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The Nikanoru

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Everything posted by The Nikanoru

  1. Mine was pretty clear and gave me a good place to start - still spent two hours in the store trying to find THE RIGHT THING though. I should have mine in the mail by Thursday at the latest.
  2. Thank you for the WIP! Good name, I'll keep it in mind. I was thinking something like 'the Many Faces of Andross,' but I'm certainly still open to suggestions. 'The Flash' @Starphoenix has now submitted his SECOND compete (not finished) WIP, 'Cyber Warfare.' Great use of a four-day weekend, IMO... -------- Things are moving along! I now have 16 WIPs out of the 26 claimed tracks, 4 of which have complete (not finished) frameworks in place. There is some awfully good sound I am hearing from our Remixers so far - thanks to everyone who has given me something in the last little while! I was not expecting to make so much progress on this album so fast; however,since we are, I have decided to set some goals for the project as a whole to keep everyone (including myself) on track to meeting for our July 2018 deadline. So, here they are: 12 tracks for each disc - MISSION CLEAR 32 claims (16 tracks for each disc) - Goal: March 2017 (6 CLAIMS LEFT) I have adjusted the tracklist to reflect which claims I would like to see on the album, but character themes and boss themes are still available as well. 32 tracks is the goal, not the end: we may look at expanding our selection if we see enough demand. 16 complete (not necessarily finished) WIPs - Goal: March 2017 (NEED 12 MORE) I would like to have 16 complete WIPs by the end of March, as I will be submitting the project for OCR-approval in this quarter. I may not need all 16 WIPs for submission, but 16 by the end of March is the goal. I will also commit to making sure that everyone who has submitted WIPs will have feedback from @DS394, @DaMonz, and myself before the end of December. We're all a tad busy with life lately, but we're doing our best to keep up. You can always PM me if you have any questions or concerns. At some point in the near future (hopefully sometime in December), I will be putting together some sort of space where all the staff and Remixers on the project can hear some of the WIPs, so everyone can get a clearer idea of the sound that we have for the album so far; however, before I post anything I will ask each Remixer for permission (if you'd like to opt out, this is no problem). I will also be looking into setting us up a spot on the OC ReMix Discord Server so we have the option of a private chat for collaborations or just discussion of the album itself - those of you who are interested, let me know. I'll post the goals to the top of the thread later today. Great work so far, everyone. Once again, claims are still open - let us know if you want in!
  3. I've PMed you on this. The MIDI file should display nicely in any DAW and the notes should fall in the piano roll. If you're looking for something else, I'll have to get CC to contact you. __ Requests for particular MIDI files is fine, but could I please get everyone to please PM CC with any questions around the extraction tool itself?
  4. Well, CC, @TheChargingRhino and I are looking for the MIDI of the Andross battle from SF SNES. Could you please find or build us something?
  5. I think @Pichu's Dad wants you to send him your Meteor WIP so he can show you what he means. Thanks for the WIP! I'll PM you some feedback once I get a chance.
  6. @Starphoenix said he was going to have a look at it this weekend, but I haven't heard anything yet.
  7. Hey, keypat. 10 days isn't too long for a response, I hope. I was a tad worried that this was going to turn into something generic, but I was happily proven wrong as the track progressed. That lead synth that runs from 0:12 to 1:17 (even with tone change at 0:59) is REALLY irritating me, in both tone (it's a little too bright, IMO) and arrangement (very repetitive). I like the timing thing between the lead and harmony you're trying to pull off, but it comes across irritating because of the synth sound, IMO - maybe if you try varying that lead up a little bit here and there like you do at 1:30 would help this. Drums aren't bad and keep themselves interesting in most places, but feel VERY sequenced and, IMO, the quality of the samples isn't wonderful. Other than that, I like pretty much everything after the 1:38 mark. Love how you make the lead the harmony to support the fill-work at 2:00, sounds great. I really like this, thanks for the listen!
