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  1. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to WillRock in Robots vs. Knights   
    I'm being stupid. Sign me up. 
    My personal preference team wise is the shovel knight team, simply because i've done so much bloody mega man - aware and accept it is your decision tho
  2. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to DarkeSword in Robots vs. Knights   
    Hey guys; posted a callout for help with visual identity and branding for RvK over on my tumblr. Quoting here:
    As many of you know, I have pretty high standards for artwork on my projects (albums and competitions). I'm looking for someone with a very strong sense of good design. This is more than just a "draw some pictures" gig.
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Anorax in Robots vs. Knights   
    I'm excited
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Sir_NutS in Robots vs. Knights   
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to DarkeSword in Robots vs. Knights   
    Past and future collide as two factions clash in the greatest musical battle the world has ever seen. Armored heroes meet metal warriors on the battlefield of wailing guitars, dirty drops, and soaring strings. Get ready, ladies and gentlemen, it’s time for Robots vs. Knights!
    Current News
    MUSIC FOR THE FINAL BATTLE IS UP! Round 9: One vs. One Final Battle
    Team Robot           Team Knight Squad Artist Source vs Source Artist Squad Rush Squad Gario Ballade vs Wandering Travelers JohnStacy Armor Squad Rush Squad Starpheonix Enker vs Shield Knight GCJ Armor Squad Rush Squad Thirdkoopa Mercury vs Shovel Knight Jorito Relic Squad Tango Squad Chiwalker Uranus vs Polar Knight theshaggyfreak Shovel Squad Tango Squad Yami Pluto vs Plague Knight akalink Armor Squad Tango Squad Ronald Poe Mars vs Propeller Knight Anorax Shovel Squad Beat Squad Trism Saturn vs Spectre Knight PlanarianHugger Shovel Squad Beat Squad Xenonetix Punk vs King Knight Dewey Newt Relic Squad Beat Squad MegaDrive Venus vs Mole Knight Arrow Relic Squad Remixes are due Sunday, June 18th at 9 PM EDT.
    All competitors will compose and produce remixes that combine both sources into one, cohesive piece of music. Collaboration with teammates is allowed, but the primary artists should be the competitors listed in the table above. All competitors are encouraged (but not required) to share WIPs with teammates in order to get constructive feedback. Good luck and happy mixing.
    A lot of team discussion is happening on the OC ReMix Discord, be sure to make yourselves available.
    As always, all participants (competitors and voters) are expected to adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct.
    Battle Team Knight Team Robot Ballade vs Shovel Knight 2 0 Uranus vs Propeller Knight 0 2 Saturn vs Plague Knight 2 0 Enker vs Polar Knight 0 2 Pluto vs King Knight 0 2 Punk vs Shield Knight 2 0 Mercury vs Spectre Knight 0 2 Mars vs Mole Knight 0 0 Venus vs Wandering Travelers 0 2 Boss Battle vs Tinker Knight 0 9 Total 6 19 Teams
    Team Knight
    Artist Source Squad Anorax Propeller Knight Shovel Squad theshaggyfreak Polar Knight Shovel Squad PlanarianHugger Spectre Knight Shovel Squad akalink Plague Knight Armor Squad GCJ Shield Knight Armor Squad JohnStacy Wandering Travelers Armor Squad Jorito Shovel Knight Relic Squad Dewey Newt King Knight Relic Squad Arrow Mole Knight Relic Squad Team Robot
    Artist Source Squad Gario Ballade Rush Squad Starpheonix Enker Rush Squad Thirdkoopa Mercury Rush Squad Chiwalker Uranus Tango Squad Yami Pluto Tango Squad Ronald Poe Mars Tango Squad Trism Saturn Beat Squad Xenonetix Punk Beat Squad MegaDrive Venus Beat Squad Releases
    Round 1: Squad vs. Squad Block 1 Round 2: Squad vs. Squad Block 1 Round 3: Squad vs. Squad Block 1 Round 4: Boss Battle 1 Rounds 5-8: Block 2 Round 9: One vs. One Final Battle About
    Robots vs. Knights (RvK) is a Team vs. Team competition. It’s a new format that I’ve been developing for a couple of months now, combining elements of the head-to-head battles of the Remix Battle tournaments (GRMRB, etc.) with the teamwork aspect of Gauntlet tournaments (WCRG, etc.). Here’s the full breakdown of how it’s going to work.
    Sign-ups 18 people sign up. I’ll divide everyone into 2 teams of 9. I’ll be assigning people to their respective teams in order to ensure a balanced competition. Each team will be given a pool of sources to select from. Team members will decide how to assign sources themselves. I won’t be running a draft. Team Robots will be given a selection of sources from the Mega Man Game Boy games. Team Knights will be given a selection of sources from Shovel Knight. Each team will form 3 squads of 3 members each. The squad will be your group that you’ll rotate with throughout the competition, similar to the teams from gauntlet competitions. Squad-vs-Squad Battle 1 The first 3 rounds are squad-vs-squad battles. Each squad will decide their remixing order for the first three rounds and provide that to me. Each round, I’ll post 3 match-ups between squads on opposing teams. Each squad’s artist will submit a remix that uses their selected source and the opposing squad’s selected source. At the end of each round, artists send their remixes to me, I’ll put the tracks up, and people will vote. Each victory will earn points for the team. Boss Battle 1 The 4th round is a boss battle. I’ll post a boss theme source. All 6 squads will submit a remix that combines the boss theme with one of the squad’s sources. Any member of the squad can be the primary artist. The primary artist is not required to use their own personal source; they can use any of their squad’s 3 sources. At the end of the round, voters will select their 3 favorite remixes, unranked. The team that has the most selections at the end of the voting period will choose between two rewards: a chunk of points, or the right to counterpick in the next block of squad-vs-squad battles. Break 1 While votes are being collected for Boss Battle 1, we will take a week-long break, using the time to review remixes from past rounds. Squad-vs-Squad Battle 2 The next 3 rounds are squad-vs-squad battles. If a team has the right to counterpick, they’ll be provided the opposing team’s remixing orders first before determining their remixing orders. I will still determine the actual match-ups based on the updated remixing orders. The 3 rounds of squad-vs-squad battles are conducted as before. Boss Battle 2 The 8th round is another boss battle, conducted in the same way as the previous boss battle round. Break 2 While votes are being collected for Boss Battle 2, we will take a week-long break, using the time to review remixes from past rounds. One-vs-One Battle The 9th and final round is comprised of 9 one-on-one battles. If a team has earned the right to counterpick from the previous round, they’ll be allowed to determine the 9 match-ups; rematches of previous battles from the squad-vs-squad blocks are not allowed. If no team has counterpick, I’ll determine the match-ups. Each artist will be responsible for writing a remix that uses their selected source and their opponent’s source. At the end of the round, remixes will be submitted and voted on. The team with the most victories will earn a large chunk of points. The team with the most points at the end of the competition wins. Submissions and File Name Rules
