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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Uh, it's kind of understandable to assume that Bahamut was talking about his Internet name since that is what the entire thread is about...
  2. Oh wow, I totally forgot he used to use that one.
  3. Unless you are an IRC daemon, I don't see you anywhere on the first page of results for "Bahamut."
  4. This isn't really an issue, just a small preference in usability...when you search for a mix, it'd be more convenient for the ReMixes to appear in the leftmost field of the results, while the game remixed might be pushed to the right of it. It's kind of a consistency thing for me...since the mixes are always on the left when browsing the list, it's instinctive for me to click on the leftmost links, which unfortunately when using the search function instead brings me to the game. I understand if this isn't really on the list of high priorities, but it seems like something fairly easy to do if you decide to do it.
  5. Fortunately, OCR has given me enough of an Internet presence that people will have no problem finding me on Google. So my advice? Get posted on OCR.
  6. So, uh...have you submitted "Nemesis"? Because you should. I also honestly think "Four on the Floor" has a good chance of getting accepted...it drags on a bit, but it's got a lot of cool stuff in it. Edit: Okay, who am I kidding, I think you should submit everything that you haven't. Even (especially?) the FLMC one.
  7. Oh, what I meant is I didn't hear the melody. Yeah, I noticed the piano line and the bassline thing, but I dunno if that will be enough for the judges (although apparently the OUS judges didn't even notice :/ ).
  8. Haha, clever! It surprises me to no end how deep this game can be.
  9. this remicks sux lol Seriously though, I...uhhh, can't tell where the source is except for that one violin part. halp plz.
  10. I like how people have no problem with someone selling VG albums, but once he gives 20% of the sales to charity he is a scumbag. I am sort of wondering what's up with the EA deal though. And (how) did he get the licensing for this? Also, how does he make a profit while OUS has lost money on every album since T&S? I need to find out how this guy got so popular, and do that.
  11. Wait, when he says you enter your name like on a cellphone, does he mean you have to press the button multiple times to get the letter you want? Because that sounds totally gay.
  12. Wow, this host looks awesome. I just might move my own website there...
  13. Ahahaha. Also, itt Atma makes sure everybody knows that he checks the site at exactly midnight every day.
  14. In Snake's stage, every time your invisibility wears off you hear a "BRREEE!!" followed by "What's that sound?!"
  15. But over 3 days? Some things just aren't adding up...
  16. I dunno, I like the soundtrack alright, but it's definitely no TA. There are a couple tracks that stood out though, like the one that sounds like it came from Rub Rabbits, and the Advance Wars-sounding one. The standard Lumines-ish song isn't bad either, but it does get old after a while. I'm just mad they took out Lip's theme and stage for the US version.
  17. Yeah, that's the thing that sucks about Tetris Attack, it's no fun to play against people who are like twice as good as you, and they can't (or perhaps won't?) really give you advice either. So the good players are cursed to wander around and look for other good players, all the while bragging about how good they are and complaining that they can't find anybody as good as them. Come to think of it, I think the worst thing about Tetris Attack is probably the players. Personally, I would try GameFAQs, and watching the videos on TetrisAttack.net and YouTube. Those helped me a bit. I used to be at the 3-4x chain wall too before I got PPL. Now I'm at the 9-10x chain wall. Highest so far is a 17x with exploding lift. Still haven't broken 30k on time attack...
  18. I think the second one is actually from Twilight Princess. Might be wrong though.
  19. A person's enjoyment of Tetris Attack is definitely directly proportional (maybe even exponential) to his skill at it. Which is unfortunate, since the learning curve to the point where you're actually good at it is quite steep. I imagine it's a similar situation for Puyo Puyo. But even so, there will probably always be a Puyo players vs. TA players rift...it's just a different style of play. Puyo seems much more deliberate and calculating, while TA is about pushing your mental and physical reflexes to the limit. Tetris Attack certainly isn't about randomness and "what is given to you," or at least no more than with Puyo Puyo. Both games have a limited element of randomness, but it's to provide variety, and doesn't mean the game is based on the luck of the draw. How good you are at manipulating this randomness is where a player's skill comes into play. A good Tetris Attack player will be able to manipulate any given block to where he wants it, to the point where he can use almost all of them in a single gigantic chain. The same is probably true for good Puyo Puyo players. The reason that Tetris Attack appeals to me so much is that there is so much more action in involved. You are actively, constantly, and directly involved in the outcome of your chain. You cannot EVER stop thinking two steps ahead, even while the playing field is constantly changing, or else your chain will break. As opposed to Puyo Puyo, where judging on what I've played and seen of it, the gameplay is much more oriented towards the setup aspect, and the actual chains are essentially "fire and forget". In Tetris Attack, there's little to no initial setup, mainly because it would be next to impossible to pre-engineer a chain above 5 or 6x with any given configuration. You have to just set a combo off and let your reflexes do the rest. Unfortunately, Planet Puzzle League is what I'd consider a sloppy port. Or maybe not "sloppy" per se...the game itself is quite clean and spartan. The problem is it's too spartan, to the point of being almost sterile. There's no story mode or cute characters (I was really hoping for Puzzle Fighter-style attack animations and sound effects), no unlockables, the soundtrack is mostly mediocre and repetitive, and some features were actually taken out that actually significantly affect the gameplay (e.g. the extra dark blue block). Of course, us addicts are so relieved to finally have online play that it overshadows everything else, but even there Nintendo has thrown in silly and unnecessary things like the "Birthday Battle" ranking system. Wow, that turned into a pretty big post. Oh well, hope people get something out of it.
  20. hay thx for teh spoilers u are my favorite person rite now
  21. Check your sig. Yeah, she's a brunette.
  22. I dunno, seems like that'd involve losing one of his other moves.
  23. Zelda's head looks kinda big in comparison with her body... And I keep thinking "Man, it must be really uncomfortable to fight in that."
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