  8. Okay, I'll add you as a piano performer then immediately erase it until you tell me to put it back up. JK. Let me know if/when and I'll change the thread. Looking forward to it! For the record, it is not mandatory to have all (instrument, synth, or vocal) tracks recorded live for submission; however, there is a high bar of sound quality that all tracks will have to pass in order to pass the judges' panel. Part of the judges' criteria is the quality of the sound design and the production itself and it is suggested to use live recordings when possible. In short, you don't have to do it live but it usually sounds better on the whole if you do.
  9. Actually, that's the MP3 for the track we need the MIDI for. Thanks though!
  10. @DS394 and @Starphoenix - Were you able to find some MIDI or transpose the Tunnels theme / Andross for @TheChargingRhino yet?
  11. @Starphoenix's Diving into the Deep Green Abyss is the closest to completion so far and that Macbeth track of his is sounding pretty wild so far! Hopefully @TheChargingRhino will have something to work with soon for the Andross remix. And yes, I'm sorry I don't have the voice-over done yet - stomach bugs are not conducive to concentration - but I have something in mind and will record something this week to post here. If someone is willing to provide me with the 'Tunnel' theme, then I'll have something to put behind it... hint hint ... ___ I'd just like to remind everyone that it's about six weeks to the first check-in. @DS394 and I will start contacting folks who haven't submitted a WIP yet sometime in December. We're not asking for much (even 20 seconds of track is still a WIP), just something to give us an indication of where you are and where you're taking the track. Please respond before January 1st so we know where you're at! If you have submitted a WIP already, thank you! We'll probably ask what's going on, but nothing additional will be required at this time. If you have a new WIP to give us at the time, great! I know it seems early to remind everyone, but everyone needs to keep in mind that the timeline is still moving towards completion. If folks are feeling the pressure and nervous about having something together by the end of the year, we have lots of folks willing to help out!
  12. Okay, Mi. I'll take a stab. I like the sounds you have chosen for this, very smooth sounds. I'm mostly hearing distorted bass, trumpet, base drum kit, and a bit of piano here and there. Not what I had pictured for a street fight on the Vegas Strip, but it suits the theme. The first thing that stands out to me is the repetitiveness; those base chords are present throughout the entire song. I like the change at 1:50; new beats and new synth to break it up, but it leads into the same sort of repetitiveness. Another change at 2:45. I like the violins playing the violin with minimal percussion. Effective. The outro starting at 5:28 is also interesting. Do you see the theme I'm getting at here? The track is smooth, and well timed with a good sound, but there is nothing in this piece that 'wows' me. Nothing that jumps out and says listen to me - the changes here and there to break up an otherwise very monotonous progression are essentially the most interesting parts of the track, IMO. You might fix this by adding a bit more diversity to both the number of instruments (try saxophone - every big city track has sax!) and the amount of fill work in each section to help brighten up each part of the listening experience (vary up the drums as one suggestion). I'd also recommend looking at the track length - 6:00 is a bit on the long side, especially given what I just said on repetitiveness. Maybe keep the whole track to three full loops and put that nice violin part between loops 2 and 3. Just a suggestion. I hope this helps!
  13. @Etzaen has claimed Eladard (inside variation) from Star Fox 2. I guess I had better post the rest of the OST to the overview ... Welcome aboard, Etzaen! _____ As I assigned this track to disc 1 (conveniently), this also means we have... 24 CLAIMS - 12 TRACKS ON EACH DISC - FIRST MISSION CLEAR!(in 24 point, just for emphasis) Thanks again to all our awesome Remixers for helping me bring this together! Don't forget, we are still recruiting! Let us know if you want in!