    All entries must be sent to me (DarkeSword) via PM on the forums. Please include your team name, squad name, and the round number in the subject line of your PM. I encode all MP3s myself, so please send me your submissions in 16bit, 44.1KHz WAV format. Don’t send MP3s.
    Please do not use MediaFire, RapidShare, or any other ad-ridden public sharing site as a host for your entry. There are many better options you can and should be using to host your music. I recommend Dropbox or SoundCloud. Make sure your files are downloadable.
    File Names
    If you worked on the remix without the help of your teammates:
    Team Robots - DarkeSword - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Polar Knight).wav If one team member helps you with your entry in a significant way and you want to give them credit, add their name as follows:
    Team Robots - DarkeSword feat. Neblix - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Polar Knight).wav If more than one team members help you with your entry in a significant way and you want to give them credit, add their names as follows:
    Team Robots - DarkeSword feat. Neblix, Liontamer - Be Cool, Man (Ice Man vs. Polar Knight).wav Notes
    Make sure you’re using proper capitalization for team names and character names. Put spaces on both sides of the hyphens between Team Name, Artist, and Title. If your remix’s title has special punctuation that you can’t include in the file name (e.g. \ / : \* ? " < > |), please let me know in your submission PM so I can include the correct title in the tags. Please follow the file name format exactly; I use the file names to make sure that all the metadata is correct when I tag the MP3s. It’s a massive pain sitting there renaming, re-spacing, and reformatting so that everything works properly with mp3tag’s file-name-to-tag tools, and ultimately it means that when you all do it right, I can get the music up for voting way faster.
    Voting Rules and Guidelines
    Voting is conducted publicly in the Public Voting forum. Every week, a thread will be created for the most recently completed round of remixing. Because RvK has two different types of rounds (squad-vs-squad and boss battle), please make sure you read and follow the instructions in the voting thread.
    Things to keep in mind when voting:
    The most important thing to consider when voting is how well the remix incorporates and arranges both themes. Production and enjoyability should also be considered, but this is primarily an arrangement competition. Everyone is allowed (and encouraged) to vote, including competitors. Everyone must adhere to the Competitions Code of Conduct. FAQ
    This is pretty interesting, but why are you doing this instead of just another Tournament or Gauntlet?
    The philosophy behind RvK is to create an environment where more artists will be working together to help and learn from each other. I want to tap into the spirit of teamwork and collaboration in a bigger way this tournament. Rather than just having two friends working on tracks with you week to week, you’ll have eight other teammates that you can use as resources.
    What do you mean by resources?
    In the past, I’ve tried to limit the amount of collaboration allowed in competitions because I wanted to make sure that people were putting forth a concerted effort to grow as artists on their own. While we’ll still be adhering to the idea of a Primary Artist for each remix in RvK, some of the limitations will be relaxed. Artists will be able to get help from all 8 of their teammates. This includes production help, session instruments, and arrangement feedback. The Primary Artist will still be responsible for the bulk of the work that goes into a remix, but they’ll have a lot more help in getting that remix polished up.
    How many remixes do I have to write?
    You will be responsible for at least 3 remixes: 2 remixes from the squad-vs-squad battles, and 1 remix in the final battle. You may also be responsible for any of the boss battle remixes, but that will be up to your team.
    Why can’t we choose our own teams?
    I’m going to determine the teams based on skill level in order to ensure fairness across the board. I want both teams to have a healthy balance between novices and veterans.
    Do we get to pick team names or squad names?
    No. The two teams will be known as Team Robots and Team Knights. I will also be setting the squad names which will be revealed once we get the competition started.
    I really want to be on Team Robots/Team Knights! Can you put me on that team?
    I’ll consider your preference but I can’t guarantee anything.
    Stardroid sprites used in Team Robot sigs were colorized by onyx801.
  6. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Xarnax42 in Robots vs. Knights   
    The teams do matter a bit, of course, if you have one source that you'd like to try multiple approaches with.  If you're Team Robots, for example, you'll get your one Mega Man source three times, and three Shovel Knight sources one time each.
  7. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Imgema in Donkey Kong Country 1&2 songs in 5.1 & remastered   
    I hope this is the right place to post this. I know that the songs are not remixes, but i think the remastering made some songs sound a bit different and in my opinion, better (i also made some songs to end in a nice way). That is, if you have a 5.1 setup of course (use VLC and set the audio device in 5.1 if it doesn't change automatically. KMP mixes the channels wrong on my setup). Don't try these on a 2 channel setup. More info and links here:

