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Posts posted by JJT

  1. Hey OCReMix peeps,

    Wanted to let you know about something cool that's happening this week.

    I'm working on a record with Troy Baker (The Last of Us, Uncharted 4, Bioshock Infinite), and we've been streaming from the studio 4 hours a day, all week. It's been pretty cool. 

    Basically, you get to see the process of making a studio record. We're live broadcasting the band as we do takes, make creative decisions, and get into overdubs.

    Troy is known as a voice actor, but he's a pretty damn good singer, and a great songwriter too. And the band is slaying. Anyway I've talked this thing up enough.

    We'll continue streaming every day until Sunday, 12-2 and 5-7 PST.



  2. Yo, pro multi-instrumentalist here (keys/trumpet/guitar).

    I think part of the problem is that you're trying to tackle a bunch of things that require different skill sets/muscle memory. The best multi-instrumentalists I know spent "seasons" learning different instruments, and if your goal is high proficiency in so many different tools, I think divide and conquer is your best bet. 

    If you feel like tackling a bunch of different things at once, then I would try to focus on a set of instruments that are at least in the same family. For example, trumpet and flute, while vastly different, are both wind instruments, so there's some overlap there. Guitar and bass use the same fretboard, so that knowledge transfers from one to the other.

    If you're serious about learning drums my advice is to lock yourself in a practice room with a metronome for two years, and make that your main focus. Get a lesson every now and again, just to make sure you're not doing anything that will lead to injury down the road.

    Good luck!

  3. On August 28, 2016 at 4:12 PM, Trism said:

    Question to the bosses; will there be recruitment for the currently open tracks and/or any that open up from people leaving? And if so will it follow the same rules as previously stated (non-posted remixers needing to audition and whatnot)?

    We are still in the process of tracking everyone down. Once we know for sure who's left the project we'll make some decisions about how to fill any open slots.

  4. 1 hour ago, Careless said:

    I thought September was the final deadline and was pretty far along toward finishing this... However...

    Strader is our buddy and the guy who introduced us to OC Remix. He's been helping us over the years to get to a point where one of our songs would finally be accepted. With respect to all of you involved in the project (except Geoffrey) Juja and I are going to bow out.

    Thanks for the heads up, and no worries. We get where you're coming from.

  5. 7 hours ago, jnWake said:

    I was kinda doubtful on my participation thanks to last week's drama but I'll continue as long as the project is alive.

    However, I'm not sure I can make the deadline lol.

    If you can get us ANYTHING before the deadline you'll be good to go. Doesn't matter how bare bones it is.

  6. Everything else aside, I think we can agree that Brandon is a force of nature when it comes to these kinds of projects. No one is happy with how the last week has gone, and it sucks that he and OCR are going to part ways. 

    That being said, we're excited to see this album get completed, and I hope that you (the remixers) all want to stay on board with us and see it through. Let me know if I can be of any help or assistance.

  7. On December 15, 2009 at 2:54 AM, ella guro said:

    So perhaps some context for this might be good. (Yes, this is AB. Like the name/sex change?)

    This was originally intended to be for an Earthbound project that was never finished. A few other mixes that were supposed to be for it made it here on OCR, I can't remember exactly which ones.

    Anyway, by the time I did this one I had just got to college and felt kind of like I was done with the community there was no reason for me to be doing remixes anymore for various reasons. But I had some left over WIPs and decided to finish this one up because the original tune is one of my favorite pieces of videogame music.

    I was pretty sure this was gonna be my last remix, so I decided to try some things that I wouldn't normally try. I intentionally made some sounds ugly and clash with other sounds, and there are a couple of places where there are two different things going on at once in different keys/time signatures, that kind of stuff. I was really into Captain Beefheart at the time, so that was part of it. Part of it was also wanting to do justice to the Earthbound soundtrack.

    It was fun to do all that stuff because I felt like I was really pushing myself into more unexplored territory, and I felt that it paid off for me. I came up with something that sounded unique, that I felt like no one else could have done. I didn't know if this would get rejected by the panel or not, but I decided that I had nothing to lose anyway so I submitted it and was happy to see it get on the site.


    Anyway, the point is this: my hope was that someone would hear this and be inspired to do something out there or experimental, in the mold of Shnabubula's early remixes or something like that. Or maybe not even that, maybe just get someone to think about trying a new approach. And I'm not talking about crazy time signatures or putting a whole lot of distortion on everything. Those are just ideas, and on the surface they don't add up to anything. I'm talking about creating a world. Different combinations of different ideas helps bring people into a different world. What I mean here is that my intention was never to show off compositionally. The point wasn't "hey guyz listen to my drumz". I was just trying something different. Trying to blur things together until all you can see is the overall picture, maybe even have some sort of emotional experience come out of it, rather than just see it as just a bunch of a little elements someone entered into a sequencer. I wasn't doing all this consciously. I don't think I realized what this and the kirby and donkey kong remixes on were about until way afterwards. I guess the point in the end was that I hoped to make something that existed in a world of its own: outside of me, outside of my sequencer, outside of my computer, and hopefully people would react to it in that way.

    So anyway...I think people are gonna like what they're gonna like. A lot of people don't like a lot of the choices made, so they're not gonna like this mix, simple as that. But I'm most proud of this one because I felt like I really did reach something this time. It's not perfect certainly, but I do feel proud that there is a mix like this on OCR...I just wish that more people were willing to try stuff like this.

    BTW, the ending is supposed to be a more optimistic epilogue to the darkness and disorientation of the mix. It's kind of an inverse of the kirby mix which was mostly happy but then ended with this kind of mysterious section that fades out at the end. I did think it was gonna be my last thing on OCR, after all, so I wanted to end it on a happier note. And it's Earthbound, fer godsakes.

    I don't really know how many people out there really try to think deeply about videogame remixes. I think a vast majority of remixers just do it for fun, and most listeners don't try to think that hard about why they like something, they just know what they like. Sometimes I think there's something wrong with me when I try to deconstruct stuff like this and give it a higher purpose. In the end I guess I really don't know what purpose remixes have beyond entertainment or nostalgia. My best guess is that maybe both games and game remixes (and by extension electronic music) are about creating worlds that have their own self-sustaining ecosystems. Earthbound certainly had its own unmistakable and strange little world. And with electronic music, maybe like Brian Eno did with Another Green World, though I never heard that album until a year or so ago. There are an infinite number of possibilities of sound that we will only ever barely scratch the surface of, so my view is that we might as well put them to some interesting use.

    Ella, no idea if you're still on the fringes of this community, but I just wanna say thanks again for submitting this piece. It's one of the few I remember from my time on the judges panel, because it was really, really important to me that it got passed. I wanted challenging, experimental music to have a place in this community, and this mix was such a breath of fresh air, that had an influence on my later work. All these years later, I still love it.

  8. Highlights:

    • Kylo being a tryhard (probably my favorite choice the filmmakers made)
    • Han landing a few more one-liners before exiting the saga
    • Seeing the inside of a TIE fighter(!)
    • Having the major themes of the original trilogy explored a little further (this annoyed some people, but not me)
    • The joy of anticipation. It's been a long time since I've watched a tentpole movie and actually been hungry for more. I'm so pumped to see what Rian Johnson does with the next film.


    • Who cares? This film has flaws. So do all the others (except Empire IMO, but there are still people who hate that movie). Expecting perfection from a subjective medium is a recipe for unhappiness.

    I thought Episode 7 was great.


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