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Everything posted by Cash

  1. Huh, he withdraws the song with no explanation and posts it here anyway. Alrighty then, well, if we still end up getting a Steiner remix, I'll be satisfied.
  2. Good point. It just seems strange to withdraw the song from the album with no explanation, only to post it on OCR anyway, originally in the album thread no less. But hey, if it means we get to hear another good Steiner remix, all the better.
  3. As I said before, this sounds great! Nice work! So, um, why did you remove this from the album?
  4. Why was this removed? It sounds great to me, well, at least I get to listen to it whenever I want.
  5. Yeah, it's definitely worth it to get a Sunday only pass. I had fun last year, and I'll have fun this year!
  6. Hey, thanks for the feedback! I plan on submitting this, at some point. I actually replaced the drums, they come through more. I've been trying to beef up the thinner sections. Another update will be done soon!
  7. No harm done! @Rex and wildfire, I'll go this round. I should choose the title of Contra. Actually no, just kidding, it's only 7 seconds, that would be rough. I might choose Cave Story, or Chrono Trigger. Not sure yet.
  8. I believe you swapped TheRexAsaurous with my name. Same team though, so it really doesn't make a difference.
  9. Happy birthday dude! Have a good one!

  10. Hi! Great remix you have here! I love the addition of the other instruments, adds great depth. I think the arrangement is well done, the interpretation during the intro is especially nice. Your performance added a lot of emotion to the original piece. The intro and outro feel like something you'd hear during the dramatic section of a play. Maybe an accompaniment to a court jester's performance. The middle section feels very comforting, like a child being spoiled by a grandmother, at least that's the vibe I get. Overall, arrangement is great in my opinion! As for production, I can't hear any noticeable issues. The piano sample gets the job done as far as I'm concerned. The piano has plenty of humanization thanks to the live performance. At times the higher frequency of the piano seems a bit harsh, maybe that's just me. Also, the piano sounds a tad distant during the quieter parts. The other instruments sound great, the levels are all good. For a first attempt at orchestral, I'd say you nailed it. Awesome remix!
  11. Hey ecto, happy birthday! I loved your Metroid remix, One Hot Slut indeed!
  12. If you're placing so much stake on one decision, you really need to step back and reevaluate your attitude. Creating music, in my opinion, should be about the journey, the actual process. These are the questions you should be asking: "did I enjoy making this song" and "did I learn something". If the answer to one or both of those is yes, you didn't waste your time. One decision does not and should not invalidate the work you put into your song. The feedback you received from the panel was very positive, you should be happy. Not everybody gets a resubmit vote, address their critiques and try again. You're blowing this whole thing way out of proportion. They actually enjoyed it, and you call them cunts? If this is how you handle positive feedback, you probably shouldn't be posting music on the internet. You'll be very lucky indeed if this is the worst feedback you receive on your music.
  13. Happy Birthday Flexstyle! I'd definitely say I'm a fan of your work. I've enjoyed your remixes for the FL Studio Remix Gauntlet, good stuff. Keep doing what you do! Have a DJ cake!
  14. Don't forget about option B: "Be based on any source, and done in a futuristic or sci-fi style." I see what you're saying, but personally, I like the more limited themes. I find it easy to choose a source. On my own, I have trouble settling on a source to remix.
  15. Hey there, can you give a listen to my updated mix? The one you helped me with for Remixing with the Stars. Here's the link to my thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=42487

  16. Sure, go for it. I can't think of many games that have an instrument in the title though.
  17. Hey cool, third place behind that one hot slut. By the way, Prophecy, have you updated the points on the first post? I think the point totals have been the same for a while.
  18. Minuscule in size and importance. Not many people are chiming in here complaining about avatars, doesn't seem to be a widespread issue.
  19. The synths are generally too basic and bland, they need some sweetening effects. Reverb/delay, chorus, phasing, etc. This is especially apparent on the sine waves and the lead which has a solo later on in the track. That same synth is detuned a bit much, doesn't match the song. The piano has too much high frequency for my liking, that high ringing sound bothers me. It grates on my ears, especially when its the main focus. The opening arp is descent, but could sound much better with more effects. I really like the arp that starts when the drums come in, it has some depth too it. The drums need some work. The beat is generic techno, hardly any variety, and not very interesting. The drums definitely need more attention in terms of EQ, processing, and variety. I suggest listening to some songs by more experienced remixers here on the site, for example, bLINd does a lot of trance. Listen to how his drums sound, see if you can try to get yours to sound similar. Plus, there are tons of tutorials out there that can help. So basically, I think you're biggest problem is mixing at this point. I think the sounds are there, and the structure works, you just need to work on mixing skills. The best way to do that is to just keep making music and getting feedback. It's also a good idea to listen to songs in similar styles by more experienced people, here or elsewhere. I suggest listening to WIPs on this forum and reading the feedback, see where other people need improvement. I hope I wasn't too harsh, I think what you have here is a good start. I hope my feedback helps! Keep at it!
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