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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Oh, when I saw the title I was thinking "Dang, I didn't know they were giving out entire mobile homes this year."
  2. What, no, stop ruining my chances. :[
  3. Dhsu


    And also tugging at her uncomfortably tight crotch.
  4. What is that even supposed to be? A king with a fishing lure stuck to his crown? In any case, that sucks hardcore. Hope you can get up and running soon.
  5. Really likin' this one. We don't get into the actual Minuet melody until around 0:58 though, which is kind of long for an intro. It almost sounds like a cameo by the time we actually get to the melody. Maybe start it around 0:19 or 0:38, and use the rest of the intro later on, or as the ending. Or you could turn this into a Stone Tower remix with a Minuet cameo.
  6. I don't think DK's butt is the one he's staring at.
  7. Why would he do that? His arrangements are among the best I've heard on the site.
  8. No I just play him on TV.
  9. It's safe to assume the release date is not far off.
  10. I bet Dale could help ya out. Although seriously, your singing voice is fine. It's your falsetto that's kinda weird.
  11. No offense, but the people who are interested probably already check the SE blog. I understand if you want to keep this thread alive, but if nobody except you wants to post in it, thems the breaks.
  12. Haha, man...Daknit got totally pwned by the lockdown. Poor guy.
  13. Wow, a happy ending to an Internet argument. That's something you don't see every day.
  14. Looks good. I would probably recommend against the stock power supply, though...might consider getting rid of the CPU fan and thermal compound if that puts you over budget. Stock cooling should be fine as long as you don't overclock and don't mind the noise. You could also look at cheaper-but-still-decent alternatives to the 8800.
  15. No, but using Google Translate helps me get by. Ah, I see. I tried playing through the score, and it sounds very beautiful! I can't wait to hear your recording.
  16. Okay, I want you to listen to this piece and this piece and tell me honestly whether you think they were performed or sequenced.
  17. Your mom has failed hard tonight.
  18. So you say you're not insulting anyone, then in practically the next sentence say that sequenced music is "lower" and "easier" than performed works. Let me tell you something: I perform my music because it would actually be *harder* for me to learn how to sequence and become good enough to make it sound natural. I've had fellow ReMixers express envy that I can record something in a few hours, while they slave away for days tweaking each note to perfection. And I don't see why you would call it "lower" either...it's just different. Computers and instruments serve different functions in making music, and neither will ever replace the other. Computers might be lousy musicians, but the truth is no matter how hard you try, you'll never get a square wave out of a piano.
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