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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. ZOMG SPOILARZZZZ!!!1! Hahaha, I forgot about the great fairies. Man, a porno fairy theme would be the best.
  2. Well, there was the whole creepy Anju/Kafei thing which I'm sure had a couple songs associated with it. And the shopgirls I was referring to are the ones you see at the mayor's house and the treasure chest minigame. I think there's more, but they all make these really provocative gestures and noises.
  3. I doubt Din and Nayru were in love with him either. That said, we still need some Wind Waker coverage. Did Tetra have a theme? I'm sure she had some sort of burgeoning crush on him under that tough exterior. It'd be cool to have Majora's Mask too, although I'm not sure if it actually has any new music that would work. Still, those shopgirls had the total hots for his pre-pubescent bod.
  4. I can see it now. "LOOK HEY LISTEN MIX 2007" by DJ "LINKMASTER" P
  5. If you wanna do it the legal way, try these guys.
  6. How many seeders are there? I can help a bit if you're running low.
  7. I've got the Tokka Search link in my post, but I'm not finding the doujin links at N-lovers. Mind pointing them out for us?
  8. I'd totally be up for Nayru's Theme...been wanting to do that for a while now.
  9. I'd post, but I haven't figured out exactly how to do that just yet...
  10. I agree with Tensei-San about the reverb...you should decrease it a little bit, so that the pieces won't sound so muddy. As for the gain, if you can't increase it anymore, don't worry about it too much...piano pieces tend to be soft anyway, and listeners can always turn up their volume. The actual arrangements are beautiful...they make mine sound like beginner Suzuki Method pieces. ;_; It's so great to see arrangers from Japan are interested in OCR, and it would be a crime if these weren't accepted on OCR. I don't know how to translate "Temporal Eloquence" into Japanese, but my interpretation of it would be something like "fluent in the language of time." Thank you for sharing these pieces, and good luck with your submissions! I hope to hear more from you in the future.
  11. Once again the captions are the best parts of the updates. HUNT THEM! HUNT THEM DOWN!
  12. You tend to remember the good ones. Most Trekkies can tell you the names of their favorite episodes. And who doesn't know about "The Trouble with Tribbles"?
  13. Maybe it's because of I've been playing a ton of Kingdom Hearts lately, but that's what this reminds me of. Just add piano for full KH-iness. Good work, keep it up.
  14. Ah...I guess the battles start to run together after a while. It is kind of a shame there's no online Time Trial, but VS mode lets tenacious punks like me have a chance against better players. In any case, welcome to the forums! Post your friend code and we can rumble again. Edit: Holy cow, hard battle is haaaaaard. Normal games were almost relaxing, but these have me in a constant state of panic. THIS IS MADNESS.
  15. Congratulations to Ryo Lion for his recently posted arrangement! I'm bumping this thread for the people that are interested in finding more like it.
  16. It was fanservice, but I didn't think it was terrible. It at least gave some closure to the series. I actually dunno where they would go with the show after that episode, even if it suddenly got renewed.
  17. Very cool stuff. But more importantly, good to see you out and about again, Darke.
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