Avatar of Justice
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Everything posted by Avatar of Justice
Call me when Scramble or Punch Quest have full awesome soundtracks like my old-timey games.
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Avatar of Justice replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
BECAUSE I'M BORED WITH ZELDA PLOTS. Nintendo generally rehashes the same plot formula again and again. Their audience has grown into adulthood with the games. If they truly respected the audience they'd start playing to it and fucking with them. How about a Zelda game where the Power Triforce wielder is the main character? A young Ganondorf, tired of the Hylian oppression of the Gerudo people, gets his hands on the Triforce of Power and fights back. He must face Zelda's second hand man, Link, which I imagine would be a bit like fighting the goddamn Batman with all the gadgets and items. He must then take on the Dark Wizardress Zelda and bring tyrannical rule to an end. Zelda could give him speeches about how only she has the Wisdom to guide the Hylians or some shit. This is my personal dream Zelda game, but it could be ANYTHING other than the plot that it is again and again. Instead, we've gotten the same formulaic crap over and over for 20 years. You know what happened when Final Fantasy aged up and decided to start fucking with its audience expectations? They made FF7. I know not everyone loves it, but it blew everyone's minds at the time. -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Avatar of Justice replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
The writers at Nintendo could just write the game a different way. They are the Gods of those games after all. The plot/characters/settings/plot coupons could be whatever they wanted with Zelda in an active role. See this: http://dresdencodak.tumblr.com/post/47724463171/inspired-by-anita-sarkeesians-video-game-tropes -
Maverick Hunter: Mega Man's FPS almost-reboot
Avatar of Justice replied to DarkeSword's topic in General Discussion
Grim dark Mega Man? That's Mega Man X right? More importantly, that's Mega Man Zero, right? -
Ports that disappointed you.
Avatar of Justice replied to Melbu Frahma's topic in General Discussion
Valkyria Chronicles has a lot of the same design team as Skies of Arcadia (along with cameos from Vyse, Fina, and Aika). Check it out if you haven't already. It's not really a spiritual sequel or anything but hey same design team! so I consider it one. What really clued me in that it was the Skies Team was that it has the same little "Special Ability Cutscenes" that interrupt the action likes Skies' ship fights did e.g. when the Delphinus used the Moonstone Cannon. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Avatar of Justice replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
I don't think FFX's dub issues result from a lack of talent, I think it was just an awkward transitionary time. It was one of the earliest games with full facial movement and voice acting. The game is lousy with close up shots of character's faces as they talk. The directors were clearly trying to showcase/figure out the technology. I've heard Yuna's voice actress elsewhere and she does fine. She was Rosie in Valkyrie Chronicles, although you wouldn't know it because her voice sounds totally different. In FFX though she's just clearly trying to match the lip flaps. Also, Rikku is Tara fucking Strong. Man now I'm all sad. FF7 and FFX are both awkward games in retrospect because of how cutting edge they were during their time. How the mighty have fallen. -
"Retro" Console Repairs/Improvements
Avatar of Justice replied to nOkbient's topic in General Discussion
Replaced the 72-pin connector of my NES with one off of Ebay. My NES games now work like magic. One side effect though is that if I push the loader down, the game don't work, however. I have no idea why this is, but I understand it is a common side effect. -
I watch the Game Grumps when I'm doing things like washing the dishes or cooking. I can't actually play games while doing those things and since I don't watch TV it makes a good replacement. I watch it for the comedy and the fact that I don't really know many people in real life who can give in depth analysis of SNES era video games. I actually can relate to these guys unlike most people who I don't have anything in common with.
Ports that disappointed you.
Avatar of Justice replied to Melbu Frahma's topic in General Discussion
I was really disappointed the FFT port had slowdown (loved the Shakespearan dialogue and new cutscenes) but with a little PSP hackery that is 100% fixed now. -
Tropes vs. Women / #GamerGate Conspiracies
Avatar of Justice replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
As someone who's had a modern liberal arts education, I honestly got bored. This video is Feminism for Dummies. There were zero surprises in this video for me. I have to say watching a big long montage of woman being punched or dragged off made me realize how creepy it all is. I'd be much more interested to see her take female video game characters who are touted as "strong" and have her tell us how they are still sexist. -
Major Shakeup at the VGA awards.
