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Ethan Rex

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Everything posted by Ethan Rex

  1. I heard if you collect all the stars and coins and stuff from the original game and then go to the statue in the courtyard you can play as Lui-I mean get the album.
  2. Please don't use YouTube, it hurts sound quality. You can look here for alternatives. As for the mix. The attack at about 1:48 seems odd. It sounds like its supposed to be an accented hit, but there's no accent. The samples are very nice though. As for arrangement, this is very conservative. I'm not sure if you're planning on submitting or not, but right now the piece won't pass the judges on account of 1) Its quite short and the ending seems to come rather quickly compared to the musical swell of the piece, and 2) its very close to the source in terms of instrumentation and other factors. (i.e. the source is on piano as well). This sounds very pretty. I'm glad to see more pokemon remixes on these forums. Keep up the good work!
  3. This times five hundred million. Seriously... Also, I don't see it in the rules here, but its super helpful to post a link to the source along with the WIP. Not only does it refresh people's memories, but it also serves as a comparison tool for arrangement critique.
  4. First off, look here to find some file hosting sites that aren't YouTube videos and their inherently bad quality. Now to the mix. there's some timing issues with the higher strings in the beginning, they're dragging when compared to the lower strings. That marimba is loud as fuck and scared the shit out of me when i heard it. Make sure that the melody sings out, but not too much. It would help to add some humanization to the solo instruments as well. Vocal recording quality is weak compared to the rest of this mix. Speak clearer and try to have a distinct rhythm and confidence with the lyrics. The lyrics themselves aren't bad at all however, so good job on that. If this seems mean or discouraging, its not supposed to be. You have something really interesting going on here and if you patched up the problems it would be really sweet. Good luck.
  5. Mixing sounds off and messy. EQ and mix volumes and other such things to get a clearer soundscape to clear up some of this mud. Its quite noticeable with the sound effects, so I would just take a whole bunch of those out; maybe one or two tops. I agree with what The Damned said about arrangement; just youtube western songs and i'm sure you'll get plenty of songs to work off of.
  6. That clap at the first is really piercing the rest of the sound. What sounds like fake brass needs to go (:39). I dunno if its a synth sound, but it sounds really fake and weak right now. Arrangement wise, it sounds sluggish and without energy. Mix things up more, branch out from the basic source and add some edge to it to keep things interesting.
  7. If Knight of The Round doesn't want to, I could wip (eh? eh?) up something funkay.
  8. On the other hand, the last time we had "sequels" (being G/S/C) there was some region hopping. I wouldn't be surprised to see in start in a region and then have a "return to Unova" thing happening. I don't get this either. Maybe because of all the water? TEEM MAGMA FO LYFE!!!!
  9. What's hard about that is that there aren't Navi-specific themes, there's just one battle theme. I'm all down for a MMBN album though.
  10. "Everyone knows Brock = Brock "Barack" Obama." XD That pokemon coma theory in the link was really neat though.
  11. Decided it would probably be helpful to post here; I could really use a good bassist for some parts in my track. If you think you're up to the job, PM me please and thank you.
  12. Holy crap this thread is full of nostalgia. I always enjoyed the .
  13. Those drums sound way better, and i like the extra variation. I might try boosting the bass JUST A LITTLE BIT in the beginning. it might be my speakers, but it sounds like that bass is supposed to be the main idea and right now its weaker than that. Either that, or tone down the side chaining. Maybe a little variation with the main melody, but with only 1:40 its hard to tell. This sounds so much better than the first version. Keep up the improvement!
  14. Hey man, sorry for any ignoring that may have happened on IRC the other night; i was working on stuff and didn't realized you had replied XD.

    Anyway what i was going to say was that what helps me with arrangement stuff is listening to a whole lot of music. From that, I find things i like and think about what i like about the structure. Its seemed to help so far!

  15. You have to know a super secret password given to only a few. ready....DOESNT EVEN FUCKING DESCRIBE IT!!!!!
  16. Just got around to watching it - there's some really inspiring stuff here. Definitely a watch for everyone interested in music.
  17. Its hard to hear the melody sometimes in the beginning. Its a little muddy on the bass side. Its not repetitive (or at least i don't think so). In fact, it seems sporadic; there's some transitional issues that make it lack cohesion. The ending is pretty weak as well. Good luck
  18. I had to show a kid in a music appreciation class a concert snare. He thought the only drums were trapset drums. Yeah I'm planning on double majoring in music and sociology and then going to law school. Because working in law gives you so much free time to do other stuff right? The dream is for me to gradually grow the hobby into something more, but who knows.
  19. I generally use my iPhone, though i'm in the same "hate iTunes camp" as everyone else. I also don't like the fact that I only have 16GB when I have so much more music.
  20. This combined two of my favorite types of instruments: piano and chiptunes. I'm in love. Everything about this album rocks. Favorite track so far is Stage 1.
  21. I've only seen the trailer so far, but this seems really interesting. This is something I've thought myself: what types of genre fusion seem ludicrous, but could have the potential to be great?
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