    The video is just a stereo LQ preview. Read the description for the proper, remastered files.
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    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in Mega Man 10 No turning Back 80's cover (Dr Wily Stage 3)   
    Not a bad remake at all, IMO. With this sound and style, you could very easily turn this into a remix.
    The drums could be a more exciting, the bass it too quiet, and it's almost too slow in some parts (some bits sustained too long IMO), but I rather like the synth and guitar sounds you chose for this and the slower tempo gives it an almost laid-back feel when compared to the original, which to me is an interesting choice.
  10. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Electronic Chaos in The Legend of Zelda (NES) - Dungeon Theme - Metal Tendo   
    Well, going in a dungeon... sometimes you just don't have a choice.
    Tho in LoZ, you can totally decide to fill up your hearts and go fully rested...
    But I again, I wanted to drive the impression that you're on that last sliver of heart and that any hits could be your last!
    (I think your suggestion is pretty neat, I'll have to work on something and see if it's got that bite I'm looking for.)
    The guitar is the one variant that doesn't change in the whole track but I tend to agree with you, it just doesn't feel optimal.
    @ 1:35 The guitar does need some love... but again, the may all be due to the Triangle not being EQ'd at all (it's raw and it could have a huge impact on the guitar's range... I'll have to work on that. Thx for the heads up.)

