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Everything posted by psychowolf

  1. Congrats JudgeRock Remember, you can't betray the law, you ARE the law.
  2. so, he's not going to actively do anything productive to help these children himself such as give away the food he has that he's not eating to the poor. and thinks sitting on his arse being hungry will fix everything? Is this the smartest the human race has to offer? cause if so i want to be something else in my next life.
  3. sorry im late but happy belated birthday.
  4. Happy birthday
  5. i understood what you meant. my friends live in colorado aurora, its the local cinema for them, luckly they weren't there.
  6. Hopefully the media will blame it on the fact that america allows any old fucktard the ability to buy a gun.... http://www.independent.ie/entertainment/film-cinema/the-curse-of-the-dark-knight-a-franchise-plagued-by-accidents-and-incidents-3174576.html ....Why do i live on this planet anymore?
  7. i thought my vote counted :U personally as i said i love both mixes but amphibious just hit the right notes for me.
  8. actually i was just dealing with a cold and was kind of peeved. sorry if it sounded rude.
  9. Ocremix needs to find a real lawyer to sort this confusion out. Otherwise your all conjecturing on a subject you have no clue about. Going by web sources will not help if anything goes to court. My view on selling remixes? i personally don't care either way. The main reason this debate has been reopened is because of the kickstarter for final fantasy 6. Perhaps people are jealous or worried about the amount gained in the short amount of time. Hell I'm a little dubious about the legalites. nobuo uematsu might not kick up a stink about it but i know for certain Square Enix would if they caught wind of it. Best suggestion is try to keep a low profile about this album. Might be silly but if this stays under square enix's radar, you will not have to deal with legal issues. But get a lawyer guys before conjecturing about it. Either way you can then find out where you stand and also finally put this debate to bed.
  10. When i first heard about this i was like "omg finally final fantasy 6 is getting an album" then facepalmed when i heard about the kickstarter No offence but oh man kickstarter is becoming as cliche as reboots and remakes of old movies and games are becoming lately i'm not a fan of the site seeing as they lack a paypal option and i'd much prefer the site to not know my card details like sony did. one hack and its out there, at least with paypal i can cancel payments to them. The other issue now is that you guys have hit your target within a day (congrats about that though guys, surprising isn't it ) what will the proceeds go to now? will the CD production double perhaps? Either way you guys have 28 days left to go. i wish you luck, if you get a paypal donation option available i will definitely donate too. Good luck i cant wait to hear updates about it either way.
  11. Congrats, i hope you and your fiance have a wonderful life together and a great wedding :3

  12. Perfect Viewer including the pdf app addon for all your CBR comic reading needs. (which means you need the comic files to read of course) One of the greatest things that my phone is now a portable comic library also Mangawhat for reading manga from online sources such as mangafox and other sites. also vlc remote for giving you the ability to control a video away from your keyboard and mouse (get the one that includes streaming for the ability to be in the house or out the garden and watch your videos from your pc.)
  13. here you go Gollgagh links in the description Personally i didn't find it fun, walking is waayyy too slow for me, and the slender man model isn't particular scary, the jump scares are good though i shall give it that, i also couldn't figure out how to pick up the notes but if this is a beta version then I'm sure it'l be much better with each release.
  14. The votes were a tied so it was ultimately down to superiorX's choice of remix, nothing fixed there. personally if garios lyrics were more audible i would of picked his due to the style preference but the inaudible lyrics clinched it for me. and rexy that mix is awesome, remember its about the music :3 i just got back from summer of sonic and met Digi briefly (killer2099 on twitter,) :3 i swear i heard a couple of these tracks being played but it might of been my imagination. definitely heard a lot of project chaos songs. Keep up the great work guys all the fans love what your doing
  15. This is my cheer up video whenever i feel terrible i watch him and i feel so much better Takenobu Mitsuyoshi i love you man no homo.
  16. I am so happy, i cant wait for the pc release ive been dying to play this game properly without emulator issues and such.
  17. As far as I'm aware its totally legal seeing as your not selling the trademark without the creators permission. Its only when you start selling it it becomes complicated. I ain't a lawyer so i don't understand copyright laws. All i do know is that you need to get permission from the copyright holders to sell your own "Dōjinshi" or your ass will get sued. Unless your are pretty much giving way the exact same product released by the copyright holders because your basically pirating their product (example: streets of rage remake, yes it is a remake and with all the bells and whistles but your basically giving away their entire streets of rage series online) I think remixes that are given away will be ok.
  18. I'm glad brandon doesnt know my mum... I dont think.. Gotta say tho reading back gave me quite a good chuckle as to how quick that course of action gave results x3
  19. I leave you guys to do what your doing when i hear via twitter that rexy has resigned from this compo, to be fair i did try sharing this compo to the sonic community but i never told them how to vote, just to enjoy them. Thats what this competition is all about, making good musical tributes to a series many of us love. Personally rexy i would love a rematch between you and amphibious, your both great musicians. Dont let this discourage you guys from doing what you do. Love what your all doing good luck to you all.
  20. Damn it i knew i forgot one ^ basically what rexy said aswell klonoa's ending can make even the most cold hearted person feel emotion.
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