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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Nice.. I'll take it... I also would have accepted OCRtist of the year and OCRTist of the year (Veteran)
  2. BLOODY HECK, you guys blew it out of the park. With your LAST MIX (before this 3-part thing) I'm pretty sure I said "this is the precedent people will have to cope with when they try to make hip-hop" or something along that line -- you've now upped the anty, and made a new precedent. And that is the reason OverClocked Assembled will be the only hip-hop on the site from now on. Haha, ha... I kid. But, I can't praise this 3-part thingy highly enough.
  3. It seems redundant to comment on this.. maybe that's why nobody is reviewing it... my comments definitely apply to the entire suite HOWEVER these three mixes are fantastic, amazing, and a big reason why I love Sir Jordanius and all of the contributors to OverClocked Assembled. After Part 1, Part 2 built up a bit more before the massive payoff of Part 3. For the people who would say "I wish it was longer", this 3-part thing satisfies.
  4. THANKS GUYS LIKIN' THE WIP MAKES ME FEEL GOOOOOOD Nice you spotted that Tim, it's because the chord there should actually be G major instead of D Minor. I noticed that too, but never had time to go back to it yet. It's going to be one of those progressions where the first time it's major then goes minor, supah dramatic. Funtimes. I barely remember what I played there let me think... A minor, F major? C major, G major then A minor, F Major, C major, D Minor (the new way it should go) Wow that progression is actually really generic now that I think about it. Oh well! I like the basses in LASS because when you hold out such a long note you'd be able to hear a type of "bow moving the other way" sound after a short bit of time. Makes it seem more realistic.
  5. Ok, you're hired. But only cause you said please. I just hope you make something REALLY amazing. There's a lot of graphical stuff from the game that is super memorable, especially battle stuff, and other. It'd be awesome to see what you could work out with a trailer. But that's super super far away to even think about.
  6. I do apologize for the delay, was at work, slept for 20 hours, then had a family 'mergency Please claim something, for goodness' sake! No really, I haven't heard any of them and I have no idea where to search them down at. My recommendation would be to send the BEST song you are capable of, a finished one, to audition with. People who are submitting rough WIPs as an audition have the wrong idea. Thanks Ethan! I'll keep you in mind, depending on how much I overwork Jose cause I got a buttload of stuff in the works, you're just as good. xD You got a sample of your bestest finished work I could check out?
  7. Not sure if there's any way to save the Wii U apart from selling it at a fair price... you don't get nearly the value for your buck that you get with a PS4 or even an Xbone. It might do ok if they dropped the price to $200, and hopefully they aren't spending that much to produce them... doesn't seem like it should add up.
  8. I haven't checked out your sample yet, I apologize. I've been at work and it was a super difficult time. I might even sleep before I get around to it, but know that your post saying you want that claim is good if your audition checks out, even if someone else pops in and says they want it. I apologize. Ok, it's yours! Excited to hear it! Ok, it is yours! Thank you!
  9. @Amphibious - Ain't even going to consider a WIP date until we get a nice, solid roster. Maybe not everything claimed, but a substantial amount. @Wiesty - got a sample of your current work?
  10. SUP. This is going to be the prologue to my vocal remix album I'm working on this year. Super early WIP but I haven't posted an actual unfinished song on this forum since like 2006. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/13741915/wips/Endless%20Night/sinking1.mp3 It's super early and is basically nothing done yet or tweaked, but I did tweak the recorder and tin whistle a lot, and the strings behind them. Using a new library called Lumina by Project SAM. It seems like it's more trouble than it's worth so far, and I'll still need to add LASS to fill out the problems that it can't handle. I do really like the recorder and tin whistle though. That long held out note for the bass through the intro glitches out for some reason, so I'll switch that to LASS later.
