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Everything posted by Jamphibious

  1. Works for me. Amphibious, Zerothemaster, and C7 shall be our team. Name pending.
  2. D: My heart is broken. Yeah I think that'd be good. I'm relatively new around here and don't really feel comfortable asking around to peoples, so being on a nice little list would help with recruitment I imagine. *EDIT: Hey I'm no superstar myself, so we can give it a shot. Guess we just need a third then.
  3. Wait, so is it you, Gario and Sir_NutS then? D: Little old me will still need a team if that's the case.
  4. Sweet, if anyone is interested in having me on their team I would love to Would definitely like to experiment a lot with this contest. Let me know! Here are my picks: 1) Shadow Man 2) Wave Man 3) Tomahawk Man 4) Astro Man 5) Gemini Man
  5. To clarify, this isn't just for posted remixers is it? The GRMRB had some people who weren't posted as far as I recall, so I assume they are allowed to participate in this one as well. I'm definitely interested.
  6. I see a few others were sucked into buying the Potato Sack bundle with Portal 2 like I was. http://www.steamcalculator.com/id/amphibious *EDIT - Also, gonna show some Witcher 2 love <3 Great game. Also also, doesn't seem to show my copies of Dungeon Seige 1 and 2. To be fair they were pre-purchase feebies, but so was the original Deus Ex and it shows up. Aw well.
  7. Considering picking this up next time I'm at a game store of some kind if I see it. If its going to be free for a little while and is pretty cheap to begin with then I figure it might be worth it. Also I haven't played since the Beta and I've been hearing good things about the changes they've been rolling out. Internet kinda sucks here, but I've been able to play most online games with very few disconnections, so it should be fine.
  8. Yeah, mah gurls Sona and Irelia are definitely due for another skin. Also many other champions. Don't see why they'd make ANOTHER Caitlin skin, but alas.
  9. I enjoy this very much. Sounds very Genesis/Mega Drive, which is awesome since it is one of my favourite consoles as far as sound chips go. Some sweet melodies in here, and I love those jazzy chords.
  10. I remember hearing this on WillRock's YouTube channel. Glad to see it make it onto OCR, its a pretty cool and funky take on one of my favourite tunes from Sonic 3 & Knuckles, and I dig it.
  11. So after seeing all these updates and such, I'm probably going to start playing again. Its been quite a while, heh. I don't think I ever did join the official OCR server, so if I could get whitelisted then that would be swell Username: Hoser101
  12. I made it a point to finally turn my music back on for Dominion. Really makes the experience more exciting, in my opinion. I really like how it gets more and more intense as it goes on.
  13. I think my very first taste of music writing was when I downloaded a version of Guitar Pro 4 (I think it was 4), in Grade 9/10. I had started playing guitar in Grade 8, and I took piano lessons when I was way younger, but I didn't get into it much (I wish I did). I mainly used Guitar Pro to learn songs from downloaded tabs at first, but then I realized I could make my own MIDI songs with it. I had also downloaded some version of RPG Maker around the same time, and I found the idea of exporting MIDIs from Guitar Pro to use in RPG Maker to be really awesome. I was making music for my own terrible RPGs, which felt pretty amazing at the time. A lot of the MIDIs I made were pretty basic, but I thought I had some cool ideas and there might be stuff worth salvaging if I ever bother to go back and siphon through it all. Anyways, I fiddled about with it for a while, and then I came across FL Studio. My first year of fiddling about with it in Grade 11 was interesting, and resulted in some pretty terrible electronica that clipped left, right, and center. But again, there might still be ideas worth salvaging. I'll admit a lot of it was just bad though. I found out there was a Music & Computers course offered at my school in Grade 12, which had us making music in Encore. I ended up getting a 99% in that course, and my teacher was really impressed by my work. I had a friend say that a lot of my music sounded like something she would hear in Sonic, and that made sense since the Genesis Sonic games were such a big thing for me growing up and probably got me interested in VGM in the first place. Taking that course definitely pushed me in the right direction. Getting that kind of support from my music teacher and from my peers was an amazing feeling. However, it was a long while after this before I actually started to make decent sounding stuff in FL Studio. My musical ideas were improving, but of course the mixing was just bad because I didn't know what I was doing. I think during my first year of university is where I finally looked online for any tips, tricks, and guides that I could and learned a lot about mixing, and my work really showed a spike in quality. I'm still learning a lot now, but that was when it really picked up. Also, when I finally got a MIDI keyboard hooked up to my computer earlier this year, it really helped with efficiency and has also made it a lot easier to create melodies, chords, etc. Since video games have been a prominent part of my life since I can remember, when I started fiddling with writing music I just knew I wanted to write for video games. I always enjoyed all kinds of music growing up, and it was probably my biggest passion alongside video games. So why not put the two together, I thought. Overall I'm pretty happy with where I am now, and I'm continuously learning things as I go. I hope to continue to improve as I move forward.
  14. Yeah I've seen a few Heimerdingers and he's pretty ridiculous. Its funny how reverse it is from Summoners Rift, at least for him. Also, I'm loving Irelia on this map. I worry for my other favourites though, like Lux and Sona.
  15. I've always wanted them to do an F-Zero game, but I'd never considered Star Fox. I think that would be one of the best projects for them actually. I bet they could finally put Star Fox back on track.
  16. I actually found Dead or Alive Dimensions on 3DS to be pretty fun. Though I've never played the earlier entries in the series, and I ignore the fact that the volleyball games exist.
  17. Yeah, I've seen a few and they've been hit and miss. One really didn't seem to know how to use her Q properly, and her ability to close gaps isn't quite as intense as I thought it would be. Most of her dashes are a pretty small distance, and also can't go through walls for escapes. However, I laned with my IRL friend who was Riven while I was Sona, and in 2 separate games we just destroyed the other lane. Riven can have a tough time with certain ranged champions, but with me as Sona complimenting her I can easily harass with my Q and heal Riven when she does have a chance to harass. Really good lane composition, I highly recommend.
  18. I remember stumbling on Rise of Immortals a month or 2 ago, but I forgot just how hilarious the heroes or immortals or whatever their called were. Tempted to try it because of my guilty pleasure for games that are awful.
  19. Whatever reference it may be, me and a friend have agreed that its probably the coolest artwork for a skin we've seen. Whoever did that art should get some kind of awesome commendation. Also the hood is a nice touch, because on her standard in-game model the back of her hair looks kinda wonky. Really not a fan of any of the Noxian Crimson Elite skins, but I also hate the Demacian Commando skins too. Too superhero-y.
  20. A Shinobi 3 remix!!! (Or cover, which is just fine) I love this game and its music, and I feel it doesn't get as much love as it should. This song was an awesome boss theme. Once you upload your version I'll definitely let you know what I think.
  21. Dayum prophet, you so efficient. Also mastering mine. Its just short of 2 minutes, and I kinda wish I could do more with it, but I'm not sure what else to do. I did fit the whole source in throughout so I guess its a decent mix. I can always expand on it later, I do like how it turned out.
  22. Yeah I checked that page again like a week ago which prompted me to start my mix Still not finished, but luckily I have nothing planned so I might be able to finish it before the deadline. If not, then I will finish it anyways and like, find somewhere to post it.
  23. I love this mix. The electric piano solo at 2:46 sounds just awesome, but I'm a sucker for electric keyboard stuff like that. The bass is a pretty generic MIDI slap bass, but it kind of works with the other synths. A higher quality sound sure wouldn't be a bad thing of course, but its not necessarily bad the way it is, either. Overall some VERY funky beats and an awesome take on this source. I always liked this song in the game but this version is really fantastic, keep it up.
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