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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. I haven't had a chance to do much building on my X apart from scooping up some piles of sand, but pwease don't let it get, like, stolen or something, hehe. :-)

  2. Bonkers said, "Could ya tell him I LOVED his MMX tracks. They are one of my Top tracks and his X4 Final Weapon song made me cry from nostalgia with how he used all the voice clips hahaha."

  3. I concurr. But they should release one mega 20 hour episode of the stuff Stevo is behind on editing The next step for OCAD is to become a live video podcast
  4. I can't see your name anymore without thinking Enumerator

  5. The EP is great! Pre-order this thang, folks
  6. I told this kid on Youtube that you guys were making fun of him, and suggested he request this thread be taken down or something. Instead he replied with "WTF!!!!!!!!!" Then I never heard from him. You guys probably lead a 9 year old to cut himself and should be ashamed.
  7. So what all is taken and what's open at this point?
  8. If you could opine on that post I made in FF9 thread a while ago, that'd be swell. Though in the end if you're cool I'll probably just go with orchestral Steiner.

  9. It's hard to read the words on the artwork in first post.. I know most people probably won't agree... but most people probably don't have eyesight as bad as mine. I usually opt for better contrast just for peeps like me with those issues. Blue on blue with a small black outline, or white on light blue, is general bad idea... Red on maroon? xD Well alright.
  10. Oh, wait what? I was just listening to some of the album with my grandma... I didn't know there was a rule against that...
  11. I see no problem with the velocities, and the arrangement is very nice and enjoyable. If you felt the velocities were really that bad that you were unable to enjoy the song, then that's really your problem... The sample quality on the other hand, leaves a bit to be desired. ;P But on the whole, very good effort.
  12. Vampiya Killa gonna be the most gangsta rap you ever HIZZEARD!

  13. DKC3 does not advocate the cool cool act of using drugs True Story: Funky's Joint was going to be a full on vocal track about Funky's Joint being an actual product, banana-flavored weed. But I had a sound effect at the end of the song of a woman saying "Oh yes, wow!" As if she had enjoyed the joint. Emunator got all high and mighty and was like "NO SOUND THAT IS EVEN REMOTELY SEXUAL IS ALLOWED ON THIS ALBUM" and I kept trying to explain it's not a sex sound, it's a post-weed-smoke sound of enjoyment. But Noooo he didn't understand, and Funky's Joint is half a song as a result. So drugs = ok Idea of sex = bad
  14. ^fixed Also sad at not getting 20 free games, but then again.. I could emulate 'em.
  15. Don't feel bad, my favorite is FF8. That seems to be either love, hate, or really hate for most people. FF5 is one of the FF's that I actually beat, having not beat 4 or 6 yet, so it is a pretty lucky game, haha.. Or i'm lucky for having finished it. The music really is stellar in that game. Really looking forward to Water.
  16. Man if you wouldn't have said anythign I never would have noticed the double post! I read the post... and I guess when there's 2 of the same thing next to each other you don't notice the second one. Anyway that sounds cool. Hope it goes well for you guys.
  17. Oh snap Alan, rofl! You're the director of Dodgeball thing. Send me that Dodgeboobs artwork so I can fiddle around with it. :P

  18. How will being a live show affect the editing and overall sound of the show? If you guys aren't recording into audacity and then mixing that together... is it gonna sound all internet bandwidthy or will it be ok?
  19. You kidding Kyle? I just wanted to try to trace it in Illustrator for kicks and if it worked that would have been great. It's not like LITERAL tracing, you set some variables and tell it to trace and it does it automatically. Now that I have a decent computer and am not trying to trace things at college, I am actually pretty optimistic that it would work decently, haha. But I was never able to find the dodgeboobs cover art. At any rate certainly not something that would take 5 years, more like 5 minutes.
  20. There's almost always a post-project delay, it's somethin' folks ought to get used to. And also everyone secretly knows Emunator is delaying because he's toking it up
  21. I don't think defamation is the right way to handle this situation but what do i know
  22. You guys are making fun, but this is totally better than anything I made at age 9
  23. He was kidding! Tell him you were kidding, Stevo! .......Stevo? ................
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