  11. It's a gif, there's no sound, and also wow. Super inappropriate 'joke'! But <3 you anyway Rexy!
  12. I think the intro is a lot longer than it needs to be. It's extremely repetitive and slow up until 1:15. The wobbles at 1:45 are pretty rad. No problem there, with some panning and mastering, this will be pretty darn hot. The part at 2:30 would make a nice momentary breakdown before going back into more action at 2:45 -- too extended as an ending right now, pretty similar to the issue I had with the intro. I don't think the arrangement is going above and beyond where it needs to yet -- the wobbles are sweet, but there's not too much expansion of Icecap itself during the meat of the song. Not even commenting on mixing and mastering since you pointed out that they aren't done yet -- anyway, great start and I hope you keep working on it! I know Ice Cap is done a lot, but nobody will complain about having an awesome new EDM Icecap.
  13. I was HOPING something good would happen by 1:26 because up to that point, apart from some nice jazz chording, it was pretty much a cover. I do think the part that follows up until 2:10 is a little repetitive... and no offense intended... I thought the part at 1:47 until 2:10 specifically seemed a little basic or uninspired. I love the chords when you get back to the source after that! I like the expansion in that section much more than the more straight vibe that you had during the beginning. I agree that the ending could be improved as the transition back into the source at 3:11 seems like you were maybe going for a dramatic sound? But instead to me it sounds just a little late. Like that introduction should have come earlier during the previous part. I love the quiet build up for the "chorus" section of the source there, and the repeat of the verse is pretty much called for so that was really nice. The very ending is basically as close as you can get to a fade-out in solo piano. You really gotta let that chord breathe, as it is, it really sounds like you just faded out the end of the mp3 instead of letting the notes reach a natural conclusion. Eep, eep. Not that big of a deal but could definitely be fixed, in my opinion.. I think it would be good. I hope you don't think I was being overly nitpicky or harsh, I was analyzing the piece pretty closely. I'm very familiar with this source, and I love solo piano... I really enjoyed your piece and I'd love to see it on the front page. Thank you.
  14. In the beginning, when your lead violin and staccato cello are exposed, it is easy to tell that there is not much room reverb on them. That's pretty unnatural for orchestral stuff (strings in general) when they are used in this kind of context. In other words, they're too dry! Play the song of storms and get some wetness in there. Room reverb will do wonders for making your sounds less raw, and giving more atmosphere. Just make sure you adjust your reverb so that you're not pumping it out in low frequencies; I usually set my reverb to only play at 800Hz and above. Seems good for orchestral stuff so that the reverb doesn't get muddy. I do like your rain sound effects you have going through the song, it does seem to hide a lot of the rawness of the instruments, but you should really look into fixing that -- especially for the intro. As a whole, I am digging it! It's pretty solid. The lead violin could use a little more work to make it more humanized, but it's pretty solid. It doesn't really go anywhere yet -- it keeps the same general vibe until the very end. You could add more to the arrangement to make it more interesting and change things up, and return to the source. Maybe a dramatic breakdown. Not bad at all. That ding at the end seemed a bit loud! Really nice work, keep it up! This is going to be great when it's done!
  15. I like it a lot! The sparseness of the introduction doesn't seem like that much of an issue because the music box part sounds nicely played, and not overly mechanical. The string sequencing sounds great. The piano could use better dynamics, and the bass guitar sounds mechanical and unnatural during the piano part... it actually sounds like it could be VST bass (like Shreddage bass) or at the very least played very tightly with a pick. Perhaps it's a matter of taste, but it would have been rad to hear it fingered instead during the soft part. The rhythm guitars during the heavy part lose their power. The balance is off in that section because the leads, piano, and synth arpeggio is the focus while the drums are more pulled back and the rhythm guitars are lacking low mids. It would be great to hear it with more emphasis on the drums and rhythm guitars. The bass guitar level seems ok. With how the rhythms are EQd, the mix is pretty clear, but the elements also seem distanced from each other. I know mixing rhythm guitars apart from bass is tough, but I feel like this goes a bit too far. Maybe that's down to personal taste, the volume levels are more of an issue and the clarity can certainly be seen as a positive, depending on personal taste. This is very impressive and I'm pumped to hear your next version! Who knew FPS games had such good music to work with? P.S. I dig the choice to do audience perspective on the drum panning, so brave.
  16. Ok! I'll put you down for it.. you have any collaborators in mind? If you were doing metal I guess... you know my opinion of those guitar VSTs...