  14. Well then, I guess I'm doing a voice-over. I'll post something to this thread in the next couple of days. Thanks to @TheChargingRhino for taking the first plunge! I'll also finish posting the Andross tracks this weekend so everyone can hear all the sources. Everyone can contribute something, whether you want to help by designing part of the root track or just clapping your hands into a mic. Don't worry, we'll find something for you, Star. This track is now yours, MB. Thank you! Personally, I was hoping to get the waltz from SF SNES on this album somehow, but the choice is yours which track you use (just let me know which one you decide on). No genre restrictions, interpretation is wide open; my only guideline is to try to 'tell a story with the sound.' Oh yeah, and the OCR submission guidelines. ___ 22 claims ... and since this Andross collaboration seems to be taking some sort of shape, that means... DISC 2 - VENOM HAS NOW OFFICIALLY REACHED ITS FIRST GOAL OF 12 TRACKS! Thank you to everyone who has participated in this so far. I really appreciate all the collaborators who have also stepped up this week and offered their services too - I am really happy with how this is all turning out and EXCITED to hear what comes of this! Now, just because disc 2 has reached its first goal does not mean claims are cut off. There are four more tracks for the second disc I have listed in the project overview that are open to claim and lots of character themes still open. Even boss themes! Also, only ONE TRACK LEFT for disc 1 to reach its first goal - which will also have some other tracks open to claims. This project is still recruiting! Let us know if you want in!
  15. Alright! We have all kinds of motivated collaborators and performers here, just ITCHING to perform! So, since everyone is so eager, let me put this suggestion in front of everyone: ANDROSS is the 'boss' of this album, and deserves to given the treatment like a boss. I think it would be awesome if we found a way to get most or all of our collaborators and performers to do something on one big Andross remix, spanning at least one theme from every game we see Andross in. I'm still very much a newbie on actual composition - I'm having a hard enough time getting the right sound with my own track currently - so I don't think I'm the right person to build the base arrangement; however, if someone is willing to step up to the plate and take a few swings at building a framework, I think we could all put in something and turn this into something truly epic. If someone wants to be really creative, I'm sure I can do a decent Andross impression for an introductory voice-over ... and I can laugh evilly, as I've made mention of before. (Yes, I know the laugh is cheesy ... but that's why I like it.) Let me know what you think!
  16. Okay, I'll put you down as a performer for electric guitar / bass, drum sequencing, and synthesizer. I'd like to put you down for Audio support too, if you don't mind. Let me know if you'd like a claim too. Thanks again, MB!
  17. M_Blacki, we'd be glad to have you aboard! Collaborators, performers, Remixers, and arrangers are all welcome here. What instruments/sound design/techniques should I put you down as a performer for?
  18. Done! I'm glad my subtle hint was effective. I am looking forward to hearing how this comes out, hopefully as a collab from our trio of sax players. I do hope @Theory of N and @Pichu's Dad are paying attention... Thanks for the offer, Jorito! Much appreciated, I'll put you down for Audio Support.
  19. If you are still looking for someone to be an announcer on the voice-overs, I can do that for you - whenever you're ready for that. Oh, and I can also sing, do terrible imitations of male wrestlers, and laugh evilly.
  20. Fantastic! Thanks for the offer, I'll put you down for the instruments you listed here. Welcome aboard! Love the example you gave - that is some awesome jazz action I'm hearing there. ---- We now have three sax players on performance! I'm really hoping there is going to be some sort of Jazz collaboration on here soon... hint hint...
  21. This track entertains me in so many ways. I like the chiptune melodies with (as @Gario calls it and I LOVE this response) the 'absolute cheese factor' of the synths - it's a bright, bouncy, and humorous approach. I really enjoyed this - two thumbs up! I would also like to say that 'Only Link Can Do the Duck Walk' is the perfect name for this track.
  22. Cute. It kind makes me think of a Chocobo walking around in Mr. Roger's Neighborhood or down the street on the Andy Griffith Show (I can just see Barney staring at it as it goes by LOL). I, for one, would like to hear where you take this. I've heard this theme done to a lot of styles, but I don't think 'Irish Folk/Jazz' would be among them.
  23. This might also refer to the fact that the synths sound 'mechanical' or too heavily sequenced. @Smooth4lyfe1987, please set the record straight if we're leading JK astray. I'd like to say that I like this much better than what I heard before. I agree with S4L that it feels understated in the beginning (I'd add the bass AND do some fill-work with a synth). I would argue that the whole piece is missing something ... decidedly midrange. Something like that fill that starts at 1:29; great bit, but there are very few places in the piece with that texture. This piece runs the risk of being too repetitive, IMO (that might be my lack of trap-beat experience talking again), but I think some extra fill work here and there would help take the edge of the repetition. Do you plan on rapping or adding some sort of vocals over top of this?
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