again, that was kinda like a "the majority" statement there's no problem with anyone not seeing it I feel like I'm being slightly attacked for simply making a statement like that lol or maybe we're all reading each other's posts wrong which tends to happen a lot since this is text
  15. I never said there was a problem with you not seeing it it's just that everyone's seen it hahaha
  16. Alright, so quick update. Colin and I had a brief talk and probably within the next couple of months I will be coming back to this and co-directing with Colin. We're both fairly busy right now in different situations. Once we both are a bit more cleared up, we will begin recruiting.
  17. Are we talking like Cloverfield or Hunger Games shaky
  18. Hey guys. Bumping this just to remind everyone that the album is on BandCamp, as I've realized a lot more people here at OverClocked ReMix prefer BandCamp over anything else: http://garrettwilliamson.bandcamp.com Enjoy.
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