    The 8bit stuff is louder indeed... but there's not supposed to be a huge disparity between the two.
    I'll work on that, thanks!
    The intro is actually related to what's next.
    Overworld, the sense of... we're actually playing this game, the steps going down the stairs and the Dungeon theme as in... stuff happens here.

    Thanks! I'm glad you like my homebrew! Metal Tendo, soon you can buy it at the corner store!
    The mix is one of the issues I must fix but like I said up above, it's hard to mix stuff with a pair of G35s alone. But I'll keep on trying until I actually have the perfect recipe!
    The guitar EQ sounds good on my end but I'll try to patch this up.
    I don't see anything wrong with the drums on the first part... but it might be because I have huge bias (I wrote the drums from scratch so... yeah, I'm biased.)
    Can you explain "Very stale" please ?
    Thank you, took me a while to write that solo, as simple as it may sound... it was a tough job!
    About expanding the track, it used to be longer but I decided to make cuts over the years... the extended version also had the GameOver theme at the end which I'm tempted to bring back but  the first attempt just didn't sound so good... hence why I decided to cut it.
    Anyway, thanks for your output and suggestions!
    It's all highly appreciated!
  11. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in The Legend of Zelda (NES) - Dungeon Theme - Metal Tendo   
    Alright, but if you want to indulge in the sound design, some of us wouldn't go into a dungeon with low health - that would happen after taking a bunch of hits in the first room.
    What I'm getting at here is a suggestion of adding a bunch of 'Link getting hit' sound effects to get to 'low health' (maybe 1:13ish?) then making that dreaded, awful beep lead into the solo. Just a thought.
    Yeah, I see I wrote 1:15 when I meant 1:35. I think it's actually a bit of muddiness in the low tone of the distortion. Now that I hear it again, I'm not sure volume would really fix this.
    I will say that the 8-bit stuff does seem louder than instrumentation, but this is likely design.
    Love this response.
  12. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Electronic Chaos in The Legend of Zelda (NES) - Dungeon Theme - Metal Tendo   
    The intro could totally be removed but that would take away the context.
    Also, the misleading is totally intended, it's meant to be like that so... if you felt it was misleading it means I've done my job right!
    But why not ? Again, it sets the tone for something Epic... You're low on <3 and you're getting into the last dungeon of this forsaken game! Nothing more epic than to beat the heck out of a boss with a sliver of life left!
    And thank you, the solo was a pain in the ass but it's entirely worth it!
    There are a lot of mixing issues, I've had mixing issues since 2006 lol.
    I don't have access to quality speakers and I have no means to test it all... I'm stuck with an aging pair of G35s and so far, that's the best I managed to achieve.
    About the guitar... it sounds "OK" on my end but I'll increase the levels to see if I couldn't make it slightly more present without breaking the whole mix.
    Well, that can't be helped, I actually like using samples to express different moods and emotions, it's also a really cheap way to fill some voids and bridge riffs together. It's like duct tape, without it... the universe would crumble out! (or something like that!)
    You can always check my soundcloud... I don't post a lot on forums.
    Also... thank you for the feed-back, it's highly appreciated!
    I'm glad you liked the track, I'll have more soon!
  13. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to The Nikanoru in The Legend of Zelda (NES) - Dungeon Theme - Metal Tendo   
    No responses in almost a month? Guess I'll take a stab...
    This has got a really good drive to it, and I like the progression 'deeper and deeper into the rock' as the track goes on.
    A couple of things:
    Not sure the intro is needed. I get that you are building from 8-bit to heavy metal and the sample sets the mood of Link going into the dungeon from the world map, for sure, but I think it's distracting, if not misleading. IMO, the 'steps' should be all you need to start. The beeping, oh god, the beeping between 0:20-0:38. Please ... let's not put Link low on life at the beginning of this track. Like what you did with the tone at 1:32 though - cool little solo. There are some mixing issues; some instruments seem out of proportion with others. For example, I can't hear the intricacy of the guitar-work at 1:15 as well as I think I should. The various sound effects are irritating to me. Once again, I get the sound design, but they are a distraction from the piece IMO. These are all suggestions that are my opinion only. I really enjoyed this track, hope there is more to come.
  14. Like
  15. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Ferret in Draw It! Mario Carthage!   
    Brain bleach! Where is the brain bleach?!
  16. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Red Omen in Draw It! Mario Carthage!   
    who do you think you are
  17. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Eulogic in Draw It! Mario Carthage!   
  18. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to friendlyHunter in Draw It! Mario Carthage!   
    Wait... I'm pretty sure this thread is about videogames.
    *head asplode*
  19. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to relyanCe in Draw It! Mario Carthage!   
    this right here
  20. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to GBK666 in Game Art HQ, a Fan Art Website, inspired by OCR   
    wow..the thread got down..hope its okay i revive it
    Not only was a lot done layout and design wise, content was added a ton too but a new Fan Art project (the third one) is on the way too, since its Street Fighter`s 25th Anniversary i organized a fan art tribute project like no other before.
    Not less than 214 Artists will be invovled if everything works.
    113 artists signed up already
    90 Street Fighter Characters from SF I up to SFXT (Poison Kiss) will be drawn by 2 artists each.
    8 SF Characters will be drawn with a gender redesign /change
    8 SF characters will be drawn 10-20 years older
    5 "epic" battles are displayed by 10 artists, battles like SF Alpha Ryu vs Ken, Adon vs Sagat, Karin vs Sakura etc
    I have around 20 entries already, the project starts officially on februar 12.2012
    The first tribute i organized which was about Mortal kombat is nearly complete, 79 of 80 characters were drawn, the last one should arrive this week http://www.game-art-hq.com/the-mortal-kombat-immortal-fan-art-project/
    The second project was about boss characters of fighting games, it was a great success, around 50 artists draw over 80 images. even katsuhiro Harada, the producer of Tekken saw and complimented it a while ago on twitter http://www.game-art-hq.com/a-tribute-to-the-boss-round-1-fighting-games/
  21. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to GBK666 in Game Art HQ, a Fan Art Website, inspired by OCR   
    Hello, first of all i hope its okay to write about an own website here..i ve read the rules but didnt see a part about it

