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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Good points, Gar. Yeah, my MIDI keyboard has been toast for awhile now I'm afraid....just another one of the things I need to replace lol. Well anyway, it's -46 degrees Celsius (no really, it is) outside today so I'll probably just hang out and work on this song more.
  2. I can't help but notice that in the "to be judged" it is titled, "Dem Disjointed Chemical Zone".....what?
  3. K on votes...I already threw in a vote for the Uncharted Games so.... Alright Strader, add up another vote for Ace Combat, Xenosaga and Rayman: Origins.
  4. How could I have forgot GX!? I think that game only had one bad tune in it.
  5. I'll keep trying on the dynamics, but I am no expert on the "humanization" thing. As for the reverb, it is symphonic orchestra's own. Personally, I'm not really picky about reverb. As long as it sounds like the right amount of reverb, I'm usually cool with it. About the gong, yeah that's true. I don't know though, let's see what others opinions are on the automated gong.
  6. Tekken, everything from 5-Tag 2. I agree with Uncharted Series. Ridge Racer 6 Ninja Gaiden II All the latest Prince Of Persia games ....I'll think of more Anyway, I really think the community should really really push to remix modern games, or games that have very few or no remixes at all.
  7. Cool. Well, the song itself isn't bad at all. Ezio's family is a great tune. One of the main things here is the samples themselves don't sound like they're very high quality. The thing about orchestra samples is that the best ones of course cost hundreds of dollars, but are a great investment. Recorded in high quality, lots of articulations etc. The guitar is also very very quiet. I'm no production expert, but I foresee others pointing out similar things. They can surely help better than I. Regardless, keep on rockin'
  8. The intro has some real sweet little leads and groove. But with all the different sounds going nutshit it can be pretty hard to follow at times. That voicey sound is also kind of annoying. Other than that, I think it's pretty killer.
  9. I like it man! I'm not too crazy about the snare drum and it might just be me, but the bass seems a little overpowering at times. I like the piano, but perhaps it could be just a bit louder? It seems a little too "background" to me when many other sounds are going. Oh well, regardless it's good stuff as always.
  10. Alright, so I added the update to the first post. Personally, I'm pretty happy with the song itself. I added in more parts from the source as well. With the advice given, I've made some of these changes: A little more reverb The intro is longer and the wind starts first. Flute is a bit more drawn out with variations to the melody and such. I did change up the velocities, but I don't think this particular vst has too many different articulations. I couldn't think of any other drums I really wanted to add to the song, but to increase the stereo width a bit, I automated the panning on the gong. I think it's a cool little addition. I will play with the velocity on the strings in the outro section a to make it a bit more "epic" in that area. So basically, I'm looking for suggestions to embellish it and give it a bit more polish. Also, if you have any other ideas for subtle, adventurous sound effects to add in, I would love to hear your ideas! Thanks again for all who have listened and provided feedback! I appreciate it!
  11. Thank you for the advice! I've begun to tweak the mix and the arrangement keeping all the suggestions given so far in mind and I think my next update will be much better! I hope I can get it posted to soundcloud later tonight. If not, tomorrow morning!
  12. Great feedback so far! Thanks guys. I hope to have another update for tomorrow.
  13. Thank you so much Archangel! Lots and lots of great points. I'll definitely keep working on it. You're right, I think I did leave all the velocities the same in the intro...It's also a good suggestion to start with the wind! As for the drums, I actually did try to use lots of different velocities and such, but perhaps I'm not doing it right. I think I will replace the cymbal with gong hits as well. Yeah you're right, I want to use some non-spicatto strings, but I just can't seem to find the particular articulation I'm looking for at the moment. I'll keep trying. Thanks a lot for the help Archangel! I actually almost never do orchestral stuff and once I finish this, it would be my first complete orchestral tune. So I hope I can make it a great one.
  14. I haz updated it! I don't know if I'm going to add tons more to it, I think my next update will wrap up the length of the song. Any feedback anyone has would help my greatly, thanks! I'm also trying to think of more adventure movie style sound effects to tastefully throw in there.
  15. Dan is awesome. Songs are catchy and game's lookin' good. With amped up production it should be mind blowing.
  16. 1. Because they like VGM, performing music, writing it, mixing it etc. and want to share their interpretation of their favourite video game music with tons of VGM fans. 2. I'm just in it for the fame and the women.
  17. I am a big fan of Lara Croft and the Tomb Raider series. However, I always especially loved the comic series that was made by Top Cow. So the other day, I finished reading "The Trap" storyline. That trilogy was a departure from the regular art style (drawn by Andy Park) of the comics as they hired someone else to draw it. Anyway, the end of that storyline involves Lara going through the "path of the tiger". The story takes place within the Himalayas, near the Tibetan Plateau. So I thought it would be cool to put a Chinese spin on the Tomb Raider theme. I referenced the "Anniversary" version of the song primarily, but I will use some melodies from the original games as well. So, inspired by this storyline, I want to make an Adventure film type score! Takin' a break from the rock music and the teknoz. Check out my remix here http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/lara-croft-the-path-of-the The source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WfQ8Yf8_d8 and if you're interested in reading the comics that inspired this track Part 1: http://tombraider.ru/comics/original/21/ Part 2: http://tombraider.ru/comics/original/22/ Part 3: http://tombraider.ru/comics/original/23/ Anyway, feedback much appreciated. Help me get this thing on the front page!
  18. Not familiar with the source but very very nice so far! Now I suppose you want some constructive opinions too so, At the start of the song, it sounds like you have some sleigh bells goin' on there. Great, but I think they could benefit with some rhythm variations. Nothing too serious, but some variation none the less. Also the last half of what you have so far....drums just stop and it feels rather empty. Add more stuff there! Perhaps some more subtle drums. I like all the sounds in this song. As a friend of mine would say, the production is "clean and smooth like a Brazilian wax!" So you got that goin' for ya. Overall, lovin' it so far. Especially for somethin' done in an hour! Make no mistake I'm not asking you to finish it...I'm telling you.
  19. Excellent list Metal Man! I caught the "eh?" at the end of your first sentence. Yay Canada.
  20. Many metal bands will layer guitars up to 4 times. Any more and it can get nasty. However, differences in tone can sometimes give a bit of a wider tone I find. So perhaps try using different guitars and amps or settings if possible. I'm usually satisfied with double tracking using the same tone though
  21. I said "affordable", not cheap lol. Also the more stuff you would want a studio to do, the more money they want. I should elaborate further that mixing and mastering is primarily what I am going to get them to do. Session musicians for any instruments I simply can't play/get someone I know to play and I'm not happy with just the sampled route. Plus, it is easier to use the studio route when it is not coming out of your pocket entirely, but that is a story for another day.
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