Avatar of Justice replied to Hyperion5182's topic in General Discussion
They're the opposite. A bunch of people jerking off to movies most people haven't even seen. -
I'm a long time video game music fan who has no problem with orchestrated music. I listen to film and game soundtracks all the time that are badass and exciting. Recently, I've been required to attend a loved one's classical choral concerts. I've been told that I look like I'm being tortured. I guess that's because for me, a classical choral music concert is the visual equivalent of silently watching paint dry for two hours. I don't even find the lyrics sheets interesting as most choral music amounts to "Praise Jesus Praise Mary," and I'm an agnostic. So, I can't get out of these concerts. Can anyone here begin to explain to me how to properly listen to classical music? I come at things from a video game listener's perspective so I always expect classical music to have a clear melody and be more bombastic. To me, a lot of classical music in general sounds like pastoral music with butterflies and bees flying happily through the fields. I always feel like I'm missing out on whatever ACTUAL emotion they are trying to express because modern soundtrack music is so blatant about what you're supposed to be feelings whereas classical music, I don't even know.
Dad mods Zelda for daughter
Avatar of Justice replied to AngelCityOutlaw's topic in General Discussion
Maybe he should let his daughter play FF6. Terra is the protagonist of the first half. Although she does fall into the traditional mother role by the end of the game. But Celes, Relm, and other don't. -
Saw it last night. I thought it was great! They managed to exploit pretty much every pun they could for the Sugar Rush world which kept me laughing. Also, the script was surprisingly tight. Every twist in the story was foreshadowed in some way. My favorite game reference was a bit of graffiti in the background of the Central Game Terminal that said "Aerith Lives." I, huge gamer geek, thought it was awesome as did my girlfriend who knows very little about games.
I gave up around 25 hours in and Ebayed my copy. The music and visuals were excellent, but I found the side quests to be repetitive and silly. I'm not an MMORPG guy so maybe that's why they didn't appeal to me. However, the straw that broke the camel's back was the inventory management system. The game constantly drops weapons and armor at you. Rather than giving you "EQUIP THE BEST SHIT" option, you have to go through pages of items for each character and find out which piece of equipment is best. On top of that, you have to deal with all the gems and gem crafting. It's too bad, I really would love to have played the area that went with the Mechonis Field music. I honestly can't say I actually ever lost my faith in JRPG's. Valkyria Chronicles, Radiant Historia, and SMT: Devil Survivor are all JRPG's from the past few years that kick all kinds of ass. Honestly, if JRPG's decide to go all MMO, I'll tune out.
Recent games with great soundtracks
Avatar of Justice replied to Mykah's topic in General Discussion
This song from Jamestown is one of the most pure badass songs I've ever heard. -
Recent games with great soundtracks
Avatar of Justice replied to Mykah's topic in General Discussion
Radiant Historia. This town theme perpetually blows my mind. The mood it evokes....DAMN: -
Old School RPG: Kickstarter (Shaker)
Avatar of Justice replied to Vilecat's topic in General Discussion
Try Radiant Historia. It's like all the things you loved about SNES JRPGs crammed into one game. -
Unlikely, https://www.facebook.com/anamanaguchi/posts/395622560502963 http://xkcd.com/1108/
Merry Final Fantasy VII Day!
Avatar of Justice replied to Garpocalypse's topic in General Discussion
My best friend pointed out to me on Facebook that FF7's 15th anniversary marks our 15th anniversary as friends as well. We bonded together over my FF7 strategy guide. I carried it to school, and he asked to borrow it. The rest is history. -
Merry Final Fantasy VII Day!
Avatar of Justice replied to Garpocalypse's topic in General Discussion
Cloud is awesome because he's a fucked up parody of all those people who play RPG's so that they can feel like a hero (i.e. pretty much everyone who play games). He's one of the earlier examples of video games having a discussion about the medium itself. -
Awful parts of awesome games *POTENTIAL SPOILERS*
Avatar of Justice replied to Jax Mandrake's topic in General Discussion
Yes, the crafting is absolutely horrendous. Also, I never bothered to beat the game because the battles toward the end of the game TOOK FOREVER. Is it just me or was moving your characters in Tactics Ogre waaaaaayy too slow. If they had either shrank the maps or gave every class more movement (and made the game so that party members could all move through each other) it would've been a much more fun game. As far as Wind Waker goes, the sailing would have been better if they had just shrank the ocean and the spaces between the stuff you actually want to get to. -
The thing that really pisses me off with Square's marketing with this game is that they keep talking about Lightning as if anyone cared about her. No, I didn't hate her or the cast of FF13 like some people (although I never bothered to beat the game once I got to Pulse), but she was never charismatic enough for me to care about what happened to her. Stop trying to pretend like we give a shit about Lightning Square-Enix.
The World Ends With You - Sequel Teased in Solo Remix?
Avatar of Justice replied to Mirby's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, that's what I meant. I think every RPG should take a nod from TWEWY and have an adjustable difficulty level. iOs does not necessarily equal casualized. When you think about it, TWEWY is like the ultimate hardcore/casual game already. You can make it pathetically easy, have the PC control your sidekick if you want, and ignore all the pin grinding. Or, play for keeps, make your level really low, and go for all the pins.