    About 4 Months ago i started the project "Game-Art-HQ.Com"
    It was and is my target to make a platform for chosen fan art related to video games of a certain quality, just like it happens here with the judged remixes. Its in a whole a different system there, i dont have something like a jury, i alone ask artists which made fan art if i can feature their works ..so for now it totaly depends on my own opinion if someones works appear on GA-HQ or not

    The next inspiration i had from OCR were the Projects
    I know ocr since now nearly ten years and visited the forum often to see the progresses of the remix project forums and loved the idea that many artists worked on a big thing.
    Thats something i tried with a fana rt tribute project now for the Mortal Kombat games,

    i made a list of 80 playable and unplayable characters from the MK game series, these could be claimed by artists..but only one character per artist..since 03.10 all 80 characters were claimed..over 50 entries are submitted to the project already
    The Project can be seen here http://www.game-art-hq.com/the-mortal-kombat-immortal-fan-art-project/ i am sure MK is not everyone`s thing and there is a second project for boss characters of fighting games already
    There is a lot more, like official released artworks from the game companys, screenshots, cosplay galleries.. a few interviews and reviews

    Every artist or cosplayer i feature on ga-hq was asked for the permission to do that and always gets a link to his prefered website..other website admins just copy and use what they see often, i instead try to work with the artists and make it a win/win/win situation in the form of visitors for both parties and fans which like to see good fan art
    Thanks a lot DJPretzel and everyone else who build up this awesome community
  22. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Light_of_Aether in Chrono Trigger - Secret of the Forest - Soundscape Cover   
    Thank you very much for the feedback! I appreciate it. Below is the "final" version of my soundscape cover (I added forest sounds).
    "Final" Version: https://soundcloud.com/willpisani/chrono-trigger-secret-of-the-forest
    What do you think?
  23. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to GSO in "Pieces of Courage" A Link to The Past Project (ONE TRACK LEFT)   
    hey Rhino, might want to change this thread from Recruiting to Album art or Closed or something. just a suggestion. 
  24. Like
    TheChargingRhino reacted to Liontamer in Tim Follin: Dirge for the Follin - Musician Recruitment   
    Community recruitment threads: VGMix / OneUp Studios / Remix.Kwed.Org & AMIGAremix / The Shizz / OverLooked ReMiX / VGMusic / 2A03