  17. :/ Nobody else is posting. I got a question though. You can delete the last couple posts. Are the sea shanties / from Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag remixable for OCR? I can't find info on who wrote them.
  18. Ok! The new thread is here: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=46072 This one can be locked.
  19. Welcome to the Golden Sun ReMix Project! This project seeks to recreate, and reinterpret the wonderful and exquisite soundtracks found in the original Golden Sun. With careful coordination and passionate work, the hope is to represent the music found in the first game of the series, Golden Sun for the GBA. This thread has been created as a meeting point for the project on the OCR forums, and with the hopes of finding more people who are passionate about both music and the Golden Sun series. Although if you've never played any of the games, you are more then welcome to still be apart of the project. Project Status: Currently Unofficial Current Stage: Launch & Recruitment Claiming Tracks: If you want a track, it’s a pretty simple process of posting which track it is you wish to claim. However, if you are not a posted remixer on OC ReMix, you will need to audition with a sample of your work, and be willing to work towards improving the song for the album! I’ll be checking back frequently and updating the list with songs as they are claimed. If two people claim a track, I give first dibs to who posted first. You are encouraged to claim something that is not currently listed as long as you are confident that you can finish the song! You can also mix different sources together if you can do so tastefully. You are more then welcome to claim more then one song, but I’d like to recommend that no one go over working on 2 songs at a time. If you can adequately complete 2 songs and want to take on more you can, but again finish what you start first. Additional Points If you have any questions or things to suggest regarding the project, please feel free to contact me. Also I’d like to keep as much of the project under wraps from the public until it is ready for release. So I’m asking that you refrain from submitting songs into contests like Dwelling of Duels, or posted them in public on tindeck or soundcloud, but please submit your song to the OCR Panel when it is finished. The goal should be that when it’s released that people be surprised to hear ReMixes that they haven’t heard already. Source Soundtrack; The soundtrack of the Golden Sun series was created by Motoi Sakuraba. This album will only be covering the first game in the series, Golden Sun for the Gameboy Advance. If you would like to hear the soundtrack, you should be able to find individual songs on Youtube, or.. acquire it... Project Tracklist Happy Town (General Village theme) - Finished by Patrick Burns Battle Saturos - WIP 2 by Chernabogue Desert Heat - WIP 1 by Esperado Battle Fusion Dragon - WIP 1 by DaMonz Ready for a Challenge - WIP 2 by Coaltergeist Page One - Claimed by therex Venus Lighthouse - Claimed by Sir_NutS Final Beacon - Claimed by Wiesty The Elemental Stars - WIP 1 by LadyWildfire An Adepts Home (Vale's Village theme) - Claimed by Amphibious Isaac Battle - Claimed by Brandon Strader Set Sail! Through the Karagol Sea - Claimed by begoma Forests Requiem - Claimed by Wiesty Hopelessness - Claimed by Cosmic Sounds On That Night, 3 Years Ago - Claimed by PokerusVGM The Angarian Journey (Overworld Theme) Winterly Imil Altin Peak Flood Oriental Tolbi Collosso Battle The First Book (Both the title Theme and End Credits Theme) Current Deadline: December 10th, 2014 (Last WIP date of the year) Staff: Director: Brandon Strader Project Founder & Artist: TheMaverickk
  20. Do you want more? That soundtrack is super easy to mix It should really be an album Any chance you could (1) post the link somewhere, for the actual hangout, so remixers who want to join can do that.... and (2) maybe move the show up an hour to 8pm? I could at least work my schedule around that, I'd LOVE to be on more... and try to be less awkward. Thanks.
  21. Maybe instead of the Lizard / Pancake rivalry, we could simply join forces, and make lizard pancakes? Or maybe I could just pretend to want peace so I could infiltrate your supple, pancake asses and take you out from the inside! YOU'RE GOING DOWN PANCAKES
  22. Considering the amount of text on this page my review is gonna look dumb. But I love Sir Jordanius and everything he makes, and I couldn't be more appreciative of him. And he always brings the best out of his collaborators. Thank you.
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