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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Alright I'm just gonna go ahead an add everyone in the first post. Feel free to add me in return if you feel inclined to do so. *EDIT - on second thought this is taking way too long. Shoot me a message if you want me to add you and I shall!
  2. I would wear one one of these with a Sega Genesis controller on it. Hell I would also wear this one. I like it.
  3. Excellent stuff PROTODOME. Some sweet grooves and vibes on this album, I always dig this stuff. Downloaded with glee.
  4. Just threw 2 quick reviews in! I wish I'd had time to do more, I may in the next little while, but it looks like we're pretty close anyways: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=830370&postcount=17 http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=830373&postcount=11
  5. This is one of my favourites from the Robot Museum album. Its just so chill, and I absolutely love that flute. The percussion throughout is fantastic as well, and paired with that sweet bass it sets up a real smooth groove. Really well mixed all around, as well. Love Joshua Morse's style.
  6. I really love this remix, listen to it in my car sometimes. There's some really good use of panning throughout, especially with the 2 guitars later on in the song when it speeds up. Some awesome synth work as well! The song structure stays pretty faithful to the original, but the sections just flow together too well in this style so it works.
  7. http://www.image-line.com/documents/news.php?entry_id=1324609572 Image-Line is having their holiday Thank You sale. 35% off ANY version of FL Studio, and more deals on plugins if you're already a customer.
  8. If a dead horse is buried 6 feet under, then this horse is surely being buried Exceptionally Deep.
  9. Just gonna throw out a thanks to everyone for their comments on my mix this week (and last week too, if I didn't acknowledge them). Every little bit of feedback is very appreciated even if I don't respond directly to your comments!
  10. 1 year is far too long to wait, this looks like it will be fantastic. That music is great. I also think I will really like the actor who is playing Bilbo.
  11. I love this game and I love this song. Pretty cool remix. This is the only song thats ever been remixed and posted on here, but this is definitely a nice take on the song, and its definitely one of the best songs from the game. I thought it was going to be another electronica mix until dat guitar came in. I really do dig this. If anything maybe the drums could use just a bit more humanization, but they aren't bad by any means. The kick could maybe use a bit more punch. I like the guitar tone overall. The synths are crisp and clear also which is great. The arrangement is good, there are some nice changes to the original that work well with the style you've chosen. I'm not all that great with mixing feedback since I'm still kinda learning a lot about it myself. Its pretty good, of course there may be a few touch ups you could do to the EQ and such. Hopefully someone else chimes in with some specifics on that. I like this though, I've considering mixing a song from this game myself.
  12. This is one of the best things I've heard in the last 5 minutes I spent listening to this. I cried tears of tears.
  13. That's the spirit. Aw hell yeah funky mix. Dunno who's mixing for my team yet, but I am out until the super secret mystery round 10 it seems.
  14. Done and submitted, myself. Its weird, this week I've had literally nothing to do but I ended up putting off mixing longer than any other week. Still got it done in a timely fashion though. This was a fun one to make so hopefully some people enjoy it. I am eager to hear the competition
  15. I noticed that when I played Other M. There were definitely SOME similarities between the monologues in Fusion and Other M, and I loved Fusion. Other M felt hit and miss to me though, I feel like Team Ninja dropped the ball in certain segments (such as the infamous Ridley encounter). Still, I didn't hate Other M, but I see why some people weren't as happy with it. At any rate I love Fusion and although I already have the cartridge I could see myself playing through it again.
  16. Aye, this is pretty much why I chose to participate. It gives those of us who aren't that experienced with arrangements or who aren't that well-known around here a chance to get our music out there and get some feedback from the community, which is fantastic. Also gives us a chance to practice our remixing with a clear deadline and a chosen source. Motivation can be hard to come by so a contest like this certainly helps, at least for me, though I guess it's different for everyone.
  17. It seems my mix is taking an acid-jazz-chillout kind of route this week. Seems to be working out pretty well, should be pretty chill.
  18. Thank goodness they are mostly games I don't own / haven't played. Fantastic! I was hoping Minish Cap would be on the list, even though Capcom developed it. And the Sacred Stones I missed out on which is awesome.
  19. This is some chill stuff (no pun intended). Not all the way through it yet but its quite relaxing. Excellent work, I say.
  20. That bundle is a REALLY enticing deal. Hard to resist, I just might have to get it. These are some pretty great libraries.
  21. I suppose I do see the concern with the lead. It's almost TOO robotic, though I thought I liked the tone when I first made it, haha. I'm mixing for the contest again this week but after I'm done that I'll be doing some touch-ups on this! I appreciate your thoughts and feedback and I will take them into account.
  22. I shall be representing the Gentlemaster's Club this week. Indeed.
  23. Thank you kindly sir! I wanted the second verse section of the Shadow Man to have a bit of a different instrumentation than the first to keep it interesting, hence the guitar and piano then and the synth the first time. I suppose the synth could use some touching up though, so I'll have a look at it.
  24. So since this round of the Wily Remix Battle is over, I figure I'd post this up here to get some more feedback. I'm pretty happy with this mix, as its probably one of my best both with the mixing and the arrangement. That said, I'm sure there are some issues lingering so I'd like to fix it up. I'm thinking I'd like to submit it if I can polish it up enough! *I should note that a team mate of mine, C7, provided the live trumpet which was fantastic. EDIT: I ended up altering the lead sound and making the trumpet solo just a bit louder in the mix. Some subtle changes but I've finally got some time available to get some final opinions and hopefully submit this! LATEST VERSION: Click here Version 2: Click here Version 1: Click here And here's the sources: Mega Man 3 - Shadow Man: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYuehCRXi_0 Mega Man 8 - Wily Stage 2: *EDIT - Its submitted! Thanks to everyone out there who gave me helpful comments. Fingers crossed!
  25. Ah, I remember hearing about this. Might have to buy it, because I loves me some puzzles and it can tide me over until I get the good 3DS games. The charming style is also pretty great, and I'm loving the sound of that music.
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