    Tim Follin's homepage: http://www.timfollin.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/
    Tim Follin's near-complete discography: http://wiki.sotw.info/index.php?title=User:Liontamer/Dirge_for_the_Follin/Follin_Discography
    Tim Follin @ OC ReMix: http://www.ocremix.org/composer/id/70/
    Tim Follin @ Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tim_Follin
    Tim Follin @ MobyGames: http://www.mobygames.com/developer/sheet/view/developerId,56818/
    Tim Follin @ MusicBrainz: http://www.musicbrainz.org/artist/bc709fb2-d4a9-4c93-89c4-e136792d6b40.html
    Tim Follin music hosting project: http://www.gamingforce.com/forums/general-game-music-discussion/17448-follin-project-discussion.html

    Browsing around the old GamingForce Audio forums last year, I learned that Tim Follin decided to stop composing music for video games, citing the inability to make a steady income from VGM compositions. Those of you familiar with Follin's work in video game music know the man is an exemplary artist.
    Even before I specifically knew who he was, music of Follin's from Spider-Man & The X-Men for the SNES caught my attention, followed by other games like Silver Surfer, Solstice, Treasure Master, and Plok! Stepping up beyond the sound limitations of older game systems and working with real-sounding instrumentation, his work and his creativity continues to be impressive.
    Song of the Week staffers and friends Kaleb Grace and 'Ili "CHz" Butterfield were talking about Follin's decision when Kaleb came up with the idea of doing a tribute remix project of Follin's work. Damn good idea, as there are a lot of people who are fans of his work. If you're a fan of Follin's music, join up and let's make a tribute.
    We're gonna make this pretty simple. This is a community-wide project, very Hands Across America. Any talented artists that are interested are open to join up: OCR, VGMix, OUS, DoD/TheShizz, OLR, R:K:O, AMIGAremix, VGMusic, 2A03, hell even some doujins, everybody. No one is disallowed from participating due to any history you have with anyone else; all are welcome with me. If you have some internet drama that prevents you from participating, fuck you in advance!
    The only standards involved here are to produce quality music. Provided a bunch of you don't somehow pick the same material, any track originally written/composed by Tim Follin, video game or non-video game, is fair game for you to choose within this project. Aside from mere ports he's done of others' tunes, pick anything. We'll be checking to make sure whatever you pick was written or at least arranged by Follin, so provide specifics here on what you're choosing as soon as you know. Stuff that happens to be written by Tim's younger brother Geoff Follin is fine as well.
    The quality control will be fairly strict. If I don't know you, I'll ask to hear samples of your recent work or research you myself. If you're not completely capable of what you're doing and aren't a solid artist in the community yet, I will tell you point blank here that you likely don't qualify, and you likely shouldn't waste your time trying to participate. With that said, collaborations are heavily encouraged. Tracks featuring live instrumentation are also heavily encouraged, as Follin wished he knew how to play real instruments.
    There will be no WIP deadlines; whoever's going to come through will come through. We are shooting for at least 80 minutes worth of music and a minimum of 12 tracks, preferably 20 or more arrangements.
    We've got a near-full discography of Tim Follin's work here in order to help anyone who may need to look around to find material to arrange. Even if you're unfamiliar with his work, chances are you will find something of his that appeals to you. In the meantime, you are more than welcome to post your interest in the thread here and let people know what you'll be doing. Provided you guys come through, there are other plans for this project that will be put into motion.
    On behalf of co-directors CHz & Kaleb Grace, speaking to anyone and everyone from around the world who contributes, thank you in advance for your participation.
    Take a look at Tim Follin's near-complete discography: http://wiki.sotw.info/index.php?title=User:Liontamer/Dirge_for_the_Follin/Follin_Discography
    Play the music in Winamp with these plug-ins:

    Amiga/MOD & Spectrum/AY - http://www.deliplayer.com/dlredir.php?obj=dp2 (STANDALONE PLAYER)
    C64/SID, Gameboy/GBS, Genesis/VGZ, NES/NSF, SNES/SPC(RSN) - http://www.chipamp.org/ (Plug-in bundle)

    In-progress tracklist:

