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Everything posted by Necrox

  1. Pretty solid EDM mix; that motif is sweet. Sounds like something that could help with initiating those people who think all VGM is just old chiptunes and symphonic scores.
  2. This is a pretty strong album, overall more so than the first IMO. Lots of interesting styles and creativity here; it feels like the artists all really made the source(s) their own. RiverSound, your track reminds of an idea I once had to use that tune as a ballad in an indoor drumline show. It sounds great; the last 90 seconds are really interesting. Once again, Darkesword makes a great conclusion.
  3. That switch to Ahead on Our Way. Pretty solid mix.
  4. This is gonna be a dance party favorite. As timaeus said, lots of nice texturing and flavor. Good glitched-out craziness.
  5. Finally, the real thing. This is a great atmospheric piece; the source choice is awesome and the percussion is sweet (I'm reminded of Djp's excellent remix of Desolate Road from Tales of Phantasia). I really feel like I'm in the pirate cave area.
  6. I agree; the music seems watered down lately. I sea that with this album, OCR has really hit rock bottom. Nothing has any depth anymore. Congratulations Darkeword. I'm shore you're happy you FINished off the stream of good music. I'm going to go krill myself. Actually, I don't eel like it.
  7. I wish every song had a club edit
  8. Thanks to whomever "Bobby Ocean" is. I know this is a joke, but man this album was something else. I had FEP lined up in my Itunes next and the the club edit of The Deluge went so smoothly into Searing Scissors
  9. Posted about this back in November but got no answers for whatever reason. The browser is always dropping down menus when I'm working; everytime I open anything new or old, the whole plugin presets folder is open. If I'm scrolling through a folder for samples and then select a channel to do something else, it closes the folder. If I undo anything, history folder; If I add a pattern, pattern folder. Etc. How can I stop this? FL 11.
  10. I've been taking a break from FL for a while and writing drumline stuff. As a result, I've fallen for 5/7-let 8th notes and weird stuff like a measure-long 11-let. Is there anyway I could do this sort of thing in FL?
  11. Always have a good amount of heals on you. I'm stuck and really don't want to start all over.
  12. Same. BN4 has the most underrated OST on GBA. The others have some nice tunes too.
  13. This fits the laid-back internet worlds of BN SO well. More. Please.
  14. Awwwww yeah. Serial Experiments Lain Evangelion again Psycho Pass
  15. I love FL Mobile; that's how I got into making music more often than an hour a week when I was at another house on Ableton Lite. I guess it isn't that great, though. The step sequencer, however, is absolutely phenomenal with a touch screen. I don't know how you could manually write any faster. I really wish it had ghost notes, but eh. Nanostudio is good fun, good for sound design practice, but the piano roll is a pain to write on. Defintely better sounds than FLM I only used Beatmaker 2 a bit, but it seemed pretty nice. Some of the percussion samples were really good, fun for gltichy and loopy stuff.
  16. At Undyne. Two heals on a pacifist run. Might be done. I've had fun. But this is a block that can't be shunned.
  17. This is quite atmospheric for a dance-ish track IMO. Nice work.
  18. I like how this mix is distinctly modern yet doesn't become a borefest like much EDM. Great job in the mixing/effects department and your sound design is pretty sweet too. Good stuff. Think I'll give the source a listen too.
  19. I am becoming more convinced OCR is a hot spot for interesting music styles, not just a video game music site. Chiptune + piano; I've never considered it, but it works so well here. Seriously good connection between differing elements. Plus that piano part just goes insane. Excellent remix.
  20. I like the addition of Waterfall and the plucked instrument is nice too. Good vibe overall.
  21. What about Quiet Water? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsvhQ-soLdg
  22. I agree that the arp feels a bit off for some reason. Aside from that, this is freaking majestic. Like download-before-the-30-second-mark good. The guitar sounds fantastic.
  23. Pretty par for Sir Jordanius. Wacky and fun arrangement/instrumentation with some crzy vocal stuff (nice intro). That last scream is SMH-worthy. I wonder if blasting the intro over and over in a huge traffic jam would be fun.
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