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Brandon Strader

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Status Updates posted by Brandon Strader

  1. What night sport do you support?

  2. WHAT THE HECK IS TBTATORJ?!?!?!??! It sounds like you're a tuberculosis potato judge.

  3. What they said! Good job!~ Also I hope you don't mind but I compleetly raped your FF1 song! Mua ha haa!! Now it's so much more epic and vintage! ROAR! Will record the guitars soon. And in case you're not around to watch the live stream, I'll try to record it on the channel.. boring but yah.. Three hours worth of "oops!" "oops!" "oops!" hehe

  4. What was the title of that DP song again? I remember you sent it once but my inbox is so poop, I couldn't find anything in there

  5. What, just any track? Any genre? :-o

  6. what? i didn't see it

  7. What's that synth voice you used that sounded all singy and somewhat roboty?

  8. What's the veal this time OCRE? Delicious.

  9. What's up with Golden Sun?! *shrug*!

  10. What's up with the Sale/Want thread. I have a buttload of PS2 games and DVD movies I need to put up for auction. :P

  11. What's with all of the extra crediting on the Bionic Commando trailer?

  12. What's wrong with you posting naked children on my wall? x_x

  13. what's your upright bass sample in moshka win :o

  14. Whateva, I do what I want! Respect my AUTHORITAH!


  15. When I make the OCR sub version, I'll try to record the entire process so you can see egg-sackedly what I do to it

  16. when life gives you lemons..... :-)

  17. When you click User CP it goes to My Settings isn't there something more suitable as a CP.. maybe My Content.. I don't know.. ain't nobody got time for that!

  18. Where r u? I PMed you! :(

  19. Where the hell did you come from? Dude, you are awesome.

  20. WHERE YOU AT!!

    You can't just send something that awesome then disappear from the internet!

    You need to be on here 24/7

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