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  • Real Name
    Mike DeWeese
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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Arrangement & Orchestration
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (Other)
    Piccolo Trumpet, Flugelhorn

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  1. Need more trumpeters? lol. Like John Stacy and TSori, I also play trumpet and flugelhorn. I also play piccolo trumpet if you want a trumpet that sounds more like a toy. Could be useful for some goofy tracks! Also, I've sent a message to audio fidelity regarding his claim for "The Oath". I'm hoping to claim that one if he doesn't want it.
  2. Just came across this video from Rare's YouTube channel that goes into some background info on Jet Force Gemini, including a couple of appearances from composer Robin Beanland.
  3. Heck yes. Time to go squash some space bugs and save some space bears! Good thing I actually started a bit of sketching for a remix of Ichor Military Base about a week ago. I'd love to claim that one!
  4. Very pleasant and very peaceful. I think I even caught myself swaying back and forth along with the tune! Love your solo string sounds, especially the violin.
  5. 8-bit Music Theory is awesome. I greatly appreciate his style of presentation and his energy. The Final Fantasy 6 OST is one of my all time favorites, so I was really excited when he did his 3-part series on it.
  6. Hi everybody, and Happy New Year! I realize I'm a little late to the listening party here, but I've been wanting to chime in myself. When @Darkflamewolf brought me on to the project in late 2015, I was super excited at the idea of an OCR album of Skies of Arcadia music. I've been anxious to hear how different people interpreted the music from Skies of Arcadia. I've been able to finally listen to Arcadia Legends a couple times through and everything just sounds great. I wanted to give some shout-outs to a few tracks that have really resonated with me: - "Victory! Glory! Profit?" by @GlacialSpoon - This one is pure fun. Get's me pumped! - "Inner Reflections" by @YoshiBlade - I remember hearing this one on @Rexy's podcast. I can't get enough of the vibe. I'm a sucker for chill atmospheres and that filtered piano in the beginning is so nice. The transitions and subtle tempo changes work so well. - "Il Buono, il brutto, il pirata dell'aria" by @Jorito, et al. - I love this one, if even only from a pure execution standpoint. Jorito did an awesome job transferring the two sources into something that feels like "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly". Also, big props to Jorito for taking on that 13-minute monstrosity "To the Horizon". - "The End of a Dream" by Scott Buckley - The way this piece builds and develops is sublime. The tension buildup and payoff around 2:42 gives me goosebumps every time. I don't know if there are any other fans of Eureka Seven, but the track winds down with a 4-3 suspension definitely brings me back to the OST of that anime. - +1 from me for "Shining Silver" by Sam Dillard - I was excited when I saw Sam Dillard's name pop up in the project thread. The guy makes a lot of incredible music. "Shining Silver" feels a bit like a film score cue of our heroes experiencing the Silver Shrine for the first time, seeing in person this massive, grandiose, literally out-of-this-world structure. Another great entry by Sam!
  7. Totally cool with me!
  8. Hi everybody! I'm looking for somebody who is willing to record some metal guitar for my remix of "Final Battle". Currently, I'm in the refinement phase of the remix, in which I'm using Shreddage II for my lead guitar sound. It's a great sample library, BUT, my current sequencing skills only go so far and I'd really love to give the lead guitar part that extra edge by having it played live. If anybody here is down to help me out or knows somebody I should contact, feel free to send me a message!
  9. Never in my life would I expect to hear a vocal rendition of the Crazy Bus music. I am forever enlightened. Seriously, though, this is so fun to listen to.
  10. Yeah...now that I have actually listened through some of the re-orchestrated soundtrack, I have to agree. Some of the samples, like the strings, solo trumpet, and some woodwind instruments, sound incredible, while other samples are REALLY lacking. On top of that, the mixing and orchestration issues in places break the experience quite a bit for me. It's disappointing, but man, I couldn't imagine having to re-orchestrate nearly 6 hours of music.
  11. Ooh, this has me hyped. I love the soundtrack to the original FFXII release but some of those samples, particularly the trumpet and french horns, were iffy at times. Samples have improved so much since 2006. I can't wait to hear the rest of the re-orchestrated soundtrack. "Streets of Rabanastre" and the final boss music are some of my all-time favorites.
  12. Awesome trailer. Everything sounds great and I'm really diggin' the artwork. That's so cool that they showed this at MAGFest!
  13. Claymates. Made it to the final boss for the first time ever. Died immediately. Surprise! That was my last life. There's no continue system. There's no password system that even a game like Bubsy was kind enough to provide. Cute little kid's game Claymates does not forgive. All that hard work was gone. I lost my last life at the final boss. The moment I saw "game over", I rage quit, which for me as a 5- or 6-year-old kid consisted of throwing the SNES controller to the floor, walking away and crying. I don't believe I have touched the game since. Makes me wonder what might have happened had I ever played the original Battletoads at that age.
  14. Phew! Finally finished up the remix and submitted it to the judges. Thank you to everybody who provided feedback in these last few months. It was greatly appreciated!
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