    1. Ryan8bit - Solstice, Title Theme - "Catacombs Beneath the Twilight" - http://dod.vgmix.com/past/janfeb06/
    2. Xoc - Magic Johnson's Fast Break & Super Off-Road - complete, but private until release by Jason's request
    3. Binster - Ghouls'n Ghosts (C64), subtune 10 - "Poltergeist Mix" - http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01478/
    4. Romeo Knight - Bionic Commando (C64), subtune 5 - "64 Bacardis" - http://www.remix64.com/tune_312000.html
    5. Makke - Qix medley - "Baggy Pants Mix" - http://remix.kwed.org/download.php/3137/Makke%20-%20Qix%20%28Baggy%20Pants%20Mix%29.mp3
    6. The Orichalcon - Pictionary, Track 3 ("Let's Draw a Picture") - "Person, Place or Groove?" - http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01548/
    7. Ryan8bit - Target Renegade, medley - "The Fuzz Scuffle" - http://dod.vgmix.com/past/jul06/
    ***Bonus/Previously-created: Shnabubula - Solstice, NSF track 2 - "Pegasus Boots" - http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01405/

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    TheChargingRhino reacted to Liontamer in OC ReMix presents Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger!   
    OC ReMix presents Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger!
    August 22, 2016
    Contact: press@ocremix.org
    FAIRFAX, VA... OverClocked ReMix today released its 60th arrangement album, Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger. Coinciding with today's 21st anniversary of Chrono Trigger in North America, the album pays tribute to Chrono Trigger, released by Square in 1995 for the SNES. Featuring eight vibrant arrangements from the OC Jazz Collective, Chronology is directed by OC ReMixer, multi-instrumentalist, and arranger Dylan "Wiesty" Wiest, and is available for free download at http://chronology.ocremix.org.
    Chronology includes a deep roster of jazz musicians honoring Yasunori Mitsuda and Nobuo Uematsu's timeless soundtrack in the Chrono series by arranging several themes for improvisational jazz. Chronology was made by fans, for fans, and is not affiliated with or endorsed by Square Enix; all original compositions are copyright their respective owners.
    "I was able to assemble my own 'dream team' of musicians and arrangers on OC ReMix who all shared a passion for jazz and video game music. I felt Chrono Trigger would be an ideal candidate for our first release given [...] the fact that Mitsuda's music lends itself so well to jazz and improvisation," recalled director Dylan Wiest. Speaking to the format and end result of the album, Wiest explained, "Jazz is a social music best captured in the moment... and while the production process of this album was anything but 'in the moment,' I think the album's sound and cohesiveness will speak for itself."
    The album's cover artwork was designed by Andrew "OA" Luers, who also created the visuals for OC ReMix's Final Fantasy VI: Balance and Ruin album, which raised over $153,000 via Kickstarter in 2013. Supplementing Luers' cover artwork are nine visual art pieces from several artists depicting Chrono Trigger's various eras from Prehistory to the End of Time.
    "The musicians and artists on this album have put in countless hours of practice and recording to produce an album which I think sounds authentic and natural," observed Wiest, who steps forward with his first OC ReMix directorial effort by assembling and leading the OC Jazz Collective. Also featured alongside the OC Jazz Collective are the Triplepoint Trio of Doug Perry, Sam Suggs, and Jonny Allen, formed at the prestigious Yale School of Music. Weist added, "It has been an honour getting to know and work with these talented artists from different parts of the world. Each of them brings their own unique sound and nuances to the album and without each and every one of them this album would not have been possible. I hope that our devotion to detail will be apparent in the music and that you will enjoy Chronology: A Jazz Tribute to Chrono Trigger."
    Chronology marks OC ReMix's second Chrono Trigger album dedicated to a specific musical style, following 2006's Chrono Symphonic, which focused on symphonic and orchestral arrangements. The album is also OC ReMix's second dedicated to live instruments following Sebastian Freij's 2015 project, Seven Songs for Seventh Saga, featuring Freij arranging and performing music from Japanese RPG The 7th Saga for cello trio.
    About OverClocked ReMix
    Founded in 1999, OverClocked ReMix is an organization dedicated to the appreciation and promotion of video game music as an art form. Its primary focus is ocremix.org, a website featuring thousands of free fan arrangements, information on game music and composers, resources for aspiring artists, and a thriving community of video game music fans.
    Download Chronology: http://chronology.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Chronology_-_A_Jazz_Tribute_to_Chrono_Trigger.torrent Comments/Reviews: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/44200-/ Preview Chronology: http://youtu.be/3wiyaNlffwY
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