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Everything posted by Dhsu

  1. Love it. Of course, I'm kind of obligated to say that about any Japanese arrangement, but this is one of the particularly good ones. Sweet chord changes, tight guitar sequencing, and of course sitar FTW. Welcome to OCR, Ryo!
  2. I think someone using wavedashing means he practiced more and is just better than you.
  3. So I'm at 51/16 after getting it last afternoon. Like 5 of those losses were to some random Japanese dude. Two of them were from Bahamut. But one of the wins was against Bahamut too.
  4. I think the project is on the dropdown just like all the other projects. The feedback thread is gone though, which is kinda weird.
  5. Haha, nice. My birthday is 12/12, actually...apparently Birthday Battle doesn't mean you play people with the same birthday, it means you're *ranked* against people with the same birthday. Which is probably the last thing people would care about. "I'm better than everybody born on the same day!" Hurrrrr. I'm currently ranked 3rd, after two Japanese people of course. So that makes three OCR peepz I've played so far (the other two were Bahamut and NrgSpoon). Good games all around. Even added a loss to Bahamut's pristine record.
  6. I ordered my Hori DS Lite screen protectors from them and they came in just fine.
  7. Ah yes, good ol' Nilsen messin' up musical continuity. Well in that case, I'd be for a 2-disc compilation: one JP and one US. That'd be pretty cool.
  8. Indeed, I've learned from experience that you never really win in an argument with djp, but you can usually reach a mutual understanding.
  9. Does it give you an error message?
  10. I'm all for a Sonic CD project (other than the fact that there are too many projects), but aren't the past and future themes remixes of the present tracks already? It seems kind of redundant. And if you take those out, it's not such a huge project. In fact I bet GeckoYamori could do the entire thing himself.
  11. You had to introduce him to them? Don't tell me you're not giving him his required daily dose of Harmonix games!
  12. Isn't X a super move in Marvel vs Capcom?
  13. I have to say, that was a slightly unfortunate choice for a domain name.
  14. Is there Wi-Fi? TELL ME YES.
  15. I think hitting down b will just make her poop out a bomb instead.
  16. OOo, didn't know they had it on DS, must go pick it up sometime.
  17. At least I'm not an Atlus shill.
  18. I bet you are also not good at it am i rite
  19. Of course, because it's true. There are few absolutes in the world, but there's no doubt that Tetris Attack is one of them.
  20. I'm not Bahamut, but there really isn't a question as to which game is better: Puzzle League wins hands down. It's just infinitely more deep than Meteos could ever be.
  21. A solid 13x chain tends to have that effect on people who thought they were good.
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