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Everything posted by AngelCityOutlaw

  1. Don't know if this belongs in Community or not.... But anyway http://www.vancouversun.com/entertainment/Marshall+creator+Marshall+dead/6416353/story.html Jim Marshall of Marshall amplifiers died today. Probably every guitar player has plugged into one of his amps at least once. So, RIP Mr. Marshall and thanks for makin' some great amps!
  2. Kinda talkin' bout this over in the "Anime" thread. I recently just learned what "Toonami" was/is. I also learned yesterday that Cartoon Network and it's "adult swim" is coming to Canada at long last. So if Toonami comes back too, we Canadians may experience it as well. Cool stuff
  3. I'm not surprised. 52 titles is....a lot of titles to work on. So kill the weakest links.
  4. Oh right, you're damned. I'm sorry.
  5. HOLY SHIT I just saw on Teletoon's website "Cartoon Network: Coming summer 2012, contact your Television provider" I'll be damned.....I'll be damned.
  6. I'm not American, so I never saw it but it seems you guys sure love this "Toonami" stuff. Edit: Oh yeah, and twitter always wins. So basically, if enough people tweet it (which they will), you'll have this "Toonami" again. Bet on it.
  7. So, here'a little preview of a tune which will be on my Instrumental rock/metal EP. It was formerly called "pick your poison." However, I wanted a more original title for it and I had been watching the Evangelion series. The character Asuka is my favorite as she is always pissed and speaks in German. I couldn't remember the character's name so I just referred to her as the "Angry German girl". Also, since I come from a German family, it seemed like a fitting, original title. Here is the sample of the main riff/chorus section. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/angry-german-girls-preview The final version will have real drums, bass and I will be recording guitars at a studio in Calgary. I'm still trying to see if there is ANY possible way I can get an Engl amp to use for the EP, but it looks like I will be stuck with the Mesa Triple rectifier. Any feedback much appreciated.
  8. I've said it before..Porn has badass music. This is no exception.
  9. Haha no, I actually did comment back that's Dave Mustaine himself on vocals! All good though. Glad you like the guitar at least.
  10. So I found a pretty awesome backing track which has the original drums, vocals and bass from the song and so I thought, "I may as well supply the guitar as it is the closest I will ever come to actually playing with Megadeth." I want to play my own guitar solo over it rather than the original but I still haven't come up with one I really like so the solo section is empty.
  11. OMG I just remembered. I'm not sure of any other Elvis songs except for 'Rubberneckin' lol Anyway, looking forward to rockin' out with Tuberz Mcgee and listening to the finished track. I have begun memorizing the riffs etc.
  12. Okay so I just started jamming this today and it's not finished. I am still writing my own solo over it, but this will at least show you that I can play rhythm. Name some melody or lead you want me to play and I'll do that. http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/symphony-of-destruction-guitar
  13. I'd be down for guitar. I'll send you an example in just a couple hours. Unless you've already found someone.
  14. Sweet song! Speaking of, I've been learning to play the Evangelion theme on guitar lol. That solo in the middle of the song seems to come out of nowhere the first time you listen.
  15. Well, I don't really watch tons of anime. I haven't really watched any of it since around 2003. A lot of the shows that were on at that time were actually re-runs of 90s anime like Gundam. There is a lot of Gundam. I recall this one show (not gundam) in particular was pretty popular. It was about some guy with dog ears, white hair and a sword that even crocodile-dundee would consider a proper "knife". There was usually some school girl with him. Basically, for me it was "giant robots or GTFO".
  16. Well yeah, it looks good but for me it was just way too...out there. The characters especially were just way too weird.
  17. I stand corrected. I guess I'm gonna have to put this "Redline" in my pile of "anime I don't like". That or I just didn't do nearly enough hard drugs before watching.
  18. To the harmony: Dissonance. Really any thing that uses half steps, tritones etc. Diminished arpeggios, pedal tones....all of those could potentially work. To the rhythm: Staccato, off beat rhythms, gallops, descending or ascending chromatically etc. all could work.
  19. How do you usually create your guitar (or other instrument) solos? Improvise it, compose it ahead of time, or a combination of the two? For any of my serious tunes, I usually compose it because I find you can create and plan out a truly unique and melodic solo that way. I find that if you improvise the whole thing, you tend to fall into this comfort-zone of licks and you have to constantly think of what comes next and stay in time.
  20. If Bleck holds a positive opinion of it that must make it worthwhile. I just googled it and it looks like if Elvis was Speed Racer.
  21. Well, I've taken to watching these re-imaginings of the Evangelion series. The "rebuild" movies. I must say....damn that is impressive animation. I recall I enjoyed the original "Ghost In The Shell" movie. I know they made a second one, but I don't know if it is any good. Is it any good?
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