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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. ^^ This and the credits of batman Arkham city knowing it would be the last time Mark hamil would voice the joker, then the "credit song" begins and i couldn't hold back anymore. The song in the credits for sonic unleashed called "special friend" annnd there was parts in okami that made me weep with joy. unfortunately I'm a emotional guy >:/
  2. i blame t,j davis's beautiful singing voice and richard jacques's instrumentals, they work and gel so well its incredible. Yes the songs are cheesy but i like a bit of cheese now and then. I'm sure we all do deep down.
  3. Sonic R soundtrack... dont ask...
  4. i gotta say these are truly beautiful pictures. My fav has to be the genesis one on the power switch area and my eyes focus mainly on the sega consoles, love the idea that the atari jaguar glows in the dark though, was that a trick of the lighting or something?
  5. Its officially Sonic the hedgehog's birthday, i will be spending my day playing it on my mega drive oh and wont the final battle of the sonic bracket be released today? Can't wait to hear the mixes, your all doing great work. Hope you all have a great day on the blue blurs bday
  6. The Megas commented on my thread... Brb *random noises from the other room* Ahem ok, erm i would most like agree with mirby seeing as sparked a war was what got me excited for this album in the first place. Great job guys :3
  7. Happy birthday
  8. Well many of you are already aware that The Megas have released their newest album For those that don't here are some links: http://www.themegas.com/main/main.html http://themegas.bandcamp.com/releases Thought i'd make this thread to share peoples opinion on it. Personally i'm loving it, i think my favorite has to be Can't stop the top. so yeah i'd like to hear your views.
  9. Happy birthday
  10. She's a great vocalist and seems to be a rather nice lady *spaces out when people mention booty's* ...uhhh what were we talking about again?
  11. thank you for reminding me

  12. ok thats cool, just wondered whats going on thats all
  13. ahem isnt this a list thread? weren't they frowned upon or am i going dolaly?
  14. Congrats to all who won last round, The remixes are getting better and better. Rexy, seeing as you brought Dusk in on your last mix will the next round include RexAsaurous as well? >.><.< Good luck robotnik bracket guys and girls
  15. ...bollocks....welp there goes that plan.
  16. If this did go to court id sure as hell delete this thread. Edit:for my two cents i'd be willing to delete my comment on here and im sure plenty others would too.
  17. well i had a look for a trademark search and there was 2 marked under the word "Prophetik" http://tess2.uspto.gov/bin/showfield?f=doc&state=4004:v155gv.2.2 The second one is for general entertainment, But it was abandoned and officially a dead trademark. These guys don't have a leg to stand on seeing as you are not officially selling anything under the trademark prophetik. But you might want to read up on this here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fair_use_(U.S._trademark_law) as well as: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nominative_use to see if this could effect you. Good luck bro.
  18. All these great albums for under 7 pounds? How can i resist?
  19. Just so you guys know this competition is getting publicized on RadioSega tonight http://www.radiosega.net/listen/ its on atm
  20. oh my... you lot have really upped your game @_@ This rounds gonna be insanely tough to decide on, you have all surpassed my expectations Great job all of you, i wish you all good luck.
  21. *hides from the backlash of hatred of giving a sixto song a bad review*

  22. I see what you did there Djp Ahh...this track is unfortunately my least favorite sixto mix to date. Maybe its due to the source not being that memorable in my opinion (that award goes to tornado man instead) But yeah apart from that its the kinda style you expect from sixto by now and i can hear the Judas priest vibe in the beginning. And the technical skills on show are incredible i gotta admit.. but i just wasn't feeling it :/ If you love sixto's work then you'll enjoy this but i personally feel I've heard better from him. sorry bro
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