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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. This is how you fly the flag of OC ReMix in the IRON BANNER! Not even joking, first time in the Iron Banner and this happened. I guess when you're not overpowered against noobs, it's hard to win, eh? Oh yeah.. IRON BANNER! Limited time event replacing the Queen, probably will last a week. GET ON IT
  2. Is it a remix you are looking for or music from the video game? Only thing I can think of is the intro to Ocarina of Time ( ) if you at least could figure out what game it was from, we could narrow it down maybe
  3. tryin'a buy a house and generally being more unresponsible than i should be.. how much time you got lately for remixing? is that all in the past now?

  4. Why would you get Smash on 3DS instead of Wii 2? Or are you getting both versions? o_o
  5. I guess if it has Dyne's blessing I could try to make something for it...
  6. Preettty pretty... pretty good :-) Super busy as usual... need more time for gaming... :cry:

  7. you know i never told you which is sad, but i've always been a fan of your music :-) kinda curious what you are up to these days!

  8. when life gives you lemons..... :-)

  9. How you been, Timmy? :-D

  10. I was just thinking of this earlier and thinking I needed to figure out what I wanted to make for it in November. Uhhmm... sure it's kinda sad that it won't be official this year, but I think people can still make Christmas-type remixes and sub them to OCR or maybe even make an EP and sub that :3 Anyway it's ok, real life comes first!
  11. That sounds good to me. It's not really a spooky game anyway. It's more whimsical. Though to be fair Castlevania is not spooky either, it's just Victorian.
  12. double halloween album madness while the little demons are out collecting candy the adults will be home collecting candy of their own (remixes)
  13. Wooow this happened earlier, best thing I ever did in this game http://www.twitch.tv/bstrader/c/5227282
  14. Right.. the people who are level 20+ were wrecking me in 1 hit because they had light levels, more powerful weapons, and more powerful skills... so while level advantages were disabled, ... they totally are not disabled. XD If you get what I mean.
  15. Sweet!! I still have yet to add people who posted their PSN IDs here... really bad about that kind of thing, but I'll get to it. What's yours, ebuch? I just hit level 20 and I still have Mars left to finish, just started it and only did 2 missions on it so far. I'm not particularly useful in Crucible because of the other people being so high leveled.. but I leveled up myself from 14 to 17 in the Crucible, even without doing too well you still get like 1800 XP per match and I was on a winning team once. My character is looking cooler too So now the whole thing is collecting armor with a Light stat to get stronger, eh? That should be interesting. I'm not sure how "Destiny became a completely different game at level 20", it's kinda like Paragon levels in Diablo 3.. doesn't really change the game entirely.. but I'm excited for finding some good legendaries.
  16. I think it's to the point they need to consider asking someone to take over Or better, just do it theyself
  17. You should! I think it would be cool if people remixed happy sounding music this month. I know with it being October people will expect scary stuff. But let's show 'em that OCR doesn't care about expectations and will be glad to break them
  18. Here're the results of the Chrono Trigger vs. Final Fantasy VI Month: #1 Ivan Hakštok - Chrono Trigger - Time Flies Like a Dream - good -0.45 #2 Ailsean, Nikolai - Final Fantasy VI - The Next Day - above average +0.44 #3 GearX2 - Chrono Trigger - Frog's Metal Trigger - above average +0.43 #4 Affection State - Final Fantasy VI - Decisions - above average +0.39 #5 Shipluss - Chrono Trigger - Way - above average +0.33 #6 Knight of the Round - Final Fantasy VI - South of Jidoor - above average +0.18 #7 KBT - Final Fantasy VI - Oh! It's not Kefka - above average +0.07 #8 Ryan8bit - Final Fantasy VI - Shedbin - above average +0.02 #9 Brandon Strader - Chrono Trigger - Masamune - above average +0 #10 jaxx - Chrono Trigger - Master Mune - above average -0.22 #11 Cyan - Final Fantasy VI - Final Injuries - above average -0.42 #12 Vegeroth, Dan Clanton - Final Fantasy VI - Imperial Ambition - above average -0.43 #13 =RYO= - Final Fantasy VI - Creepy Voice Behind The Painting - above average -0.46 #14 valence - Chrono Trigger - Goodbye, Schala - average -0.04 Voters: 25 ALTS jaxx - Chrono Trigger - Frog and Crono Drinking Margaritas Juja - Chrono Trigger - Spekkcoustic Chrono Trigger wins by the final entry placements! Final Fantasy VI wins by the entries number! Can we call it a tie? Congratulations to Ivan Hakštok, Ailsean, Nikolai and GearX2! Thanks to everyone for the awesome month! October is Free Month! You can cover music from any game. Due Date: October, 26th, 2PM EST Send Entries To: dodsongs@gmail.com RULES Read the rules to avoid disqualification issues! NEWCOMERS, give heed.
  19. Well when a mama and a papa love each other very much......

  20. Editing this to say holy crud Sir J's mix is amaaaaaaaaaazing, amazing! I need more Sir J in my life
  21. THANK YOU ALL!!! i slept a lot, just what i wanted!
  22. Ok so this is a little awkward, but you guys didn't actually join the clan yet, you just joined the clan group. It's too confusing and I hope they fix this in the future. When you click on "PlayStation Clan" Clanmates are members to choose to set this group as their clan. Members are number of people who joined the group. *shrug shrug* Also, post your characters. Here's mine. Nothing special at all, still low level, need more time.
  23. 1. Drums 2. Rhythm left 3. Rhythm right 4. Bass 5. Solo A 6. Solo B 7. Mellotron
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